- Comment on YSK: Gas stoves cause cancer 1 week ago:
That one does look amazing! I’m unfortunately limited to a portable one in an apartment. Added to the bucket list though for sure!
- Comment on YSK: Gas stoves cause cancer 1 week ago:
They do make professional grade induction burners for woks that are curved, they are beautiful but prohibitively expensive
- Comment on YSK: Gas stoves cause cancer 1 week ago:
Alright so you screwed up posting this, because I’m actively looking for a dual induction burner setup, and now I want your advice. Ideally I want a “linked” dual burner so that I can put a square skillet pan across both burners, there’s basically like one of those online, and then a bunch of dual burners that are not linked and slightly different power on either side. Wat do? Anyone have a good experience with this situation yet?
- Comment on Launches 5 months ago:
This sounds incredibly legit, but question: Could you not gain a shit ton of momentum sailing directly with the wind in a regular boat, then drop your sails and steer into the direction of it to maintain some amount of velocity for an amount of time? Feels like the same principle could be applied here
- Comment on Reactionaries and inconsistency are a match made in heaven 1 year ago:
“Litters of children” like animals amirite? Rational people don’t need to dehumanize to make an argument.
Also, how do immigrants collect welfare without social security numbers? Is your premise that 100% are frauders?
- Comment on Corvids... 1 year ago:
Here’s the thing…