- Comment on Gaming chat platform Discord in early talks with banks about public listing 3 days ago:
People overestimate the fiduciary responsibility of public companies. It’s true they will often pursue aggressive short term gains to attract more investment in several forms, including higher stock prices. But as long as they are arguably trying to help the company they are considered to have fulfilled their obligation. You have to be able to prove in court they are trying to harm the shareholders to run afoul of that responsibility, which is a fair hurdle. And it isn’t really that difficult to avoid a forced IPO by keeping under the 500 shareholder threshold if one really wants to avoid it.
- Comment on That explains a lot 1 week ago:
Pretty sure the whole point of this article is we have confirmed tiny black holes do rapidly evaporate. We’ve theoretically known that any black hole just about our sun’s mass or smaller will spew more Hawking Radiation than it can consume mass and will shrink. And this process should accelerate as the mass shrinks. This seems to be the first expiremental evidence to support the well established theory.
- Comment on They just don't write good fantasy like this anymore. 2 months ago:
To be a bit more precise, people did sometimes carry swords on their back, but generally not into battle. It was more comfortable for travel, but impossible to draw, so when they were expecting trouble they would move it to the hip.
- Comment on Nvidia blocks access to video card driver updates for users from Russia and Belarus. 4 months ago:
The last thing the US wants is a civil war and mass instability in a nuclear nation. That has the capability to shatter MAD. At best, the US wants a regime change.
- Comment on Smart 5 months ago:
I think his issues more stemmed from academia and the rat race within it, not so much the ethical issues of mathematics and what they can lead to. Just shitty crabs trying to escape the bucket.
- Comment on Microsoft inks deal to restart Three Mile Island nuclear reactor to fuel its voracious AI ambitions 5 months ago:
I suspect you’re right. But there really is never a good way to tell with these kinds of experimental techs. It could be a runaway chain of improvement. Or it is probably even odds that there is a visible and clear decline before it peters out, or just suddenly slams into a beick wall with no warning.
- Comment on Name generator 5 months ago:
Teet Stracos I think. Which might be one of Luke’s buddies on that island…
- Comment on Name generator 5 months ago:
Chackin Meese
Cheef Balupa
Joppie Sloe
- Comment on Men: What sequence do you fellow to dry your body off after showering or bathing? 5 months ago:
Using a single sheet towel.
B, A, using one whole side of the towel. Then fold it in half with the dry side out. Shoulders/begin C3, C4, C1, finish C3/C2, D2, D1, E1, E2, F, all with one side of the towel. Then flip it and use the dry outer side to do a quick pass in the same order.
- Comment on Venom vs Poison 5 months ago:
Ah, but we can go even further beyond in pedantry. This distinction is only wxclusive when we’re talking about a living thing. When talking about the substances themselves, one is a subcategory of the other. A venomous snake is not poisonous, but a venomous venom is a poisonous poison.
- Comment on Linus Tech Tips uploaded a video showing how to block ads on Youtube. Which was removed by Youtube for community guidelines violations. 5 months ago:
Makes sense, it’s basically just a Bing wrapper.
- Comment on Mans got big hands! 6 months ago:
If it slowed down it would get closer, not further. The truth is, any orbit is only stable given a specific timeframe. The longer that timeframe, the less likely any given orbit is to remain. The moon has just a little bit more speed than the Earth can hold onto, so it is in an extremely slow escape, and always has been.
- Comment on Scientists Propose New Way to Find Aliens: Detect Their Failing Warp Drives 8 months ago:
Pretty hard to detect. But… probably easier than finding the petunias I guess.
- Comment on Cubic millimetre of brain mapped in spectacular detail 9 months ago:
I agree, but it isn’t so clear cut. Where is the cutoff on complexity required? As it stands, both our brains and most complex AI are pretty much black boxes. It’s impossible to say this system we know vanishingly little about is/isn’t dundamentally the same as this system we know vanishingly little about, just on a differentscale. The first AGI will likely still have most people saying the same things about it, “it isn’t complex enough to approach a human brain.” But it doesn’t need to equal a brain to still be intelligent.
- Comment on we must go back and fix this 10 months ago:
Assassination > WWI > Hitler’s rise/WWII > US reconstruction of Japan and merging cultures > Anime. Tracks.
- Comment on As a long-time user hearing YouTube wants to play ads when I pause a video 10 months ago:
Just started my Kagi trial, and it has been such a breath of fresh air. Will almost certainly subscribe as soon as the trial is up. Remember, if the service is free, you’re the product.
- Comment on The Way Forward, an update from the team behind Cities: Skylines 10 months ago:
Arguably, patches started even earlier. It wasn’t uncommon to release another whole title that was basically a bug/balance patch. See Japanese Pokemon Blue, and all the various Street Fighter 2 versions.
- Comment on Walk for miles 1 year ago:
Well that’s good, because it is the least efficient walk. It’s even worse than binding your hands to your sides. It makes a kind of intuitive sense, but shocker, the way we’ve evolved to walk most comfortably is the most efficient. We swing our arms in part to reduce angular momentum. Anti-swing walk, swinging the same arm forward as the leg that is moving forward, not only fails to bleed that momentum, it adds more of it. Which we then need to spend even more energy to counter, with less efficient muscles. It’s the worst of all worlds. The only practical reasons to use it are to increase the intensity of your walks, or if you’re into some martial arts/kendo that relies on it.
- Comment on Seek relief 1 year ago:
I’ve read there is a lot of contention among doctors of whether you should fight a fever or not, with a lot of literature for and against it. My intuition is that, like most symptoms, it is probably best to deal with it as best you can without reducing it. But if it is causing you to have issues doing activities that will help you recover like sleeping, eating, etc, then to treat it.
- Comment on Seek relief 1 year ago:
Most headaches are caused by blood sugar imbalance, which in turn are often caused by changes in diet or sleep habits, and/or dehydration. If the meals help then yours may tend to be from low blood sugar.
- Comment on How hard can it possibly be? 1 year ago:
There’s a lot of interesting ethical concerns about the Borg Collevtive. It’s easy to think of it as some big, alien, external force that erases minds and uses the bodies as flesh puppets. But that isn’t how they’re described at all. The people are all still there, that big scary intelligence is made up from merging all their minds together. Obviously, the consent issue is problematic, and we know people generally find it horrific when they are freed. But the fact is, the majority of the Hivemind apparently don’t mind, the hive mind is made up from the gestalt of the individuals, and that is the only thing keeping individuals from leaving.
- Comment on Ford lays off 600 workers at plant targeted by UAW strike 1 year ago:
Toyota man. Shit never stops running if you even sort of take care of it. If you’re trying to stay with US built then most of their cars sold in US are made here. In 2017 their US sales were:
Built in America 56%
Built in Canada 25%
Built in Mexico 6%
Built outside N.A. 13% (Mostly Lexus Models) - Comment on Is "Burn Notice" worth watching? 1 year ago:
I’m a suckered for the suits. This episode and the one where he was “Diablo” have got to be my two favorites.
- Comment on Is "Burn Notice" worth watching? 1 year ago:
To fill in a bit, gathers information on target, formulates a well thought out plan, new development forces him to scrap the plan and improvise something else on short notice.
- Comment on F-ZERO 99 - Nintendo Switch Online | Nintendo Direct 9.14.2023 1 year ago:
A remaster with some QoL improvements would be much appreciated. I mean. A straight poet would be great, upgraded graphics would be amazing, but some tweaks would be really nice. Some of it just hasn’t aged well, especially the grinding needed for some stuff like unlocking parts. I’ll gladly take a port, but a little extra would be nice.
- Comment on Isn't it weird that we have exactly five fingers and five toes on each hand and foot. 1 year ago:
Octopi is doubly wrong, it’s Greek, not Latin. If it wasn’t octopuses it should be octopodes, ock-TOP-oh(uh)-deez.
- Comment on Open source community figures out problems with performance in Starfield 1 year ago:
Even before release I figured I’d wait for a sale. Too many good games just came out I want more, big backlog of Yakuza games I recently started and got totally hooked on. Not interested in helping standardize $70 games, will wait for a sale, and by then there will be a better mod scene too. Less money for a better game, win/win.
- Comment on What’s the Bare Minimum Number of People for a Mars Habitat? 1 year ago:
I mean, they will probably be relying on many unammed missions that deliver payloads to deliver all the construction material for the outpost before sending any people. While you’re at it you could send the return craft too.
- Comment on What’s the Bare Minimum Number of People for a Mars Habitat? 1 year ago:
I recall a similar study years ago. They concluded 32 was minimal viable, assuming a strict breeding regiment over several generations, with 8 men and 24 women. They also concluded about 500 would be the smallest particular size, given people aren’t robots and losing even a couple people before leaving the breeding pool would be very bad. Interesting we’ve got it down to even fewer now, theoretically.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I don’t think it works like that. It’s Stargate logic. You get scanned, then deconstructed into energy, then stored in the energy banks. At that point you are gone, there is just a surplus of power in the system, and a blueprint of how to make you. It then transmits the energy elsewhere, then reknits it back into matter. But it’s not like it just takes the “you,” energy, and of course there’s no way to make the energy that was your hand back into your hand. Everybody is a transport clone, the originals all died ages ago.