- Comment on Is there a way to exclude topics from what I see on Lemmy? 3 months ago:
It can be done using some arcane browser extensions or in apps like Voyager.
There was a TIL post last week on similar topic. The OP shared a browser solution they found:
- Comment on Good file servers for Proxmox 10 months ago:
Seconded on Cockpit project w File Sharing.
Probably not best practice, but it’s possible to install it on the PVE host itself since its ZFS manager and Identity manager plugins and other features fills some gaps in what Proxmox doesn’t do (or would have to drop to CLI to do).
Also recommend RClone in a systemd can take care of various file movements, syncs and backup tasks you may need against the host, vdumps or SMB file shares.
- Comment on gaming 11 months ago:
For a few seconds this could have been a shit post. But when you see it, its shitpost.
- Comment on Multiple HDDs in a RPi5 vanish 1 year ago:
Suggest the typical hardware device troubleshooting. watch/tail your dmesg -w or kernel log as you add the extra drive. It’s curious that the system itself doesn’t crash, but from your description it still sounds like a power starvation concern or possibly high temperatures if this device is under heavy load.
- Comment on Visual storytelling at its finest 1 year ago:
Twin towers Sept 2001?
- Comment on Recommendation for an UPS 1 year ago:
Doesn’t meet your power requirements (only up to 850VA) but i recommend Cyberpower Bric meets the rest. I have mine connected to my Proxmox host, usb passthrough to VM running Hassio with the NUT add-on. Neat little LCD and silent unless humming on battery. Can choose if you want an audible alarm.
APC still very well regarded UPS for small business, and your specs seems like they should be achievable across many leading brands. Have you looked into latest models for your spec?
- Comment on The Nerdiest Game Ever 1 year ago:
Link to play the game itself…