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- Comment on The person who invented hell was probably just really mad at the person who invented heaven 2 weeks ago:
Finite people cannot create the infinite supernatural eternity of Heaven nor hell
- Comment on 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on Is there a specific example of Target getting a shoplifter convicted for a small individual theft that puts them over the felony limit? 5 months ago:
- Comment on The reason we don’t see exploding battery attacks more often is not because it’s technically hard, it’s because the erosion of public trust in everyday things isn’t worth it. 5 months ago:
PETN was put into the batteries
- Comment on Oh great – now Facebook and Instagram want your private data to train Meta's latest AI pipe dream 1 year ago:
This should be interesting - AI trained by bots…
- Comment on Dissing car brands is console wars for boomers 1 year ago:
FORD - fixed or repaired daily
source: boomer…
- Comment on Your biggest nostalgia ? 1 year ago:
Watching the dick van dyke show on b&w tv and begging mom to tell me why my dad was on the show (dvdyke doppelgänger) and they why were keeping it a secret from me - Dad was a road salesman and never home when the show was on…
- Comment on People who back into parking spots: Why? 1 year ago:
One has to back up, either when leaving or arriving - some choose to get it out of the way when they park, others when they leave -
To each their own - I like to back in parking & easy quick exit