- Comment on Freelancing (?) programmers here: How do you estimate how many scrum points a specific project will require? Is there a template? 1 year ago:
Story points are unique to the team that is doing the work. Basically, a 21 point story for me could be a 3 point story for you.
In of themselves, the points are not important. Just size the stories to some amount of points that is reasonable and then do a sprint. The objective is to get a sense of how much work can be done in a sprint, to help create forecasts of when work will be completed.
- Comment on Is Java Still Keeping Up with Modern Programming Languages 1 year ago:
At this point, it’s the JVM that is the real value, not the language itself. It would be better if they started to emphasize that more.
- Comment on GoOn 1 year ago:
- Comment on How much does naming consistency matter? 1 year ago:
It’s very important, so that everyone knows that they are talking about the same thing.
Like, everyone needs to just agree to use the same term, while also not getting into bike shedding around which term to choose.
- Comment on Trying to get release and testing in sync 1 year ago:
Your QA team should be building automated regression tests and automating their tests so that they can be run locally as part of the development cycle or as a job in your CI system.
That would decouple this incredibly tight release cycle that you currently have
- Comment on What are the best zoom alternatives? 1 year ago:
Jitsi seemed okay to me