- Comment on Researchers invent 100% biodegradable 'barley plastic' 8 months ago:
This is actually a bigger deal than the headline suggests if the claims are to be believed. Hopefully the licensing isn’t too expensive for it to be widely adopted if manufacturing at scale is easy.
They don’t say how it degrades in water, but if it can degrade in ~2months outdoors then that’s actually pretty good.
Most biodegradable eco-plastic is a scam because it’s either only partially degradable, or only degradable in industrial facilities. If I can throw this packaging in my own compost bin then that would be a huge way to get rid of single-use plastic.
- Comment on T-Mobile users thought they had a lifetime price lock—guess what happened next 8 months ago:
In Canada you have to pay extra for a 5G plan even if you have a 5G phone. And grandfathered plans/plans you’ve been on for a while keep the low speeds.
I had a super cheap prepaid plan with 3g speeds until I switched last month because I was on it for so long.
Prepaid plans here just cut you off data completely unless you turn on the overage charge option and prepay for your overage.
There are monthly plans that doesn’t do overage charges, but they throttle you so much it’s not really useful.
- Comment on T-Mobile users thought they had a lifetime price lock—guess what happened next 8 months ago:
That seems like a pretty bad deal actually, you can probably find a better 4g or even 5g plan in the US for that.
Prepaid companies in Canada (who generally have worse pricing than the US because all the cell companies have agreements with each other) have 20-40gb/month for that price (depending on the limited time sales), but not unlimited w/ throttling like you have.
- Comment on "Evolution" by Sarah Andersen 11 months ago:
Don’t fix what’s not broke.
All the other animals are copying them anyways with carcinisation, meanwhile they already figured it out.
- Comment on Corvids... 1 year ago:
The reason this corvid study is different from intuitively knowing that 10-10=no berries is where this 0/empty set is represented on the numberline.
Considering 0 as a number vs the empty set are two different concepts. It’s the difference between having a bank account with $0, vs having no bank account. They don’t close your account when you have $0, so it’s still an amount of money.
Crows considering 0 on the numberline, and differently from the empty set shows they have a more abstract concept of numbers than we thought.
Idk who authored this study, seems like a very specific kind of person who is both into number theory and neural pathways of birds to design.
- Comment on OP finds vulnerability where a forum sends you your password in plaintext over email and everyone misses the forest for the trees 1 year ago:
The forest is bad practice with passwords, since you get an email of your password after setting it.
The tree is OP not knowing how to describe why it’s bad and saying the wrong reason why.
- Comment on Hexbear federation megathread 1 year ago:
Wrong country lol.
Considering this mod grew up Estonian, gotta credit them with backing down on the hammer and sickle thing.