- Comment on Paris votes whether to hit SUVs with eye-popping parking costs in latest green drive before Olympics 1 year ago:
It’s stupid to just target SUVs. I’m not anti-SUV at all but all they need to do is give you a fine if you don’t park inside the lines alongside the street. If your car doesn’t fit then too bad.
- Comment on Why did we give up on insulation? 1 year ago:
In Texas we had a big freeze a few years ago and much of the state lost power. My house only got down to the 60s when it was well below freezing outside with no power inside.
- Comment on The three-year cruise is canceled 1 year ago:
Doesn’t seem that bad to me. It’s not like they’re the only ones on the ship.
- Comment on Italian anti-mafia writer Roberto Saviano fined €1000 for calling PM Giorgia Meloni a 'bastard' 1 year ago:
Classic Europe
- Comment on Let your dreams be memes 1 year ago:
There’s plenty of engineers that are bad at math and science. They just worked hard to get where they are (or they got lucky).
- Comment on Microsoft Edge could use a win 1 year ago:
I continue to use Firefox because I started using it a while ago and would rather not switch. I have to use Edge for school and it’s legitimately equal to Firefox in many ways. With Bing AI added, Edge blows Firefox out of the water.
- Comment on Voter ID in England led to racial and disability discrimination, report finds 1 year ago:
Voting requires you to be legally allowed to vote. This just makes it easier to verify who can and cannot vote.
- Comment on Voter ID in England led to racial and disability discrimination, report finds 1 year ago:
The UK has driver’s license so why not voter ID?
- Comment on Andrew Tate prosecution files reveal graphic claims of coercion ahead of trial 1 year ago:
Who’s that supposed to represent
- Comment on Parents used to warn their kids that literature would rot their brains. Then it was the radio, TV, and video games. Now it's TikTok. 1 year ago:
Just so you know, newspapers used to be pretty terrible in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. They were ripe with exaggerations and sometimes downright lies. The issue with TikTok and social media in general is how easy it is for absolute idiots to spread lies and harmful information to children (and naïve adults).
Here’s an article on the topic from the New York Public Library.
- Comment on Close to half of American adults favor TikTok ban, Reuters/Ipsos poll shows 1 year ago:
Gotta pump those numbers up
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 4 comments