Mostly harmless
- Comment on Ordered back to the office, top tech talent left instead, study finds 9 months ago:
If you drive. If you use public transport you can inhale other people’s BO instead.
But yes, if you commute, nobody gains only you lose.
- Comment on Ordered back to the office, top tech talent left instead, study finds 9 months ago:
Forget the cost of travel, if my commute is one hour, that’s two per day, ten per week, that’s an EXTRA WEEK they demand that I donate of my time to the company each month.
Ain’t happening.
- Comment on xkcd #2929: Good and Bad Ideas 9 months ago:
I’m not familiar with the books, and the plot summary of their Wikipedia article does not mention nuclear propulsion whereas the article for the series does, so I went with that.
Unless what bothers you is the x followed by the apostrophe and the s, which I never know when to omit the s, so it is what it is.
- Comment on xkcd #2929: Good and Bad Ideas 9 months ago:
It’s not uncommon in scifi. Netflix’s Three Body Problem also explores such a solution in quite some depth.
- Comment on Tour dates 10 months ago:
He was told he couldn’t be a composer after he’d gone deaf, but did he listen??
- Comment on Roku has patented a way to show ads over anything you plug into your TV 11 months ago:
Sony fabitch!
- Comment on But is now better or worse? 1 year ago:
France commemorating their stunning victory over West Tonga by a whopping four goals.
- Comment on Reddit has reportedly signed over its content to train AI models 1 year ago:
I just want to mark the occasion when my previous comment is on 69 points. Noice.
- Comment on Reddit has reportedly signed over its content to train AI models 1 year ago:
Air Canada offering a refund of tree fiddy.
- Comment on Neigh 1 year ago:
visibly moved
Was he riding it in public?
- Comment on Americans are asleep, post European windows 1 year ago:
Should’ve installed velux
- Comment on What if we added a social component like "Stories" to this calculator app? 1 year ago:
- Comment on What if we added a social component like "Stories" to this calculator app? 1 year ago:
If you ever feel useless just remember somebody designed and implemented the share-to-facebook feature on porn sites.
- Comment on You may want to wear sunglasses though 1 year ago:
It’s their meme, hence they’re not in it.
- Comment on You may want to wear sunglasses though 1 year ago:
- Comment on You may want to wear sunglasses though 1 year ago:
Whose feet, JFC! :O
- Comment on A literal child taking orders in a fast food restaurant in the US 1 year ago:
14 and a bit is literally a child
- Comment on These aren't "feel good" stories, they're "we live in hell" stories. 1 year ago:
My condolences
- Comment on These aren't "feel good" stories, they're "we live in hell" stories. 1 year ago:
“out of sick days” – what in the name of fuck is that??
Sincerely, Europe
- Comment on UK government sets out plans for ‘biggest nuclear power expansion in 70 years’ 1 year ago:
UK government sets out plans to distract from their looming, devastating election defeat later in the year.
None of their plans have any relevance given how much of it they can implement in the time left in office.
- Comment on Air quality in there isn't too good 1 year ago:
From French chute, fall, see also parachute, “protect against falling”.
- Comment on Coincidence?! 1 year ago:
It works for me. The shaded inside of the indent is interpreted as the shaded side of a hill.
- Comment on Researchers warn that Windows 11 restrictions could send 240 million computers to landfills 1 year ago:
Be the change etc…
- Comment on Coincidence?! 1 year ago:
My brain struggled a bit with the upside down crater…
- Comment on Coincidence?! 1 year ago:
I just find it remarkably lucky that the Arizona meteorite missed the visitor centre by just a few feet.
- Comment on Does he bring presents too or just science homework? 1 year ago:
This is so delightfully silly!
- Comment on Sleigh bells ring, are you listening? 1 year ago:
Those are budgie smugglers smh
- Comment on Tenants in Britain ‘hit by highest increase in rent for a decade’ last month 1 year ago:
Some of it is not greed, but trickle down trussonomics.
Many landlords have found themselves with a massive increase of mortgage payments since last year when the but-to-let interest rates jumped from 1-2% to 5-6% and beyond. Many of those mortgages are still on the lower rate, but will have to move to a higher rate in the next 3-4 years. Brace, brace.
We could send them tiny violins and tell them to suck it up as investments can go down as well as up, but the reality is what we see in the article above. Hand on heart, how many of us would pay through our noses if we could get someone else to do it for us?
- Comment on Treat yourself 1 year ago:
I accidentally imagined four. Should I unimagine one or just roll with it?
- Comment on 4chan prepared me for this debate 😏 1 year ago: