- Comment on Sid Meier’s Civilization VII - Gameplay Reveal Trailer 6 months ago:
Ah, there’s the catch and confusion. Not required for single player but required for multi, I guess? Not sure how others play Civ but that’s not gonna affect me. I’ve only ever played these games solo besides a very rare duo game.
- Comment on Sid Meier’s Civilization VII - Gameplay Reveal Trailer 6 months ago:
It doesn’t. They mentioned there would be a unique skin for Napoleon if you signed up but it didn’t sound required.
- Comment on Labour MPs begin quitting X over ‘hate and disinformation’ 6 months ago:
I think the distributed nature of Mastodon keeps government control from being an issue. It would be kind of cool as a space for citizens to ask for assistance or air grievances while giving the politicians an officially owned space for things like announcements.
- Comment on ‘Fallout: London’ Sets GOG Record, Gets Hotfixes In Big Update 6 months ago:
Not really. Most large story DLCs for any Bethesda game require all expansions. I suspect it’s for assets, but I would also just pick the largest use case (and already owning the expansions most certainly is the largest use case) and say it’s a requirement also, so I’m not chasing down edge cases for people all day. Just the rough math of releasing something you have to support afterwards.
- Comment on YSK most US states assign their electoral college votes by the state's popular vote 6 months ago:
Hey, that’s a neat image. I’ve seen other ways of visualizing the popular vote on a map but this one looks wonky as hell and I like it.
- Comment on The 1.0 release for 7 Days to Die is finally here 7 months ago:
I haven’t looked but no way they’re removing perks. They’re too enmeshed into the game design.
- Comment on Security Firm Discovers Remote Worker Is Really a North Korean Hacker 7 months ago:
They didn’t do one in this case, but I have heard stories of these sorts of malicious actors paying people stateside or elsewhere to take the video interviews. I’ve had to do ID checks on video in recent-ish interviews.
- Comment on No Man's Sky - Worlds Part I is out now and drastically transforms the planets 7 months ago:
Absolutely! There’s always a tradeoff though and some segment of the gaming population will be turned off, which is fair. I personally love the lonely feeling of NMS.
- Comment on No Man's Sky - Worlds Part I is out now and drastically transforms the planets 7 months ago:
As someone who felt the same for a long time, it’s partially fixed but partially still that loop. They’ve added a lot of variety to that loop also with the last few updates. It definitely adds a bit of life, not so much on the emotion.
- Comment on USA | Alito Says SCOTUS Should Push Nation Toward “Godliness” in Secret Recording 8 months ago:
I really wish it did, but the constitution does not contain that phrase. It does contain “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion” (the establishment clause) but “separation of church and state” comes from a letter written by Thomas Jefferson.
- Comment on Next Battlefield game will have “connected” multiplayer and single-player offerings, made by series’ biggest team yet 9 months ago:
I agree. I’ve played a few matches of 2142(?) over the time since it’s been released and it’s gotten to an okay state. I know a lot of different people raged at various points of them, but I had tons of fun with the dev cycles of 4/1/V. They were just fun at the core, even when DICE was doing something dumb with the loop messed up a weapon or whatever. This one just falls flat after a few matches.
- Comment on Next Battlefield game will have “connected” multiplayer and single-player offerings, made by series’ biggest team yet 9 months ago:
I would be happy just having a playable battlefield game guys…
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 10 months ago:
Oh, oh! I have a more recent example of a cringy militant atheist now, do you need a link? Here ya go.
- Comment on House Passes Bill That Defines Criticism of Israel as “Antisemitism” 10 months ago:
Totally agree, thanks to you as well!
- Comment on House Passes Bill That Defines Criticism of Israel as “Antisemitism” 10 months ago:
I’m with you that the primary purpose of this bill is to chill speech. It could have been useful in less charged times but there is zero possibility of passing anything like this without the current zeitgeist interfering in either direction. Regardless, I just cannot agree with your interpretation here. In the current landscape, the hypothetical arguments you presented don’t follow logic that a court would follow.
Accusing Israel of apartheid is not the same as the wording of the text, which is to assert that the existence of Israel itself is racist. Saying Israel did something that Nazi Germany did is not drawing a comparison in the same way that me saying you breathe air is not comparing you to Hitler. I would have to assert “you are like Hitler because you breathe air like he did” to draw a comparison.
I also cannot get down with “they said ‘but not limited to’ so it could literally be anything”. That’s standard boilerplate stuff that is only saying the definition cannot explicitly list every example of antisemitic behavior. It’s not meant to stretch the definition out.
Frankly, I think this bill is dumb. It’s obviously meant as a deterrent for pro-Palestinian voices. The danger in this bill will be in the implementation and enforcement. However, I don’t see anything inherently wrong with the definition of antisemitism used by the bill.
- Comment on House Passes Bill That Defines Criticism of Israel as “Antisemitism” 10 months ago:
Sorry, that “explicit” was referring to another page from the same source I saw referenced elsewhere in regards to this bill. I’ll retract that unless I can find it again.
Are the legal experts saying your examples above would be a violation? Do you have a link to that? If you are referring to the linked article, I’m not sure I’m seeing these two examples listed. Again, just want to emphasize I’m with yall on the bill here. I just want to actually understand and discuss the limits that might be applied here.
- Comment on House Passes Bill That Defines Criticism of Israel as “Antisemitism” 10 months ago:
I don’t believe it would be, actually? Both of your examples do not resemble any of the listed sub-items. Holding all Jewish people responsible for those items would be antisemitic, but they do also explicitly mention that any criticism that could be leveled at another state is valid. Comparing them to the Nazis is a no go, but it sounds as if you can accuse the state of Israel of apartheid or genocide and that is still not antisemitism under this bill.
To be clear, I am opposed to this law and believe it will have a chilling effect on speech. I just don’t think your examples above would be in violation.
- Comment on Wall Street has spent billions buying homes. A crackdown is looming. 10 months ago:
I would say that it aligns with a broad view of conservatives but not so much the conservative tradition in America, which has historically been fairly libertarian in their approach to the market. Regardless your reply makes sense, so I appreciate it. Sounds like one of those rare items of alignment between our political factions!
- Comment on Wall Street has spent billions buying homes. A crackdown is looming. 10 months ago:
I guess my question to the OP and any other conservatives here (which I am not, to be up front) is: why is this something you want to solve? I don’t see how regulating this would be in line with conservative principles at all. Wouldn’t the conservative approach to be trusting the free market to eventually right any wrongs brought about?
- Comment on Game of Thrones reportedly has an MMO in the works, nearly a decade after the last one was cancelled 10 months ago:
The first part is not something I’m going to lay at the feet of this genre. Every category has them and it can be done fairly or poorly by any game, really.
I’m with you on the second part. Can you even design a game that empowers the player while every other player shares an almost identical story and you are seeing that all the time? Again, ludonarrative dissonance in the extreme and that’s not something most players can swallow. That’s that theme park-y feeling.
I think if the right game was made with clever instancing, something to appeal to all the subcategories of MMO players, and a pricing structure that isn’t unfair in today’s landscape, it could work. Who wants to volunteer to make and risk that though when you can make something magnitudes cheaper and more likely to make money?
- Comment on Game of Thrones reportedly has an MMO in the works, nearly a decade after the last one was cancelled 10 months ago:
There are even huge fractures inside that community. You have the intense raiders who want an extremely refined and tuned endgame, the pvp people who just want this refined competitive experience and finely balanced classes, and then you have the more casual story and exploration players like me. Striking a balance between these three is nigh impossible and has killed otherwise fun MMOs with cool new ideas. RIP Wildstar, we hardly knew ye.
- Comment on Game of Thrones reportedly has an MMO in the works, nearly a decade after the last one was cancelled 10 months ago:
It’ll depend on how much influence he has. He consulted on Elden Ring and I think his touch can be felt in the fucked up family dynamics of the story there, but he was limited in involvement. I don’t think GRRM will be the limiting factor here anyway.
- Comment on Game of Thrones reportedly has an MMO in the works, nearly a decade after the last one was cancelled 10 months ago:
I’ll set aside the theme and tackle the format instead. Is there really an audience for MMORPGs anymore? It was a deadly space to enter when WoW was in its prime. I’m not so sure the MMORPG even “died” as much as slowly diffused into every other genre as live-service capabilities began to spin up. These massive worlds where everyone shares the same story just don’t feel right without a strong ludonarrative dissonance, as opposed to most games that make you the exclusive hero. Sandbox MMOs, on the flip side, rarely have any staying power or purpose. It’s just a really hard design space, in my opinion, when other genres now have all the same benefits of letting you seamlessly play with strangers or friends en masse, without the limitations or side effects of having a single shared world.
Rambling thoughts for discussion. Also I love MMORPGs, to be clear. I just wouldn’t want to be in the business of making one after about 2010.
- Comment on IBM to buy HashiCorp in $6.4 billion deal to expand cloud software 10 months ago:
I hope that gets to the point where major players are able and willing to use it. I only have so much sway with my clients when it comes to tooling choice and open source options can be hard to sell to some enterprises until they hit a certain proliferation point.
- Comment on IBM to buy HashiCorp in $6.4 billion deal to expand cloud software 10 months ago:
Most of my clients were not impacted by that change, since it was more related to building Terraform-adjacent tooling and not so much products built with Terraform. I was not a fan, but it didn’t necessarily kill it as an option for me. This though… IBM will absolutely fuck this up.
- Comment on IBM to buy HashiCorp in $6.4 billion deal to expand cloud software 10 months ago:
Oh christ, there goes Terraform… That really sucks.
- Comment on No, TikTok Is Not ‘Programmable Fentanyl.’ Stop It 10 months ago:
The outrage against TikTok, even a chunk of the privacy concerns, are 100% moral panic. The way people argue against it is the exact same way parents argued against video games, televisions, cars, or literally anything an older generation does not understand the appeal of to a younger generation. It’s been beyond disappointing to watch the millennial generation perpetuate the cycle, even if I should have expected it.
The number one concern I see is “it’s shortening their attention spans!” and that’s just the biggest pile of nonsense. Teens have short attention spans and you’re not one anymore, so you should stop judging the behaviors of the younger generation from your current behavior. Hell, Vine was more conducive to short attention spans and I didn’t see anywhere near the levels of outrage.
- Comment on Study: Social media don't displace in-person hangouts for teens 10 months ago:
Or, maybe it was never quite so bad as we all believed? There is no doubt that the internet and social media impacted all of our lives and routines drastically, but I think some of the impacts of social media are exaggerated by layfolk just reacting to how they feel about it. There are tons of great studies showing its impact to the mental state of children and we have to work on that, but I don’t think it has entirely uprooted the childhood experience. Just my two cents.
- Comment on Slay the Princess’ endgame is now bigger and stranger with more choices and over 3000 words of new dialogue 11 months ago:
Awesome! Thanks for entertaining my questions :)
- Comment on Slay the Princess’ endgame is now bigger and stranger with more choices and over 3000 words of new dialogue 11 months ago:
It comes off as a very advanced/fancy “choose your own adventure” book. Is that accurate?