- Comment on I don't have AC but my apartment lease covers unlimited water usage and the water is very cold. How can I best use this to cool my home? 8 months ago:
I’ve done this!
Turn the shower on just high enough to get a good mist going then put a box fan as close as possible pointing out of the bathroom.
- Comment on Explain yourselves, comp sci. 10 months ago:
It’s like a fancy list.
- Comment on Unity bans VLC from Unity Store. 1 year ago:
The “legal grey area” is about codec patents and dvd playback.
- Comment on There’s a new iMessage for Android app — and it actually works 1 year ago:
No, this works completely different. The iMessage protocol has been reverse engineered so there are no 3rd party servers and the app communicates directly with apple.
- Comment on ...did everyone get this? 1 year ago:
To optimistic to be real.
- Comment on Where did the abbreviation "w/" for "with" come from? 1 year ago:
Wait. That is why it’s called i18n!? Never knew that.
- Comment on Here you go, Class 1 year ago:
Where’s the laserdisk player?
- Comment on Fire at Will!! 1 year ago:
Now repeat panel 2 at the end.
- Comment on Remember when NFTs sold for millions of dollars? 95% of the digital collectibles are now probably worthless. 1 year ago:
It was just another form of money laundering though ‘art’.
- Comment on Monitor Alignment Alignment Chart 1 year ago:
Big desks mean I can’t put my speakers in good locations.
- Comment on Monitor Alignment Alignment Chart 1 year ago:
I have a good 27" as my main, but I don’t have space for a 2nd 27" to either side – best I can fit is a 24". So I guess I’m chaotic good by (forced) choice.
- Comment on Monitor Alignment Alignment Chart 1 year ago:
Chaotic good here. They have different DPI too so you’re never quite sure where you mouse is going to end up.
- Comment on AI chatbots were tasked to run a tech company. They built software in under seven minutes — for less than $1. 1 year ago:
“hello world” as a service?
- Comment on The lengths we have to go to 1 year ago:
Better than counting curly braces.
- Comment on Where did the rest of the crew go? I can't be the only person aboard this ship! 1 year ago:
Federation gets a bit… weird. when instances are offline or one-sided de-federated.
- Comment on I wish humans could get firmware upgrades 1 year ago:
What drugs? Asking for a friend.
- Comment on I wish humans could get firmware upgrades 1 year ago:
Just open source the code. Let me hack on it.