- Comment on Whatever happened to racing games 4 months ago:
Wreckfest is made in a very very similar vein if not the same studio iirc
- Comment on These AI generated pics are becoming impossible to spot 8 months ago:
Achtually Wolverine can’t bend his wrists
- Comment on What are you playing this week? May 06 2024 Edition 9 months ago:
Picked up a physical copy of Kirby AirRide this past weekend, what a unique game! Having never played it before but hearing friends hype it up I can say it’s well worth the larger price tag. Been having a blast and looking forward to grinding the time trials
- Comment on What's your favorite game you played this year? (Doesn't have to be released this year ) 1 year ago:
Sludge Life. Was such a fun little world with a killer art style. Has some really funny moments in it. I saw there were achievements for different endings so I may go back to it at some point to and try for those. Oh and a cool OST to go along with it
- Comment on Are BLUFFS attacks still a vulnerability to the average Bluetooth user? 1 year ago:
Thanks for responding, I don’t necessarily have any risk, but just didn’t want to open myself up to anything since I didn’t quite understand what information could be taken. Better safe than sorry approach you know?
But good to know that in being selective in permissions can mitigate some issues. I worry about a few family members who are not tech literate at all and use rail travel for work that puts them around people in masse and frivolously give permissions to their devices in different vehicles.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 3 comments
- Comment on Best of both worlds 1 year ago:
Awesome, thank you. I hadn’t experienced any issues even with my PC plugged into it from time to time. Definitely won’t be getting rid of it any time soon, daily driver till it kaputs.
- Comment on Best of both worlds 1 year ago:
The manual says type a. I am curious I haven’t heard of this issue before
- Comment on Best of both worlds 1 year ago:
I have a Toshiba crt with HDMI and everything before, I don’t know what I’ll do when it dies.
- Comment on What games can you recommend that didn't get the appreciation that they deserved? 1 year ago:
Love Bedlam! Picked it up on some dirt cheap sale a while ago and was pleasantly surprised at how much fun it was.
- Comment on Ford lays off 600 workers at plant targeted by UAW strike 1 year ago:
I believe if it’s an unsanctioned wildcat strike they can fire without it being retaliation, but if it’s a strike backed by the NLRB they have to prove it isn’t retaliation and I don’t think the days gone by an official strike counts here. I could be wrong but that is what I remember about wildcat strike differences
- Comment on What hobbies did you pick up during the pandemic and have you been able to keep them up? 1 year ago:
Id recommend the next step would be CRT(the old tube tvs) repair! So many are tossed every day where most just need a simple tube swap or alignment.
They are big dangerous things though so definitely read up and study up so you don’t get fried or seriously injured.
They add a lot to the old game systems and harm the enviorment from improper dispoal. Save a CRT 💚
- Comment on Are you holding off on any game in particular right now? 1 year ago:
Dark and Darker, it’s out on Chaff games but with their legal troubles I’m not sure I wanna give them my money and risk the game getting taken down again.