- Comment on Las Vegas' dystopia-sphere, powered by 150 Nvidia GPUs and drawing up to 28,000,000 watts, is both a testament to the hubris of humanity and an admittedly impressive technical feat | PC Gamer 7 months ago:
What do other cities do with their wastewater? Isnt that the norm?
- Comment on Is a cloud backup an acceptable backup for a home server? 7 months ago:
Fuck the 3-2-1 rule, I cant afford that. I just have my server and that connects each night to another server at my parents and does an incremental backup via kopia.
Or at least, that is my plan, currently i hook up a 10TB HDD from time to time and do a ZFS send… but the offsite backup is coming! For sure!
If it is not that much data though, take a look at Backblaze B2. Using that for a client that has a few 100 GBs and it costs about a euro a month currently. Incremental, encrypted, with kopia. But if it is multiple TB it can get real expensive real fast
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
Didnt even know carrier locking is still a thing. I think thats long illegal here in the EU
- Comment on Would any of you be interested in a semi-curated NixOS config? 9 months ago:
That would be awesome!
- Comment on Here's How to Declutter Your Google Search Results (And Make It Your Default) 9 months ago:
At least in the EU, you xan easily change search engines on chrome on android.
- Comment on Tesla’s Autopilot and Full Self-Driving linked to hundreds of crashes, dozens of deaths 10 months ago:
Accoring to the math in this video: :
- 150 000 000 miles have been driven with Teslas “FSD”, which equals to
- 375 miles per tesla purchased with FSD capabilities
- 736 known FSD crashes with 17 fatalities
- equals 11.3 deaths per 100M miles of teslas FSD
Doesnt sound to bad, until you hear that a human produces 1.35 deaths per 100M miles driven…
Its rough math, but holy moly that already is a completely other class of deadly than a non FSD car
- Comment on Tesla’s Autopilot and Full Self-Driving linked to hundreds of crashes, dozens of deaths 10 months ago:
Everyone…? KIA, Mercedes, BMW, etc, etc
Their modes are just not as “confident” as teslas, when its auto pilot feature is running over a child.
- Comment on YouTube’s ad blocker crackdown now includes third-party apps 10 months ago:
Working fine for me
- Comment on Finally got a UPS 11 months ago:
Never heard of anything like that. Do you know anything where I can read up on it? Is it dependent on the country you live in and the stabliness of the powergrid? Because I do not even remember the last time I had no power, probably 5-10 years ago.
- Comment on The Fairphone 5 is less about what comes in the box and more about what you get over the years 1 year ago:
Well, android itself is only 15 years old. To put that into perspective.
But yes, I would also be hella mad if they stopped supporting the FP4 or FP5 after “only” 8 or 10 years.
- Comment on The Fairphone 5 is less about what comes in the box and more about what you get over the years 1 year ago:
They make the problem of their supply chain clear. And still, it is probably the most “fair” phone you can get, so I dont understand the critizism really.
Why arent you criticizing all the other manufacturers, that dont even try to do anything positive? Its always the small companies, that try to improve on things and then get shitted over for not going all the way. I dont understand it…
- Comment on The Fairphone 5 is less about what comes in the box and more about what you get over the years 1 year ago:
But tgats stupid, since no manufacturer has parts available for that long. And fairphone released an update for the FP2 after 8 years of being available. Thats crazy! I think it got out around the same time as the Samsung S3. Try finding a genuine battery for that thing.
And also the FP1 and FP2 were sold in really low quantities. The FP3 was the first proper product, which therefor has much better support and will have parts available for much longer
- Comment on Japanese experimental nuclear fusion reactor inaugurated 1 year ago:
No. Renewables are available and super cheap.
- Comment on Japanese experimental nuclear fusion reactor inaugurated 1 year ago:
Fusion is so dump. Were at least a couple decades away from brake even in the fusion reaction, but still people believe it will help solve the climate crisis.
Atm we put about 10 times nore energy into the whole system than we get out. And it generates nuclear waste because the wall materials absorb neutrons and get radioactive. And so many other unsolved problems… this technology is a nice research peoject, but none of us will ever see a commercial reactor in action, because it is so far away, if even possible.
- Comment on SanDisk Extreme Pro Failures Result From Design and Manufacturing Flaws, Says Data Recovery Firm 1 year ago:
My professor told me this fact in class, but upon searching for papers I did not find anything to support it.
So probably you are right.
- Comment on Facebook marketplace alternative 1 year ago:
Not really what you asked for, but here in germany exist networks of big telegram groups where people give away their stuff for free. Maybe something like it exists also where you live.
Here theyre called “natural ressources”
- Comment on SanDisk Extreme Pro Failures Result From Design and Manufacturing Flaws, Says Data Recovery Firm 1 year ago:
Dont use SSDs for offline backups. The flash storage can experience random bit flips if not powered on every now and then.
- Comment on Apple Music isn't the best streaming music service — it's just the least annoying 1 year ago:
Used Deezer for two yeers. It sucked ass, cause half the time it didnt work (deleted offline songs, had a too low limit for how many songs could be downloaded, app in offline mode was nearly useless).
In the end I switched to spotify. Only miss the mixing stuff, that was kind of nice.
- Comment on Blood test findings by Toronto doctors can detect cancerous tumour before it develops 1 year ago:
This is just stupid. Most tumours arent deadky, especially those found early.
I can definitely recommend the video from nedkife crisis about wrong and too early classicmfication of tumours:
- Comment on Microsoft has over a million paying Github Copilot users: CEO Nadella 1 year ago:
It sure is, what would make you think otherwise? It has enough VC money to burn
- Comment on BlackBerry Announces Generative AI Powered Cybersecurity Assistant 1 year ago:
Not in the consumer business anymore, but they are doing well in commercial.
They own QNX, a Real Time and Micro Kernel based operaring system for embedded, used in “235 Million vehicles”.
- Comment on Alternative ways to run Plex? 1 year ago:
None of these services provide 1080P through a browser. Netflix can be hacked todo so with a different use agent and does play up to 4k on MS Edge on some windows Laptops, but other then that its 480p or 720p, depending on service.
- Comment on Telegram starts to look like a super app, echoing WeChat 1 year ago:
Well, thats also easy since telegram clients dont do much more than displaying messages stored on a server. Its more a viewer than a full client.
And that compromises hard on privacy and security, which Signal and Whatsapp dont do, they have proper Clients that have to really handle and store incoming messages. And the E2EE makes it harder, developing an independent desktop client, like Signal always had and Whatsapp recently got. But both are mediocre at best, sure.
- Comment on Alternative ways to run Plex? 1 year ago:
That would work for plex. But if one also wants Disney Plus, Netflix or Prime, that wont work (or with really limited quality)
- Comment on Alternative ways to run Plex? 1 year ago:
Can it do transcoding and subtitles?
- Comment on Germany Will Force 80% of Gas Stations to Install EV Charging, Too 1 year ago:
A good start, but not proper investment in public transit. DB is still massivly underfunded and the road infrastructure, again, got more money to spend than the rail infrastructure, despite claiming the Ampel would do it the other way around… :/