Because the sadistic approach is more fun
- Comment on Toilet specific plungers get the job done faster and with way less effort and mess. 5 months ago:
The toilets at my moms house are teeny tiny so this doesn’t matter on them xD
But yes… without the toilet plunger on the right: Do not even try it with a modern toilet, it’s sooooo messy
- Comment on Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal 7 months ago:
Of course there’s a fee. Do they not realize how expensive it is to fileserve useless videogame data, provide versioning for that, updater systems, workshop storage, etc etc.
- Comment on How to remove smell from lunch box? 1 year ago:
If baking soda doesn’t work, there is an even stronger option: washing soda.
I use baking soda to wash holiday glassware that spends all year on top of the nasty cabinets above the stove and it kills the sticky mildew feel almost instantly. But when push comes to shove, washing soda is even more insane than baking soda
- Comment on Microsoft now has implemented "compare with Bing chat" button when you visit Google Bard in Edge 1 year ago:
Sounds pretty helpful to me. Like first-generation Opera when it was really proud of its ability to search like 15 different search engines by putting g or b or w or y or whatever in the address bar before typing a search query
- Comment on Microsoft now has implemented "compare with Bing chat" button when you visit Google Bard in Edge 1 year ago:
Bundled with every installer in existence with the checkbox checked-on by default…