- Comment on It is very therapeutic to garden, though. 9 months ago:
Is probably true. However, one should question their world view if they measure everything as a minimization problem with respect to cost efficience and yield.
- Comment on Showing appreciation for hard work. 10 months ago:
Danke, das war verwirrend
- Comment on ))<>(( 10 months ago:
I recall that there is a myriad of memes of the form ‘what is 4-2*3’ under which there is always a never ending discussion of confidently incorrect dumbasses denying the existence of the multiplication before addition rule.
- Comment on Mmm yesss 11 months ago:
Sorry, too lazy for a proper screenshot Ping
- Comment on English may be a hot mess but at least we don't have to worry about this nonsense 1 year ago:
A washing machine is obviously female because doing laundry is a thing for women.
And now I will sit back and watch how many people get mad at me because they don’t understand sarcasm.
- Comment on What happens to my Corpse if I die in a Forest? 1 year ago:
Well if you really assume your body won’t be found you just decompose like any animal. Just open youtube. There are enough timelaps videos about this topic. The last few remaining things are your bones and hair. Hair just decomposes badly, bones will last even longer. Ah and any plastic and metal you are carring around of course. Clothes, and jewelry or implants like silicon boobs and hip joints.
- Comment on The Pentagon is moving toward letting AI weapons autonomously decide to kill humans 1 year ago:
There is no such thing as a failsafe that can’t fail itself
- Comment on The Pentagon is moving toward letting AI weapons autonomously decide to kill humans 1 year ago:
Woops. Two guys left. Naa that’s enough
- Comment on Choose wisely! 1 year ago:
Question: Are pants and underwear considered as a container?
“Officer I swear I just wanted to see which phone causes such a big bulge in his pockets! How could I know that the pills grant X Ray vision!”