- Comment on Bawitdaba 1 week ago:
- Comment on Why does most religion talk about their GOD being male? Especially Christains and Muslims. Is there a prominent female god that as big as the other two that I am missing? 1 week ago:
You mean all anys moresette
- Comment on stylish 2 weeks ago:
Already exist Lyle Lyle Crocodile
- Comment on I just finished a small drawing of some Pikmin bugs! 5 weeks ago:
I like how it in no way looks like a chode. No siree not at all.
- Comment on BIOMES 3 months ago:
Sounds like a life destined for venirial disease
- Comment on Look at this Kinder toy I got. What? How? Who?! 4 months ago:
I can’t even tell what it’s supposed to be
- Comment on Look at this Kinder toy I got. What? How? Who?! 4 months ago:
- Comment on Get cooking with tasty ingredients to make creatures in turn-based battler GladiEATers 5 months ago:
Nah this is basically fighting food ons and that does not belong to Nintendo
- Comment on Beams, Beans, Battlestar Galactica 5 months ago:
It’s not even BSG 😭
- Comment on Dynamic pricing 6 months ago:
No it’s obviously no replacement for proper legislation. However in the meantime it is a step you can take in the right direction as an individual. When Wendy’s started throwing around this bullshit I stopped going. Do they care? No probably not. But I know I’m trying
- Comment on What’s a game you can 100% without hating by the end? 6 months ago:
Kirby nightmare in Dreamland
- Comment on What song would cause you to do this to yourself ? 7 months ago:
There’s was a while episode of Evil about this.
- Comment on What song would cause you to do this to yourself ? 7 months ago:
Really? Sad I was just thinking the other day when I heard them on Spotify how great their tragic kingdom album was
- Comment on ... 8 months ago:
Think I saw this dude on Moana
- Comment on PSI 8 months ago:
Do they get reported when you get bit? I’ve heard in some places even if it’s your animal you have to report them for biting you
- Comment on Maybe those 20 seconds were because of the lack of getting raises? 9 months ago:
Or possibly don’t do drugs when you are being paid to perform a specific task in a specific location? Especially if there’s any major responsibilities such as food handling and safety? Keep that shit to your own time.
- Comment on That one band... 9 months ago:
Well time to tell my wife to watch Charmed again so I can pretend not to watch it in the background
- Comment on There are songs we've gone our whole lives without hearing and our favorite song might still be out there. 9 months ago:
I just heard of reverend beat-man from watching righteous gemstones. That song black metal is sick
- Comment on About to try the Outer Worlds 10 months ago:
Speech is op. If you want a boring game max that and you can just walk through every trial
- Comment on The umblilical cord is a baby's power cord until they are ready for wireless charging (breastfeeding) 11 months ago:
Well if you do that thing it does get your partner awfully hot
- Comment on Last Epoch 1.0.3 patch notes include lower stash tab costs and more 11 months ago:
Either way around. I keep waiting…
- Comment on Last Epoch 1.0.3 patch notes include lower stash tab costs and more 11 months ago:
And no news about the Linux client no longer being absolute shit…
- Comment on Calling things "fat" or "heavy" is fattist. We should all say "rotund" instead. 11 months ago:
I really enjoy corpulent
- Comment on Linux Mint is Building a New Desktop Chat App 11 months ago:
To what end though? Where will this be going and what will be the use? I feel like at this point the chat program demographics are just bursting with choices and I’m not sure why you would pick this one over anything else.
- Comment on I don't understand the question. 1 year ago:
I heard The Ginger and Boots fucked an ostrich
- Comment on Get the ketchup. 1 year ago:
Earl Grey tea ice cream something amazing
- Comment on Are there any games like Diablo but not Diablo because Diablo? 1 year ago:
Work all the dlc? I’ve played though a couple of times and it’s always like 30-40 hours
- Comment on What's your favorite game you played this year? (Doesn't have to be released this year ) 1 year ago:
For me it still has to be grim dawn. I play so many games and I get bored with all of them but grim Dawn has been very consistent. And the idea of a DLC coming out is phenomenal. The latest update also added a shit ton of quality of life changes that just make it even more fun to play.
- Comment on GitHub Desktop or Git CLI? 1 year ago:
I was looking for this comment. PHP storm and git are like best friends. I very very rarely need to resort to the CLI and generally that’s for hard resetting after I screw something up
- Comment on Apple responds to the Beeper iMessage saga: ‘We took steps to protect our users’ 1 year ago:
No shit everybody in my group uses Apple phones but me and it’s a constant bro just get apple and I have to keep reiterating I have no interest in it