- Comment on near zero 9 months ago:
What is gp/ce?
- Comment on near zero 9 months ago:
Math is more than just the set of all algebras.
- Comment on near zero 9 months ago:
You also can’t call something infinity. People call stuff names. It is just important that they define their terms well enough.
- Comment on near zero 9 months ago:
Also in Math.
- Comment on Passkeys might really kill passwords 1 year ago:
You are not supposed to have relation between the words. This password is vulnerable to a dictionary attack. If you are not a high value target you should still be OK.
- Comment on Windows 11 24H2 goes from “unsupported” to “unbootable” on some older PCs 1 year ago:
Itt: Use Linux Spam. This is not feasible for most users. Not all applicatopns are posted to Linux and some explicitly do not work. In particular for people that play games socially this just does not work. That being said they are unaffected by this change.
- Comment on Which option lads? 1 year ago:
The left is already 600 Bucks a day. This is sufficient money. Hence the right should never be chosen. Greed is not always good. If you can have enough forever vs. More + downside/condition you should always choose the easy out.
- Comment on Doing the important work 1 year ago:
You’re telling me this ain’t nori? Why.
- Comment on A tiny radioactive battery could keep your future phone running for 50 years 1 year ago:
This is physically implausible. Also self proclaimed advances without 3rd party proof are less than worthless.
- Comment on Google admits it's making YouTube worse for ad block users 1 year ago:
- Comment on Path Minimizattion: xkcd #2821 1 year ago:
It’s to do with light paths and diffraction. The time maximising path still hast to be a valid path.
- Comment on A perfect visualisation of a wasteful system 1 year ago:
But there being a salespoint for bed does not take home from the homeless. The issue is them being without shelter.
This is Symbolik, but not the issue at hand. Also turning commercial buildings into flats does not seem like a good/efficient solution to a complex issue like homelessness. (Disregarding living out of a car homelessness)
- Comment on Traffic lights 1 year ago:
Traffic lights always have the green light at the bottom to be inclusive to speeding people (and colorblinds)
- Comment on Let's confuse Americans! 1 year ago:
Probably meant the continent, not USA.
- Comment on Also not C# Block 1 year ago:
- Comment on YouTube is increasing Premium prices in multiple countries, right after an ad-blocker crackdown | You either pay rightfully for the video content you consume, or you live with the ads. 1 year ago:
YT does not pay like shit. A lot of the time sponsorships are much more targeted and interesting than YouTube ads.
That being said I mainly dislike bad ads. Good, well targeted ads that don’t destroy your eardrums for products that interest me seem nice. But they don’t tend to exist.
- Comment on YouTube is increasing Premium prices in multiple countries, right after an ad-blocker crackdown | You either pay rightfully for the video content you consume, or you live with the ads. 1 year ago:
Then don’t watch the content. But in lieu of a open source, non profit, market dominating video platform thus means not watching videos.
Even if that open source platform existed it would require it to be more or equally profitable for creators to reach a point where people upload to both platforms.
- Comment on YouTube is increasing Premium prices in multiple countries, right after an ad-blocker crackdown | You either pay rightfully for the video content you consume, or you live with the ads. 1 year ago:
This is misleading : a substantial part is distributed to the content creators. Traditionally the YouTube cut is alleged to be rather low.
- Comment on YouTube is increasing Premium prices in multiple countries, right after an ad-blocker crackdown | You either pay rightfully for the video content you consume, or you live with the ads. 1 year ago:
Video serving can cost a lot of bandwidth. Hence it could be sensible.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
“Science Ship” sure buddy, operating independently in remote locations with light to medium intensity combat situations is a mere science ship.
- Comment on My dogs groomer has a similar sign, makes me wonder 1 year ago:
Because it is a top ten. The top most point is usually the punch line/most important. Hence you put it at the end to build Suspence.