- Comment on Antybooties 10 months ago:
2024: “Pfft, look at these scientists wasting time and money figuring out if ants count their steps. Ridiculous!”
2124: “…and that’s how the Ant-Step Computational Model allowed us to build the Warp Drive!”
- Comment on US will veto Palestinian request for full UN membership at security council vote 10 months ago:
You’re posting garbage on the internet. You’re doing less than nothing. Don’t even try and claim that you’re organizing or knocking on doors because those would be complete and total lies.
- Comment on US will veto Palestinian request for full UN membership at security council vote 10 months ago:
Did endorsing genocide boost your FICO score?
- Comment on China abducted its own citizens on EU territory, report finds 10 months ago:
I’ve met several Asian people, online and offline, who consider it racist to compare an Asian person to a yellow-colored cartoon character.
- Comment on historical materialism moment 1 year ago:
Where’s the Office of the President of the Federation?
- Comment on historical materialism moment 1 year ago:
The U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 comes across a lost Earth colony during a survey beyond Federation space; a few generations after its establishment, a group of religious zealots take over the operations of the colony, creating a feudal society in which power is held by a select few “holy” families and the vast majority of colonists are little more than slaves. How would Kirk and crew handle this situation?
- Comment on Battle of the Helmsmen will now commence. 8 pilots enter. 1 pilot leaves. 1 year ago:
1701% Mr. Sulu