- Comment on Hearing is be-leafing: Students invent quieter leaf blower 9 months ago:
Not necessarily for sound, on industrial fans and drives, we can program in skip frequencies to avoid any resonance issues in the system. I’ve never done it for noise reduction. But I do some tweaks for efficiency and power consumption reduction. There’s some wild industrial design stuff out there, and in the end, it’s because it provides something the customer wants. I won’t go into specifics, but you can design the same components the same for multiple manufacturers and do some slightly different things in its construction to give the vibe the OEM wants, or to fix some inherent characteristics in the manufacturers platform. It’s REALLY cool when you think about it. Sorry to be so vague, but I have to be.
- Comment on iPod with custom shell, new screen, 512gb SSD, and a 30 day battery 11 months ago:
Ditto. My 5.5g ipod video looks like he’ll, but I’d like to bring it back to life.
- Comment on Oxford study proves heat pumps triumph over fossil fuels in the cold 1 year ago:
Ditto. At least with gas I’m not paying Alabama Power’s rates.
- Comment on Rivian CEO issues strong statement about people who purchase gas-powered cars: ‘Sort of like building a horse barn in 1910’ 1 year ago:
Haven’t read the article yet, but the quote irks me. I live in a home built in 1920 by a rural “house doctor” with a barn and stalls and all that jazz. Electric may be the future, but gas cars will still be around a while. The same way horses didn’t immediately disappear from rural areas when cars became affordable.