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- Comment on AMD won't patch all chips affected by severe data theft vulnerability — Ryzen 3000, 2000, and 1000 will not get patched for 'Sinkclose' 6 months ago:
So basically what you are saying is we just need one pvp game with kernel level anti cheat to fuck up somewhere… yeah I’m sure that’s not going to happen.
- Comment on If bullshit jobs are *really* bullshit, how do businesses justify the expense? 1 year ago:
Because the alternative is a bunch of hungry people with pitchforks and a large amount of free time.
- Comment on Push For A 4-Day Work Week Picks Up Steam — And Critics 1 year ago:
I always see this, a 4 day week being equated to 4 - 10 and it always leaves me baffled that people think we have to work 40 hours. No we fucking don’t. 40 hour work week was implemented when automation was but a fraction of what it is today. Heck one can even argue that we can half the working hours to 20 and still be fine.