- Comment on Google creating an AI agent to use your PC on your behalf, says report | Same PR nightmare as Windows Recall 3 months ago:
It could be used for amazing things, but it’s currently in that phase where it’s a rapid frenzy to make anything, regardless of moral and ethical implications, just to cash in before it inevitably gets monopolised.
- Comment on Looking for Overwatch alternatives 5 months ago:
I just started myself, after missing Overwatch 1 and thinking it was similar. To my surprise it is like an Overwatch with a Counterstrike feel to it, which I quite enjoy.
- Comment on More and more people are ditching carrier roaming in favor of travel eSIMs 9 months ago:
Currently in Tokyo from UK, paid for an Airalo esim before I arrived, and I was pretty impressed with how cheap and easy it’s been- and that’s with 20gbs data, which I’ve barely used.
My service provider O2 would have charged me £7 a day with their O2 travel bolt-on, but would have still been my usual contract of unlimited calls, texts and data, just that the data would have been throttled a fair bit. This is a lot more reasonable than it used to be, but still would have amounted in a large bill compared to the one off $18 esim.
- Comment on Food price fears as Brexit import charges revealed 9 months ago:
Peddled by disaster capitalists and Russian money/propaganda.
And now the Tories want to pull us from the ECHR, to tear away workers rights and further privatise everything to funnel money into their own bank accounts.
It’s damn sad there will never be a “we fucking told you so” moment, because the useful idiots that were used as fodder in this whole mess are too fucking thick to ever understand the gravity of it all.
- Comment on Ubisoft revealed an AI NPC prototype at GDC and everyone online made fun of it 10 months ago:
So… this is just the Mantella mod for Skyrim VR then?
- Comment on Is there a name for downplaying your suffering because other people have bigger problems? 1 year ago:
I used to get this a lot, until someone reversed it on me, and I’ve thought about it this way ever since: If you can’t let yourself suffer because others might have it worse, then you also can’t let yourself be happy, because others have it better.
It’s all about personal experience and perspective.
- Comment on Google Chrome will limit ad blockers starting June 2024 1 year ago:
Yeah, I did say someone recently told me this was a feature. I’ll find some time at the weekend to make the switch, it’s really far past time now I think.
- Comment on Google Chrome will limit ad blockers starting June 2024 1 year ago:
I use Chrome, but Firefox on my android phone. I have had ublock origin installed since the beginning. I only really use it because I manage my YouTube and Google accounts through it, and its handy for sending tabs between my macbook and PC, as well as the various other workflow features I’ve come to rely on over the last decade or so.
Though I recently heard this was a feature on Firefox now. I used to use Firefox prior to chrome, about 15 or so years ago. I’ve been intending to switch back recently but haven’t got round to it yet.
- Comment on Firefox will support at least 200 new extensions on Android this December 1 year ago:
Oh my god, I’ve been using ublock for as long as I can remember and had no idea about this! Thank you, now I just have to figure out what I’m doing.
- Comment on JK Rowling prefers two years in jail over using correct pronouns 1 year ago:
It’s just one of the culture war angles propagated by the rich to keep everyone angry with each other while they reap up as much of the world’s wealth as possible before any of the forthcoming disasters- whether that is climate crisis migration, the next financial crisis, AI unemployment crisis, further war, food and water shortages worldwide, etc…
The writing is on the wall, a majority of people can see it too if you ask them, but unfortunately people can’t help but get sucked in anyway. Probably because it’s a distraction from facing the uncertain future we all have.
OR, this is just a tinfoil hat getting the better of me. It feels like a logical conclusion, so maybe that’s the fallacy I’ve fallen for.
- Comment on Goodbye Youtube and thanks for all the fish 1 year ago:
Champ, I knew someone here would be able to improve on it!
- Comment on Goodbye Youtube and thanks for all the fish 1 year ago:
Ah thanks, like I said, I don’t really know what I’m talking about! Good to know.
- Comment on Goodbye Youtube and thanks for all the fish 1 year ago:
I’m not in the US, it’s a local council/regional thing. And most areas here have chromebooks for every student so that’s just become the default, I think. But yes, our IT tends to be a good 10-15 years behind the curve anyway. No money for resources either.
- Comment on Goodbye Youtube and thanks for all the fish 1 year ago:
Firefox + ublock origin is the way forward.
However, as a teacher, my school IT system default browser is chrome, and adverts on YT videos when you’re trying to teach a lesson can really suck all the momentum and attention from the class.
Chrome allows you to save javascript as a bookmark URL called bookmarklets. I’m not so clued up on java, but I found this code that zips through the adverts super quickly. Someone can probably improve on this;
javascript: var v = document.querySelector(‘video’); var t = 16; v.playbackRate = parseFloat(t)
- Comment on Noise-canceling robots to 'mute' loud conversations in cafe | What if we told you that we can actually silence a noisy table right next to us in a café? 1 year ago:
I wouldn’t imagine noise cancelling headphones would have the ability to output high enough for serious damage. But some people do experience discomfort and pressure when using noise cancelling headphones for the first time, this could be due to a number of factors though.
- Comment on Noise-canceling robots to 'mute' loud conversations in cafe | What if we told you that we can actually silence a noisy table right next to us in a café? 1 year ago:
Yes, sorry, I didn’t phrase that well at all. The sound pressure is actually cancelled out, but with the hypothetical example of the jet engine, anything going wrong could double the dB level instead of cancelling, and because we’re talking milliseconds difference, it would be quite easy to go wrong in this sense.
- Comment on Noise-canceling robots to 'mute' loud conversations in cafe | What if we told you that we can actually silence a noisy table right next to us in a café? 1 year ago:
Absolutely, this is spot on, but if they can find ways to work around this like with these microphone swarms they’re proposing, then there could be a lot more applications for it. Some quite scary.
- Comment on Noise-canceling robots to 'mute' loud conversations in cafe | What if we told you that we can actually silence a noisy table right next to us in a café? 1 year ago:
I’ve always thought phase cancellation technology could potentially be crazy revolutionary. Seems these guys know what they’re doing, but the real challenges come with high decibel levels if I remember right.
If you tried to phase cancel out the sound of a jet engine, it would work and you wouldn’t hear it, but you could also have easily just burst your eardrums too, because the sound pressure level is still present, even if the actual sound is inaudible. It’s a crazy phenomena.
- Comment on Ministers set to ban single-use vapes in UK over child addiction fears 1 year ago:
As a teacher, my concern is that our school went from a small group of about 10 smokers, to now just about every kid has a fancy colourful and flavourful disposable vape. It is crazy the sheer number of them. And the number of smokers has dropped significantly in the last 10 years as well.
I don’t know if replacing the small number of smokers in the school for a huge number of vaping children is better, if I’m honest. The amount of them that are addicted to nicotine and energy drinks now is really quite scary.
- Comment on EU unveils ‘revolutionary’ laws to curb big tech firms’ power 1 year ago:
So many companies now collect our data, and sell it to advertisers, then want us to also pay for them to do this.
Fuck that, if you’re selling my information, then I’m already paying for your product.
We should be demanding royalty payments.