- Comment on Brave CEO rants about "lefties," "glowies," George Soros 2 days ago:
Namecheep with free-tier DNS, and Zoho for email/office that respects privacy.
$46 Australian per year for a single person for Domain DNS Email Cloud storage Lots of sub+products for business use.
- Comment on Audiologists raise concern over headphone use in young people 2 weeks ago:
People with APD now have access to ANC headphones and are thus using them.
I had APD in the 70s and I have it now. Difference is that i have ANC headphones now and can get them to block out what my brain won’t.
Like the rise in ADHD and Autism diagnosis… There isn’t more cases, just diagnosis got better or more available.
Correlation not causation.
- Comment on 'Disgusting and disturbing': Why some female teachers are leaving the profession 8 months ago:
What ever happened to detentions, suspensions and expulsion?
Schools need to start issuing “Your kid is a cunt” warnings to parents, with threats of abuse and harassment criminal charges. If public health staff won’t put up with it, why should teachers?
Parents and school won’t do shit. Call the cops. Except in America, because that will get someone shot.
- Comment on Former Blizzard president wants to be able to leave a "tip" after completing $70 games: "I wish I could give these folks another $10 or $20" 10 months ago:
Now THAT’S a level of retaliation I can get behind.
All out interstellar war, and the eradication of all machines smarter than a light switch.
- Comment on Former Blizzard president wants to be able to leave a "tip" after completing $70 games: "I wish I could give these folks another $10 or $20" 10 months ago:
Your tip is “make another game and I’ll buy it because the last one was good”.
I bought your product and you want me to pay extra because it lived up to what it promised?
You want me to pay someone more for simply doing their job? If you aren’t paying them enough, that they needs tips to survive, that seems like an employer underpaying. If it’s tip or I fuck with your food or chase you down in the street… Then that’s extortion.
“But with proper wages instead of tips the cost goes up.” THE COST IS ALREADY UP BECAUSE OF THE TIP YOU IDIOT, except it isn’t standardised or garunteed.
“But if there is no tips to incentivise people they won’t give good service.” What ever happened to do your job, get paid. Fuck it up and get fired.?
All it does is introduces stress between customer and staff. And causes a sense of entitlement to tips for things that don’t need it at all. Why the fuck is a self-checkour machine asking for a tip!?
A tip should be for EXCEPTIONAL service. Not for the bare minimum.
Tipping culture can get fucked in the ass with a sideways chair.
- Comment on The job applicants shut out by AI: ‘The interviewer sounded like Siri’ 11 months ago:
If I was given an AI interview I would burn that place to the ground. The fucking disrespect.
- Comment on The INCREDIBLY Dusty insides of my newly acquired CBM 3016! 1 year ago:
I remember a PC (286) brought in for repair that had blown a fuse in the power supply.
Nothing was visibly wrong, so I replaced the fuse and jokingly said, “Well it’s either going to work, or it’s going to explode”.
I turned it on and the CPU promptly blew itself to bits. Literally “Bang” and the CPU was a few shards stuck to the pins (286 was soldiered directly to the main board). - Comment on NBN sheds jobs as 'death spiral' worsens 1 year ago:
I’m on HFC … It’s all I had before NBN, it’s all that’s available now.
I’m in inner-eastern melbourne… I hope everyone that had a part in screwwing us all over steps on a Lego taking the bins out and gets garbage water in their mouth.
- Comment on Amazon finds $1B jackpot in its 100 million+ IPv4 address stockpile | The tech giant has cited ballooning costs associated with IPv4 addresses 1 year ago:
A massive swathe of current gen devices don’t even support it.
It won’t be a month.
Microsoft announce changes much smaller than that 4 years out and still have to give extensions.
- Comment on RIP Pascal creator Niklaus Wirth 1 year ago:
Pascal, turbo Pascal and the Delphi were my earliest real programming experiences making commercial software (the ability to inline assembly code in turbo Pascal was very good.)
It really was an excellent introduction to programming.
But then I switched to properly multithreadded object oriented programming, which Pascal was not so good at.
- Comment on Why a kilobyte is 1000 and not 1024 bytes 1 year ago:
OP asked for feedback.
- Comment on PSA: If you're tired of political posts in Technology, block user L4 1 year ago:
I came here to avoid Reddit.
Now I get their posts like non-interactive ads.
- Comment on Is it safe to use pans with peeling nonstick coating? 1 year ago:
It’s not very durable, I don’t recommend it. Inherited it. Fine a a freebee, but I wouldn’t spend money. And if it starts to chip just toss it out.
- Comment on Is it safe to use pans with peeling nonstick coating? 1 year ago:
Getting rid of Teflon around here too.
I like the process of maintaining cast-iron pans. And they get better theore I use them. Definately better than the constant deterioration of the Teflon ones.
Enamel coated steel is ok. Just steel is ok too.
But I really like the cast iron ones.
- Comment on Is it safe to use pans with peeling nonstick coating? 1 year ago:
Fuck off Israel propoganda bot.
- Comment on YouTube Says New 5-Second Video Load Delay Is Supposed to Punish Ad Blockers, Not Firefox Users 1 year ago:
It totally is. Accidents, Beta features, etc. all used as cover to be a cunt.
- Comment on YouTube Says New 5-Second Video Load Delay Is Supposed to Punish Ad Blockers, Not Firefox Users 1 year ago:
“supposed to”
Oopsie whoopsy, we accidentally made competing browsers disadvantaged.
Deliberate, disguised as accidental. Disgusting.
- Comment on Lemmy users when I mention I pay for Youtube Premium 1 year ago:
and it works the same on any device you can sign in on.
- Comment on There once was a programmer 1 year ago:
The tiny, tiny footprint and speed to load.
I would think I’d probably use an IDE if I was coding all the time.
Heck, I’m only using it because JFE got too old.
I do have VSCode set up even with the same scheme as NP++… but let’s face it, the most complex things I’m using are PowerShell and Node JS.
- Comment on Does anyone drink instant coffee anymore? 1 year ago:
At night when the espresso machine is too loud
- Comment on There once was a programmer 1 year ago:
- Comment on Super Mario Bros. Wonder - Review Thread - (92/100 OpenCritic) 1 year ago:
I played the demo at PAX Aus.
It was terribly bland. It’s pretty, and immaculately coded from a character control point of view as always. Difficulty is much much lower than I expected, and failure did not feel possible at any point.
It’s fun and not a bad game, just gets boring fast, like a Kirby game where you can’t really run out of lives.
Platforming segments are solid as always in their design.
- Comment on One year-post acquisition, X traffic and monthly active users are in decline, report claims 1 year ago:
Now even tweet previews are busted in Discord.
You can’t even share tweets without using something like fxtwitter.
- Comment on Microsoft to kill off VBScript in Windows to block malware delivery 1 year ago:
And then MS will issue a limited extension.
An business still won’t be ready.
Modern auth on email is still causing problems for a lot of places.
- Comment on Elon Musk Allegedly Sent ‘Scorched-Earth Letter’ to Warner Bros. Demanding to Keep Amber Heard in ‘Aquaman 2’ 1 year ago:
Wait, I thought it already released.
You mean I have to KEEP ignoring it.
- Comment on Not even the ghost of obsolescence can coerce users onto Windows 11 1 year ago:
Ywhy? Your comment makes no sense.
- Comment on Not even the ghost of obsolescence can coerce users onto Windows 11 1 year ago:
Small icons, show title, never combine.
Still waiting on the release that contains this.
- Comment on Not even the ghost of obsolescence can coerce users onto Windows 11 1 year ago:
Too many features that I use daily as a Sysadmin are missing to consider w11 as anything more than a PITA currently.
At home my PC hardware is fully capable but my HDD will need a reformat, so I either rebuild my system from scratch (not gonna happen any time soon) or fork out for yet another HDD and transfer tools.
So it’s an imposed cost for little benefit and a whole mountain of inconvenience.
I literally disabled my TPM chip to prevent w11 force installing itself. Management forked out for a new fleet of w11 machines and staff are straight up refusing to move off older slower PC’s to avoid w11.
W11 needs a solid 12 months of re-adding existing features to be worth looking sideways at.
- Comment on You can’t get rid of it, you can only hide it: Microsoft imposes controversial Windows Backup on users 1 year ago:
Holy shit. Just not “no” when it asks if you want to set up backup, and keep using what you already use.
It’s less difficult than falling over.
- Comment on You can’t get rid of it, you can only hide it: Microsoft imposes controversial Windows Backup on users 1 year ago:
You can just say no to the tool and keep using whatever local backup you have.