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- Comment on i saw this in a dream last night 10 months ago:
The “capitalism” emoji.
- Comment on Title 1 year ago:
Raping women and little girls isn’t “lashing out” or “taking arms”. Neither is murdering children. Israel’s treatment of Palestinians has been, and still is, abhorrent. But let’s not pretend that rape and child murder are a necessary part of struggle against oppression. Hamas aren’t the only bad guys, but they’re definitely bad guys.
- Comment on Cockney and Queen's English have all but disappeared among young people – here's what's replaced them 1 year ago:
There’s a really good book I’ve been reading, which goes into detail about the development of the old RP accent (aka “BBC English”) into “Standard Southern British English”. It has a lot of detail about the individual sound changes. If you’re an accent nerd, you’ll probably enjoy it.