Plant, pottery and tech enthusiast
- Comment on English may be a hot mess but at least we don't have to worry about this nonsense 1 year ago:
You sound odd, like a child or someone not fluent if you don’t use our misuse the genders of words.
That being said, as native Spanish that lived in the UK for a while, I noticed that genders and verb forms are useful for providing more context when talking.
Cannot think of specific examples now, but in general in a phrase if you don’t hear a word or don’t know the meaning, it is easier to guess it because the rest of the phrase is constructed around the gender and more complex verbal forms.
- Comment on It's trying to tell me something, but what? 1 year ago:
I’d bet it’s missing sunlight, those things thrive in direct sun. Second guess is that it’s overwatered… does that pot drain well the water? it should definitely not be sitting in water and I would now water it very often. It can be a mix of both things
- Comment on And why you gotta touch my back with those ice blocks 😩 1 year ago:
a curse in the winter time, a blessing in summer
- Comment on Valid point 1 year ago:
yep, people blinded by rage invest more time to flood places with their message. Sometimes with bots or multi accounts, which… well, speaks for itself how sad it is.
And also that making up facts for discussion takes less time to do than a proper argumentation
- Comment on The Best Easy & Hard to Kill Houseplants 1 year ago:
probably you’re overwatering, which is the sure way to kill aloes.
Get a pothos instead and it’ll thrive
- Comment on Does anyone else hoard memes on lemmy for no apparent reason? 1 year ago:
- Comment on How on earth do you water your plants in macrame hangers? 1 year ago:
This is the best option