- Comment on This post is in honor of [username]2 4 weeks ago:
Wait, you wanted to call yourself cm000?
- Comment on Apple CEO Tim Cook Donating $1 Million to Trump's Inaugural Fund 2 months ago:
I think the point is that Tim Apple is all of these things (so he need not care) except straight.
- Comment on Bim 5 months ago:
trams are called „Bim“ in the Viennese dialect of Austrian German
- Comment on And wouldn't you know it, he's unavailable this weekend for my uncle's funeral. 7 months ago:
(My uncle didn’t die.)
Then why hold a funeral for him?
- Comment on He's aware he's AI generated 7 months ago:
Those remind me of the emotions produced by Thalasin+, like nage and andric.
- Comment on Inside the 'Nightmare' Health Crisis of a Texas Bitcoin Town 7 months ago:
Any statewide legislation is sure to hit significant headwinds, because the very idea of regulation runs contrary to many Texans’ political beliefs. “As constitutional conservatives, they have taken our core values and used that against us,” says Demetra Conrad, a city council member in the nearby town of Glen Rose.
Maybe your core values are really stupid…
- Comment on Hackers are carrying out ransomware experiments in developing countries 10 months ago:
The stock image says “RAMSOMWARE” with an M instead of the N…
- Comment on I hate the band, I hate the song, and yet... 10 months ago:
I don’t really wanna know how your garden grows, ’cause I just wanna fly
Oddly enough, there’s two Oasis songs that contain “I said maybe”.
- Comment on Microsoft waited 6 months to patch actively exploited admin-to-kernel vulnerability 11 months ago:
Doesn’t having admin privileges mean you can load any driver into the kernel anyway, including blatantly malicious drivers?
- Comment on Stunning sadistic striker😄 1 year ago:
The Boaty McBoatface of the bird world.
- Comment on Every freaking time. Shaxs in shambles. 1 year ago:
I mean, yeah. The warp core is generally jettisoned as a last resort, and if the ship has taken a severe beating, the relevant tubes and conduits might be bent out of shape, making it harder to get it out.