- Comment on Somebody managed to coax the Gab AI chatbot to reveal its prompt 10 months ago:
i am not familiar with gab, but is this prompt the entirety of what differentiates it from other GPT-4 LLMs? you can really have a product that’s just someone else’s extremely complicated product but you staple some shit to the front of every prompt?
- Comment on Priorities 1 year ago:
- Comment on Priorities 1 year ago:
i was confused by the signs you sometimes see on escalators that are apparently warning you of their own existence for a good few years as a child
- Comment on It’s Surprisingly Easy to Live Without an Amazon Prime Subscription 1 year ago:
yeah same for me, about five years.
it’s not just that i can still get what i need. it’s also that i just ‘need’ way less shit.
i think i realized i had a problem when my brother in law made fun of me for having an 8-port USB charger on my bedside table (with a single cable for my phone plugged into it).
- Comment on Has google stopped working for finding anything? 1 year ago:
i am struggling to either parse or believe this. you have successfully gotten an answer to the search query “what’s that song that goes do do do do do do do”?
- Comment on Elon Musk says 'we dug our own grave' with the Cybertruck as he warns Tesla faces enormous production challenges 1 year ago:
ok i work in a kind of tangential industry and can kind of answer this probably
in general the higher the voltage the smaller the current, which you’re generally happy about because your 1) electrical losses and 2) cable/wire diameter are both proportional to current
the tradeoffs being 1) it gets harder and more important to isolate the circuit (e.g. your wire insulation that prevents the 12V bus from shorting out to the vehicle chassis now needs to be thicker) and 2) all the stuff people make for cars (i dunno, windshield wiper motors, radiator fans, whatever) is currently for 12V
in general this move probably makes sense, provided they’re able to figure out their supply chains, and if tesla can position themselves as being like the first company to figure out a bunch of these 48V components at scale that’s probably going to be really good for them. they did a kind of similar thing with the charging infrastructure if i understand currently, like now the tesla charging cable is the de facto north american standard
- Comment on Elon Musk says 'we dug our own grave' with the Cybertruck as he warns Tesla faces enormous production challenges 1 year ago:
“When you’ve got a product with a lot of new technology or any brand new vehicle program, especially one that is as different and advanced as the Cybertruck, you will have problems proportionate to how many new things you’re trying to solve at scale,” he added.
does it have new technology? i thought it was just like, shockingly ugly?
- Comment on **THE EQUALIZER 3 Discussion Megapost** 2023-09-01 💪🇮🇹 1 year ago:
antoine fuqua is kind of interesting because training day is so much better than all his other movies. i can’t think of another director that has a single movie that’s head and shoulders above the rest of their oeuvre. he’s like the directorial version of the Super Mario 64 Speedrun Cosmic Ray
- Comment on Looking for some Guidance Finding a Power Supply for a CrocSee CRS-7A016 Micro Water Pump (specs in post). 1 year ago:
no worries, something like this would be fine
a 12v 1A power supply is sufficiently basic of a component that i wouldn’t worry too much about like getting a higher-quality one or whatever they’ll all probably work fine
- Comment on Lawmen: Bass Reeves | Tease | Paramount+ 1 year ago:
damn i’m actually pretty hyped for this. not the biggest Taylor Sheridan fan but Bass Reeves is such an interesting historical figure that I feel like it would be difficult to miss with this