- Comment on Don’t ever hand your phone to the cops 5 months ago:
This joke is 20 years old now, I bet there are kids repeating it who weren’t alive when it was first made and don’t even know where it comes from.
- Comment on Some basic info about USB 5 months ago:
Fewer. Sorry, pet peeve of mine. If you can count the thing, it’s fewer, not less.
- Comment on Report: Microsoft to face antitrust case over Teams 9 months ago:
Maybe it’s anticompetitive conduct by the provider (like Microsoft using its market power on Outlook/Exchange to push other services like Teams over its competition)
That’s exactly what it is. They leveraged their dominance/monopoly in one market to gain a stranglehold on another market. It’s not exactly a new tactic for Microsoft either.
- Comment on ByteDance won't sell TikTok, would rather pull it from the US 10 months ago:
That’s interesting, what’s so clever or original about its algorithm?
- Comment on Mozilla lays off 60 people, wants to build AI into Firefox 1 year ago:
1995: animated gifs, <marquee>, guest books, site rings!
- Comment on Earth will be destroyed in 12 minutes... 1 year ago:
Video nasty was slang for graphic horror movies, not porn. Not heard anyone say it since the 80s though.
- Comment on HP raising Instant Ink subscription pricing significantly 1 year ago:
Man, if only we could buy printers online!
- Comment on VW Is Putting Buttons Back in Cars Because People Complained Enough 1 year ago:
My car lets you turn off lane assist, it’s the collision avoidance that I can’t turn off that is trying to kill me. Randomly I’ll be driving along when an alarm sounds and it tries to swerve off the road. It’s fucking infuriating and dangerous and despite many of us complaining to the manufacturer you can’t turn it off.
- Comment on YouTube Says New 5-Second Video Load Delay Is Supposed to Punish Ad Blockers, Not Firefox Users 1 year ago:
Why was it a mistake? I’ve used Google workspaces for business email for about 5 years and find it to be a really good and inexpensive service.
- Comment on Black Mirror creator unafraid of AI because it’s “boring” 1 year ago:
We should be happy that we might still have a few more years left before AI renders us all obsolete.
Wow, this is some spectacular hyperbole!
- Comment on If you could play one game for the first time all over again, what would it be? 1 year ago:
Are you aware of the Zelda: ALLTTP randomizer? alttpr.com/en
- Comment on Why doesn't the United Kingdom rejoin the European Union? 1 year ago:
Not just that, all these trade deals we cut with other countries means visas for their citizens. Net immigration to the UK has tripled since Brexit from countries like India. I’m sure the racists and xenophobes are really happy with what they voted for.
- Comment on Why doesn't the United Kingdom rejoin the European Union? 1 year ago:
Try to remember that almost half of us did not vote to leave in the first place and knew it was a mistake. The Brexit vote was won on the tiniest of margins mainly due to a criminal misinformation campaign. It’s fine to laugh at us, but all countries are vulnerable to this kind of shit.
There was no mandate in that vote for the UK leaving the single market - something that those liars campaigning for Brexit said that we would never do. I firmly believe that all of the Brexit campaigners should be rotting in prison for the incalculable damage they did to our nation. Many people were tricked into voting against their best interests because they were told that leaving the EU would mean more money for the NHS, or it would protect their daughters from all the Turkish rapists joining the EU next week, or all the other total fucking nonsense the criminal liars told them through Facebook.