- Comment on Amazon cloud boss echoes NVIDIA CEO on coding being dead in the water: "If you go forward 24 months from now, it's possible that most developers are not coding" 6 months ago:
Copilot can’t even suggest a single Ansible or Terraform task without suggesting invalid/unsupported options. I can’t imagine how bad it is at doing anything actually complex with an actual programming language.
- Comment on Dark mode’s bright future: How dark mode will transform Wikipedia’s accessibility 7 months ago:
I’m an old fogey who grew up reading physical books and newspapers but I absolutely need dark mode on backlit displays. I despise light mode.
- Comment on Would Sentinel Island still be untouched in the Star Trek Universe? 7 months ago:
But would it have it have remained left alone long enough to get to the point where the federation and prime directive protected it…
- Comment on Poor Sega just didn't get the timing right. 8 months ago:
Loved the Dreamcast. Other than the lack of DVD player, I still think it was better than the PS2.
Quite a few games that were released on both consoles looked better and played more smoothly on the Dreamcast than they did on the supposedly more powerful PS2. Dave Mirra BMX is one that immediately comes to mind. It was way better on the Dreamcast.
- Comment on Novel attack against virtually all VPN apps neuters their entire purpose 9 months ago:
The problem isn’t them being in you LAN. It’s about going to an untrusted network (eg Starbucks, hotel) and connecting to your VPN, boom, now your VPN connection is compromised.
- Comment on Or we could do metric time 10 months ago:
Can we start the 1st on Sunday though so every month has a Friday the 13th?
- Comment on Recommendation for outgoing-only SMTP server 10 months ago:
I use proxmox mail gateway (PMG) for my homelab, configured to relay through my Gmail domain using smtp auth.
I’ve also used PMG at the enterprise level. Never had an issue with it.
It’s postfix underneath.
- Comment on Passkeys might really kill passwords 1 year ago:
So it sounds like basically it’s just client certificates?
- Comment on Mozilla CEO quits, org pivots, but what about Firefox? 1 year ago:
I switched back to Firefox about 2 years ago, and I’ve only encountered a few sites that don’t work properly.
With the exception of ONE annoying SaaS site I need at work (which I might use a ton for a week then not again for weeks), I’ve only had to open a site in Chrome/edge maybe once a month. That includes running Firefox on my phone in addition to my work and personal desktop/laptops.
- Comment on Software vs Hardware RAID 1 year ago:
Y’all must be doing something wrong because HW raid has been hot garbage for at least 20years. I’ve been using software raid (mdadm, ZFS) since before 2000 and have never had a problem that could be attributed to the software raid itself, while I’ve had all kinds of horrible things go wrong with HW raid. And that holds true not just at home but professionally with enterprise level systems as a SysAdmin.
With the exception of the (now rare) bare metal windows server, or the most basic boot drive mirroring for VMware (with important datastores on NAS/SAN which are using software raid underneath, with at most some limited HW assisted accelerators) , hardly anyone has trusted hardware raid for decades.
- Comment on Google workers complain bosses are 'inept' and 'glassy-eyed' 1 year ago:
If you have a technical architect who does that then they are just bad at their job, but that doesn’t invalidate the importance such a position can have (if done right) in a large software development company.
- Comment on Google Chrome Warning Issued For All Windows Users 1 year ago:
No, but apparently people are going to be a cunt about it if one chooses not to say it.
- Comment on Disney+, Hulu and ESPN+ will start cracking down on password sharing | CNN Business 1 year ago:
Not sure. It’s $9.99 normally but I think she’s got a discount somehow (teacher? Or some kind of bundle?)
- Comment on Disney+, Hulu and ESPN+ will start cracking down on password sharing | CNN Business 1 year ago:
Likewise, just cancelled Disney+ and Hulu last month, along with Paramount+, and Netflix.
Only still have AppleTV+ because it’s still cheap. And then Max because it’s included in our cell service, and Amazon for the shipping, but I don’t really use either, and am looking into the feasibility of dropping Prime, if I can convince the wife.
- Comment on Let's revisit CheckIt, the complete system information utility for MS-DOS 1 year ago:
I still have a (pirated) copy of this. I loved this utility back in the day. Except when it showed me that my 40MB MFM hard drive was about the same speed as a parallel port Zip drive.
- Comment on George Carlin’s Daughter Blasts Dudesy AI-Generated Comedy Special Impersonating Her Dad: “No Machine Will Ever Replace His Genius” 1 year ago:
Infinite monkeys…
- Comment on is gone 1 year ago:
everything is completely boring text, no images
You literally just listed some of the reasons IRC is better. That said, I don’t see any reason an IRC client couldn’t be made to support images, with the understanding that it would have to be done in a way that falls back to posting it as a link for people using text-only clients, but that shouldn’t be too difficult.
can’t message people when they’re offline,
This functionality can be enabled on IRC servers or on a per-channel basis using bots.
it’s not clear how I can easily setup my own server.
Again an advantage of IRC. Not every group of 2 people need their own server. And a simple 2 second Google search (or learning your IRC client) will show you how to create your own channel in seconds.
the discoverability with any IRC client tends to be in the negatives.
That really depends on the client. There are (or at least used to be) plenty of user-friendly IRC clients. How many alternate clients can I use with Discord?
And heaven forbid someone should have to think for more than 3 seconds when learning something new to them.
I swear I sometimes think that once all of us Gen-Xers are gone, there won’t be anyone left who actually understands how the Internet or the technology that runs on it actually works, as prophesied by Idiocracy.
- Comment on The rise and fall of Usenet: How the original social media platform came to be 1 year ago:
Afraid that wasn’t me. Though I’ve used this nick in many places over the years, including various tech/sysadmin IRC channels, and other social media sites.
- Comment on The rise and fall of Usenet: How the original social media platform came to be 1 year ago:
Historically I’ve been a Unix/Linux/VMware sysadmin, though I’ve moved into a professional services role doing automation/orchestration/config-management.
There’s a lot of good IT/Development technical channels on IRC, especially on and, since freenode went down the drain.
- Comment on The rise and fall of Usenet: How the original social media platform came to be 1 year ago:
I still use irc every day for legitimate work/technical support purposes.
- Comment on A fair trade 1 year ago:
It’s the same thrill as any other game or sport. Many enjoy the challenge of trying to do something difficult and get better at it, and then enjoy doing it competitively, and/or cooperatively with friends.
- Comment on A fair trade 1 year ago:
Heaven forbid someone enjoy something you don’t like.
- Comment on Lower Decks: Can anyone tell me what I'm missing? 1 year ago:
I like Futurama. But I can’t stand Lower Decks. I don’t know what it is, I just find it annoying and wildly unfunny.
- Comment on Port Forwarding Alternative? 1 year ago:
I’m pretty sure you can make them set the modem/router to bridge mode and run your own router. If it’s cable, you can also buy your own non-router cable modem, then use whatever router you like behind it.
- Comment on You guys need to stop 1 year ago:
Well, if you truly think it’s better you’re welcome to put your money on the line to develop a prototype theremin-controlled vehicle and provide real world data to prove that it’s a better mechanism for controlling vehicles on public roads than a wheel and pedals.
Until that happens, I’m going to stick with the proven technology.
- Comment on You guys need to stop 1 year ago:
Keyboard and mouse players win in FPS shooters, not driving games.
As someone who spent an inordinate about of time trying to play Test Drive III with a keyboard, I can assure you that a keyboard is a terrible interface for driving.
Later, Test Drive Le Man’s and PGR3 helped me learn that a controller is better than a keyboard, but still not great.
A wheel is by far the best control mechanism for a car.
- Comment on Apple officially unveils M3, M3 Pro, and M3 Max: 3 nanometer, Dynamic Caching GPU, more 1 year ago:
That seems… Illegal. Mich the same as selling a “foot long” Sub or Hotdog which is only 11".
At the very least it’s misleading.
- Comment on 'We don't have teachers' | This Austin private school lets AI teach core subjects 1 year ago:
I don’t know about ‘automated’ education, but we 100% SHOULD have been using technology as an education AMPLIFIER for a long time already. No AI needed for that.
My wife is in education and spent over a decade teaching science at an alternative public school (the “You’ve fallen behind due to illness, pregnancy, or family issues, so come here to catch up” type, NOT the “You’re a total delinquent, here’s a ‘prison classroom’” type) that did self-paced learning.
She had recorded a ton videos of herself teaching all of the various concepts/standards that were required by the state for her subjects. She also had assignments ready for the entire course, and labs which could mostly be done by the students with minimal direct interaction by the teacher.
So the kids would come in, check in with her on what was the next thing they needed to work on, then would watch the video on their Chromebook and then do the assignment or lab. She’d be there for them to ask her about anything they didn’t understand, or for whatever help they needed.
There were of course some labs and assignments that they would schedule to be done by the whole class at a given time, when it was necessary, or made more sense.
So the kids who picked it up quickly could finish a semester worth of work and learning within a month or two, leaving her more time to spend helping the kids who were struggling with a given concept.
It also gave opportunities for the kids who had mastered a concept to be able to help those who hadn’t.
I see no reason similar methodologies and technologies couldn’t be employed at regular schools to amplify the ability of teachers to educate students and give the teachers more time to help the ones who weren’t picking things up as quickly, without holding back the students who were.
- Comment on The golden years 1 year ago:
Only 6 weeks off for summer? We were off almost 3 months every summer. (Usually about June 2-3ish and the next year started the last week of August.
- Comment on Apple’s cheaper Vision Pro follow-up still won’t be cheap 1 year ago:
In other news, the surface of the sun is hot.
Apple doesn’t do ‘cheap’. They charge A THOUSAND FUCKING DOLLARS for a damned monitor stand after selling you a $4-5000 dollar monitor that doesn’t come with a stand!
If you are expecting to do anything in the Apple ecosystem ‘cheap’ you’re going to be in for a bad time.