- Comment on Student dorm does not allow wifi routers 5 months ago:
This is pretty typical for universities. They don’t want the airwaves clogged, doubling up NAT can lead to networking wonkiness, and they don’t want you giving university network access to unauthorized folks with an open AP.
When you say VR streaming, you just mean wireless from your PC to the headset, right? There’s a chance you could do that with an offline wireless router if the VR experiences you’re looking to play are single player.
- Comment on Anybody tried one of these RPi based N64 cart dumpers off Aliexpress? 6 months ago:
Unfortunately most of the PCB fab companies only print off PCBs in at least batches of 5. I bought enough parts to make two cart readers and split the costs with a friend to help drive the price down into the low hundreds.
I don’t know which number you were looking at when you saw the Sanni was “so expensive”. You can get an assembled Sanni v3 for about $150 online. savethehero.builders If you join their Discord, there’s also folks selling Sanni v5 DIY part kits for $110-130 depending on what add-ons you go for. It’s still a pretty penny, but significantly less than some of the $250 pre-assembled stores online.
- Comment on Anybody tried one of these RPi based N64 cart dumpers off Aliexpress? 6 months ago:
I wasn’t able to find anything definitive online, but its specs and functionality sound pretty close to BennVenn’s Joey N64 cart reader/writer. bennvenn.myshopify.com/…/joeyn64-cart-flasher
- Comment on What specs should I look out for UPS 7 months ago:
I can’t help much on the power draw side of this question, but one thing to look out for with a UPS is some sort of communication option. (Usually NUT over ethernet, but there are some USB options too.) Most modern UPS brands will have a plugin you can install on your Raspberry Pi and Mini PC that allows your UPS to signal, “Hey, I’ve got 3% of battery life, you actually need to gracefully shut down now.” It’s mostly useful for NAS applications with spinning drives, but it could help save your Pi’s SD card potentially.
It’s a pretty standard feature these days, but the cheapest of the cheap will omit it.
- Comment on Rover 8 months ago:
“My battery is low and it’s getting dark.”
- Comment on How hard could babysitting be? 1 year ago:
Deep Space Nine Young Adult Book #5: Arcade
There’s a new player on the Promenade: a Ferengi shop owner, Bokat. His Games Bazaar specializes in hard-to-find virtual reality computer games. He approaches Jake Sisko and Nog with a tempting offer to play a hot new game called The Zhodran Crystal Quest. No non-Zhodran player has ever won this game, but then, Jake and Nog have the best scores on all the other games at the Games Bazaar. And Bokat is willing to bet on their ability to win the game, and – as a result – win Bokat a lucrative business deal with the Zhodrans.
But soon, kids all over the station are falling into comas, their minds trapped in an ever-changing game. Suddenly, it’s up to Jake to go into the game and rescue them. It he wins, so does the Federation. If he loses, he’ll be trapped forever in a deadly game with a very real Borg!
I’m glad Star Trek novelists were given exactly zero guard rails on what they could write about. .Hack//Trek? Sure, why not!
- Comment on The math just works out that way 1 year ago:
Scanners indicate high presence of FODs.
- Comment on It's the weekend, baby. 1 year ago:
Whoops, already made the second part of the verse.
- Submitted 1 year ago to risa@startrek.website | 5 comments
- Comment on Forever Ensign NoMore 1 year ago:
“I’ve dealt with the constant pain of being unrecognized and under-appreciated for almost a decade. You think a phaser set to stun level 4 even registers to me anymore?”
- Submitted 1 year ago to risa@startrek.website | 13 comments
- Comment on Q intentionally leaves his cart in the blind spot behind the most expensive car in the lot 1 year ago:
That cart was a friend. *Exits Room.*
- Comment on Has google stopped working for finding anything? 1 year ago:
I think they realized their price structure was confusing/annoying towards the end of last year. Now it’s just $5/mo for 300 searches or $10/mo for unlimited. (There’s also still an expensive $25/mo plan for early access to some of their LLM experiments apparently?) You got me curious and I couldn’t find any mention of per-search overage billing. This feature request thread from 2022 just makes it sound like Kagi search gets shut off.
I bouncing hard off of Kagi when they had the original pricing structure you described. Bringing back aughts era SMS overages or just mentally having to count searches doesn’t exactly found like a fun time. I’m going to give the $5 plan a try this month to see how far that gets me. $10/mo is still a tough sell for Internet search. If I really find it substantially better, I might convince my spouse into trying the two seat $14/mo unlimited “Duo” plan for a while.
- Comment on Has google stopped working for finding anything? 1 year ago:
You’re my new favorite person in this comment section.
- Comment on Has google stopped working for finding anything? 1 year ago:
The signal to noise ratio has seemed particularly out of wack with Google lately. The amount of blog spam SEO nonsense that crops up into the top 4 results has been pretty noticeable.
I’m not sure it’s entirely a Google thing. Reddit’s decline has made it harder to find quick answers for, “My washing machine’s making this weird string of beeps?” Niche hobbies moving from forums to Discord chats means, “How do I safely remove a keycap without damaging the switch?” is becoming a pinned message in a server you have to hear about via word of mouth. Basically any technology troubleshooting topic has moved from a blog post / forum to a YouTube video. And a 10 minute long one at that. Gotta hit those higher ad tiers.
For what it’s worth, I’m starting the new year off giving Kagi a try. It’s a startup trying to make a paid search engine work. You get 100 free searches to give it a try. After that it’s $5/mo for 300 searches, or $10/mo for unlimited. I’m not sure I’ll sign up for it just yet, but it seems pretty nice. No ads, custom components for things like Stack Overflow and Reddit, and some other nice touches for people who care about search. Their image search actually has a “View Image” link in addition to the “View Page” link. It’s hard to quantify how “good” a search result is, but I’ve been pretty impressed with it so far.
- Comment on First Nas Build 1 year ago:
www.serverbuilds.net is a popular website online for folks building NASes at home. They’re fans of Unraid as well. They’ve got a Discord if you’re looking for something more interactive. Worth checking out. 👍
- Comment on On the eleventh day of Trek-mas, 1 year ago:
Merry Christmas Risa, here’s a D7 snowflake for your Twelve Cloaking Warbirds.
- Comment on On the tenth day of Trek-mas, 1 year ago:
Eleven Rikers Riking, with apologies to Jack Randsom.
- Comment on Who's the MVP of the MPV's? 1 year ago:
Oh it’s 100% Solok. The guy made his entire senior staff learn and practice baseball just to antagonize a former colleague.
Sovol was the face of the High Command’s punchable decisions, but he ended up being a real one in Season Four. m.youtube.com/watch?v=CpIPixWaj1E
- Comment on Sega wants classic franchise reboots to show ‘edginess and a rebellious mind-set’ 1 year ago:
If you’re looking for a new Jet Set Radio style game, make sure to check out the recently released indie project Bomb Rush Cyberfunk. They did a great job of capturing the JSR spirit while modernizing the controls and gameplay. store.steampowered.com/…/Bomb_Rush_Cyberfunk/
- Comment on Just imagine what O'Brien could do with a piece of black liquorice. 1 year ago:
It’s a Jett Reno quote from Season 3 of Discovery for anyone scratching their head. They’re both no-nonsense war vet engineers. You have to imagine they’d either get along swimmingly or tear each other to pieces.
- Submitted 1 year ago to risa@startrek.website | 6 comments
- Comment on For all the Texan Trekkies out there 1 year ago:
It’s someone answering the question, “What if a gas station were the side of a small Wal-Mart and had promenade vibes?”
- Comment on Remember: 9 months until we build a statue of this guy. 1 year ago:
Anyone else think that Gabriel Bell looks just like Commander Sisko?
- Comment on Mark me down as scared and horny 1 year ago:
DEFCON-level fun ಠ_ಠ!
- Comment on Tea Mom 1 year ago:
”We have blueberry, raspberry, ginseng, sleepy time, green tea, green tea with lemon, green tea with lemon and honey, liver disaster, ginger with honey, ginger without honey, vanilla almond, white truffel, blueberry chamomile, vanilla walnut, constant comment and… earl grey.”
- Comment on — Mrs. McMurray 1 year ago:
There’s some honest to goodness swearing on the new streaming Star Trek shows. Their highest concentration is probably on Discovery. The dialog’s written a little differently on the show, and their go-to scene establishing shot on the bridge is three scientists giving very Star Trek comments, and a fourth person earnestly going, “Holy shit this is so cool / extremely dangerous.”
The other shows have a slightly more classic tone, but even Patrick Stewart got an f-bomb off in the third season of Picard. The shows mostly limit it to one-off expletives during firefights. They’re rare enough that you typically don’t even catch them when they come up. They definitely don’t have extended colorful metaphors like “cock-sucker” though. At that point they’ll reach for a sci-fi comment like the Trek film’s “pointy-eared bastard”.
Personally I like the joke someone made a while back about how swearing on Star Trek is a setting the captain gets to make on the universal translator. Picard’s a narc, and Pike’s the cool boss.
- Comment on It was his last wish too. 1 year ago:
“…how do you feel about Ethan Peck?”
- Comment on I'm bleeding, making me the victor! 1 year ago:
Beware of the Dahar Master’s opera about big forehead ridges. He beats people up while he plays it!
- Comment on Two more in comments 1 year ago:
Sisko’s in the celestial temple because Bajorans happen to practice the one true space religion.