- Comment on El Salvador police chief dies in helicopter crash 5 months ago:
- Comment on Thoughts? 1 year ago:
- Comment on What else do you think they do during those long haul warps? 1 year ago:
If anyone is looking to replay Red Alert I strongly recommend trying out the Mental Omega mod. It’s an asbolutely massive expansion that does a better job than poor attempts at sequels.
- Comment on Banksy Encourages Fans to Shoplift From Guess Since Company 'Helped Themselves to My Artwork Without Asking’ 1 year ago:
I don’t like people breaking the law
I do
- Comment on Banksy Encourages Fans to Shoplift From Guess Since Company 'Helped Themselves to My Artwork Without Asking’ 1 year ago:
lmao good bit
- Comment on Banksy Encourages Fans to Shoplift From Guess Since Company 'Helped Themselves to My Artwork Without Asking’ 1 year ago:
HAHAHAHAHAHA fuck off mate
- Comment on Banksy Encourages Fans to Shoplift From Guess Since Company 'Helped Themselves to My Artwork Without Asking’ 1 year ago:
Because it existed as a community with 200k+ users on reddit until reddit banned it. Everything that gets pushed off reddit will find a home elsewhere, and as long as it’s not hate it should be embraced for the growth of the platform.
- Comment on Banksy Encourages Fans to Shoplift From Guess Since Company 'Helped Themselves to My Artwork Without Asking’ 1 year ago:
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 1 comment
- Comment on Suddenly seeing more hexbear posts. Did we re-federate with them? 1 year ago:
I think morality is just not a very useful metric for discussing what states do because none of them are moral, ever. “We’re doing [thing] for justice!” is 100% propaganda 100% of the time. It was propaganda when the US said it about invading Iraq and it’s propaganda when warhawks say it about Ukraine defending itself. Their real motivations of american policy makers are throwing ukrainian people into a meat grinder because they want to see russia harmed for global competition reasons.
If we want to talk morality. The only moral thing to advocate for is the shortest possible path to the lowest possible number of lives lost. The quickest end to the war. The liberals claim Russia want to genocide all of ukraine because they know that if they drop this claim they have no way to continue the war, because continuing the war by keeping them armed only costs lives for an unwinnable meatgrinder.
Advocating for the continuation of the war is immoral. It will cost tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands more lives, will not be won, and for what? Lines on a map? We’re socialists, we don’t care about which bourgeoise state exploits the people, we care about the people. Choosing to advocate for an action that continues the war is just nationalism, the act of defending a bourgeois-state at the cost of lives. We don’t want to spend those lives. We’re not cheerleaders for one group of billionaires (the west) or another group of billionaire capitalists (russia) having their rule over the ukrainian people or russian people. We ultimately want them both gone and want the people to no longer be exploited. In the meantime we want the least harm. The least harm in a war is the shortest end to that war, not dragging it out as long as possible for the highest number of deaths possible.
And that’s it really. That’s what I think about any argument over “morality” in this war.
- Comment on Suddenly seeing more hexbear posts. Did we re-federate with them? 1 year ago:
Russia is totally justified in Ukraine
Nobody said any such thing.
China isn’t doing anything to the Uyghurs in Xinjiang.
Not anymore no. They were running re-education centres that had mandatory stayover Mon-Fri, return home on weekends. Those all closed literally 2 years ago now but liberals still scream about it.
They were saying that north Korea is a lovely democracy
DPRK positions are generally quite critical and measured when it’s socialists discussing with other socialists. However when a liberal comes in with all their propaganda and brainworms though you get the unironic stanning because it’s practically a waste of time having the conversation. If you wanted the measured and mature conversation about it you’d first have to demonstrate genuine willingness to learn and engage with intent to learn, most liberals are incapable of this and want to talk about haircuts or how the entire country is somehow one big play pretend show put on purely for white western liberals and actually things are so bad because they unironically believe the propaganda from defectors making up absurd stories like they have to push the trains because you lot actively want to believe anything you’re told.
I’d have the measured conversation about it, but I seriously do not think your response to this will be mature or academic enough for it.
- Comment on Suddenly seeing more hexbear posts. Did we re-federate with them? 1 year ago:
Absolute chad gigachad-hd
- Comment on Suddenly seeing more hexbear posts. Did we re-federate with them? 1 year ago:
Why would you vote on whether or not Hexbear decides to federate?
SJW federates with everyone and then defederates from things that are a problem. SJW isn’t the one taking any action here, it is Hexbears decision to turn on federation, SJW has done nothing that required voting on.
- Comment on plans for mitigating image upload abuse 1 year ago:
Not really. We’ve had forums that literally allow you to post to them without even signing up with an account. Without being a “user” at all. This isn’t about “checking” anyone, it’s simply about limiting its ability to be used as a troll tool below the point at which it becomes too tedious to bother. At that point you have eliminated 99% of it.
This CSAM poster is 1 single person among hundreds of thousands. Making it too tedious to perform eliminates them along with the problem entirely.
- Comment on plans for mitigating image upload abuse 1 year ago:
Forums have existed on the internet forever and you’re overlooking the fact that forums have already dealt with this thousands of times.
Simply limit image uploads to a certain account age threshold and karma threshold and you will eliminate 99% of the ability to abuse this.
- Comment on Image uploads are now disabled on due to malicious users 1 year ago:
It depends entirely upon how it is obtained.
Generally you are correct that a certain level of worth is unobtainable without being a horrible human but not always. As I said, there are many athletes who are working class despite earning many tens of millions.
I very much consider Muhammed Ali a revolutionary comrade for example.
You should focus less on their total income and more on how it is made. Class is what matters, and while class generally forms along the lines of rich vs poor this is a reductive simplification of marxist thought.
- Comment on Image uploads are now disabled on due to malicious users 1 year ago:
Which ones? There are plenty of rich working class people that I consider comrades. The issue we socialists have isn’t income, the issue is class, which is quite different.
Your class is determined not by your income but by how you receive your income. A working class person makes their income by selling their labour to a member of the bourgeoisie (capital-owner), whereas a member of the bourgeoisie makes their income by stealing the surplus labour from a member of the working class.
There are working class people that can make quite a bit of money. Athletes and actors for example. Although in many cases once people make that kind of money they also become bourgeoisie by investing it in passive income such as landlording or stocks, that is not true of all of them and is very much something that should not be assumed.
- Comment on Image uploads are now disabled on due to malicious users 1 year ago:
Say something that isn’t vague and useless then.
- Comment on Image uploads are now disabled on due to malicious users 1 year ago:
“I’m scared of having my political illiteracy exposed and dunked on so I only ever write intentionally vague responses.” smuglord
- Comment on Image uploads are now disabled on due to malicious users 1 year ago:
political compass
Anyone that uses this to navigate politics is themselves politically illiterate.
- Comment on Image uploads are now disabled on due to malicious users 1 year ago:
If you’re concerned about legal liability I think it’s worth noting that there is some protection for websites in this matter. For the most part as long as you’re taking “reasonable action” against it you’re not liable, and that most laws take into consideration the resources of the site dealing with the uploads.
Not pleasant for users though of course. And the speed at which its handled is obviously a concern.
- Comment on Hexbear federation megathread 1 year ago:
This is historical revisionism. The soviets did absolutely everything they could to try and convince France and the UK to take action against Hitler but they were hoping Hitler would attack the USSR.
The ACTUAL historic timeline is like this:
1: The United States Bourgeoisie bankrolled the rise of fascism in Europe.
2: The bourgeois leaders of England, France, Poland, Finland and other Western European nations either ignored, enabled, or appeased Hitler’s worst behavior in the buildup to WW2.
3: The bourgeois leaders of these countries, England in particular, pushed for disastrous bilateral security arrangements which created a domino effect leading to war, while ignoring the USSR’s suggestion of collective, anti-fascist security arrangements.
4: The bourgeois leaders of these countries pursued a policy not of containing fascist aggression, but of diplomatically isolating the USSR, in the hopes that Hitler would go East and carry out an anti-communist genocide on their behalf.
5: The bourgeois leaders of these countries, having ignored or stalled collective security proposals from the USSR, actively made bilateral non-aggression pacts with Hitler before Molotov-Ribbentrop was signed, making the USSR the last in a long line of nations to sign non-aggression pacts with Hitler, after the USSR’s collective security proposals fell through.
6: The USSR only signed Molotov-Ribbentrop to buy time. The USSR only invaded East Poland to prevent a German front from forming right at the Soviet border. This is because attempts to make mutual security arrangements with Poland fell through. The Soviets only moved into the region after the existing government had literally fled the country, leaving it ungoverned. 2 million jews in eastern poland were saved from the nazis by this action.
7: The USSR tried to purchase a strategic corridor of land from Finland that the nazis could easily use to invade the USSR. The USSR not only wanted to legally purchase this land from Finland, but to trade Finland more acres of land in exchange. i.e. an asymmetrical trade that would have ultimately benefited Finland. Finland refused because the fascist leadership of Finland wanted to see Germany invade the USSR through this strategic corridor. This led directly to the Winter War. The Finnish lost the winter war but used their intelligence that they gathered during it to collaborate with the nazis.
8: When the North Atlantic allies finally teamed up with USSR after their strategy of appeasing Hitler backfired, they immediately attempted to make asymmetrical security arrangements that would have obligated the USSR to commit far more troops and resources to the war than any other ally, essentially using the USSR as a shield against the very fascist powers they had spent the better part of a decade appeasing. The British in particular kept stalling on arrangements and pretending to be confused.
9: When the war was over the North Atlantic allies, led by the USA, who came out of the war richer than any other country on Earth, immediately committed to rehabilitating nazis, blaming the USSR, who was decimated by the war, for causing the war, and created NATO to begin encircling the USSR, 6 years before the creation of the Warsaw pact.
10: The North Atlantic allies immediately set to using the Marshall plan to rebuild the fascist German, Italian, and Japanese economies, indebting them to the United States, and orienting them towards anti-communist policy.
11: The North Atlantic allies to tried to use the Marshall plan as a proto-IMF to privatize and deregulate the economy of the war-torn USSR, and open it up to foreign capital. That the USSR rejected this was framed as aggression and used as a justification for beginning the cold war.
But hey, don’t just take my word for it, or this rough outline of what is contained in well regarded books (I implore you to read some). How about we read Albert Einstein’s words spoken at the time these events actually occurred?
A lot to unpack in this speech but the basics of what Einstein says are:
The USSR made all efforts to stop the war happening.
The western powers(UK, France, US, etc) shut the USSR out of European discussions and betrayed Czechoslovakia.
Molotov-Ribbentrop was an unhappy last resort that they were driven to, that the western powers were attempting to drive the nazis into attacking the USSR and that’s why they would not help the USSR stop them.
The USSR supported everyone while the other powers (UK, France, US, etc) strengthened the nazis and Japanese.
The appointment of Hitler as Germany’s chancellor general, as well as the rising threat from Japan, led to important changes in Soviet foreign policy. Oriented toward Germany since the treaty of Locarno (1925) and the treaty of Special Relations with Berlin (1926), the Kremlin now moved in the opposite direction by trying to establish closer ties with France and Britain to isolate the growing Nazi threat. This policy became known as “collective security” and was associated with Maxim Litvinov, the Soviet foreign minister at the time. The pursuit of collective security lasted approximately as long as he held that position. Japan’s war with China took some pressure off of Russia by allowing it to focus its diplomatic efforts on relations with Europe.
- Comment on Hexbear federation megathread 1 year ago:
They use their supposed support of LGBT rights
This is fucking offensive. You’re telling me that I and thousands of others are faking being trans or gay? You realise how this comes across right? Vile.
- Comment on Hexbear federation megathread 1 year ago:
Come chat to us more then.
- Comment on Hexbear federation megathread 1 year ago:
A long winded manifesto justifying mass state executions for political enemies.
Oh my god I thought you wanted to act in good faith.
I literally just showed you that the description of what we want to do is literally already what states currently do, what Berlin has voted to do and will soon carry out. If you don’t understand that the only difference here is the choice of language then I urge you to re-read what I wrote, many times. I have nothing more to say to you, and will not respond further to someone so clearly participating in bad faith.
- Comment on Hexbear federation megathread 1 year ago:
Sorry for the misunderstanding. No, you did not make the attack.
However, it seems that things like “Your kulak grandparents deserved to die” are accepted and supported on Hexbear, as long as it doesn’t draw undue attention. Except your user forget their “time and place” for airing the dirty laundry. This garbage is not a free exchange of ideas; this a few steps away from actually beheading the non-believers. Just as I would support defederating from other extermist hate instances, Hexbear needs to go.
Generally speaking yes. The Kulaks hoarded grain for their profit causing massive famines that killed millions of people. The important thing to understand here is that “Kulak” is not a race, it means wealthy farm owner, they were rich owners of large amounts of farmland that hoarded grain resulting in what was a overly forceful collectivisation process, BUT this process is often defended by socialists because (and I’m speaking generally) that most of the kulaks hoarded grain and were certainly responsible for people starving to death. Not all of them, but most.
It’s a statement that you need to understand quite a lot of different things to properly parse.
ChestRockwell: when I say “landlords are evil and deserve to die or surrender their assets to the collective” what I’m describing is a particular set of actions. It’s not different from having an opinion on if murderers deserve capital punishment.
I see absolutely zero value in this “other viewpoint”. There is really no legitimate debate here.
I’m not sure what problem you have here. The state says “hand it over” and if the property isn’t handed over willingly then the state uses guns to force it to happen. We already do this, it’s called expropriation. The population of Berlin recently voted to expropriate all property from landlords. What is the problem here?? If the landlords of Berlin do not hand over that property then they will be taken by people with guns. That’s how states work.
I understand that you might not have seen it put in this kind of extremely blunt words before. But that comment is literally just saying “they can hand it over or they can die” which is frankly no different to how states operate currently. If these landlords in Berlin don’t hand it over they will be beaten into a pulp by police, and if they continue to resist they will be killed in the process. This is a blunt and explicitly accurate description of the process of property expropriation.
- Comment on Hexbear federation megathread 1 year ago:
Sorry what? Vile and repugnant? Attacked? I just wrote out a very long and thought out response on what the issues are with lemmy’s design that are causing this. Nobody was attacked in my response, nor was it vile or repugnant. You are assuming the worst of me here and then trying to make something of it instead of responding to my actual words. I don’t usually make this request because usually people respond to me in good-faith, but if you’re going to respond to me please quote me and respond in-line to my actual words, or don’t respond to me at all. I see this as the only way to get you to speak to my actual words rather than to whatever it is you’re making up in your head about me.
- Comment on Hexbear federation megathread 1 year ago:
I was already having a conversation with Sun when he made the post. Which is why I was one of the first here.
- Comment on Hexbear federation megathread 1 year ago:
There is a difference between calling someone subhuman which is the rhetoric of people that believe that various races of humanity are more human than others vs calls to eat the rich through the use of guillotine memes. The latter is just radical and militant activism. The former is fascist rhetoric. The latter also has a place in mainstream society already as a tool of art.
- Comment on Hexbear federation megathread 1 year ago:
Stating that my people (and other Baltic nations) are subhuman
As a member of Hexbear for 3+ years I just want to say that this isn’t acceptable over here and would land people with a very serious reprimand or a permaban if they don’t admit to being in the wrong for this. The use of “subhuman” in particular is fascist behaviour and I’d assume it is wreckers rather than longstanding members, it’s not language that socialists are fond of.