- Comment on World’s population to fall for first time since the Black Death 11 months ago:
For once, a good news.
- Comment on I've noticed my boomer parents using Instagram and tik tok. I can't tell you how excited I am for them to kill those platforms like they did facebook. 11 months ago:
Weren’t them a “boomer” thing for a long time?
- Comment on “We cannot support it:” Polestar follows Tesla out of car lobby over Toyota led campaign 11 months ago:
Nokia Android smartphones are actually HMC smartphone.
- Comment on HP’s 'All-In' Printer Rental Watches Everything You Print, Tells HP All About It 11 months ago:
The first thing to do is not connecting a printer to internet.
- Comment on Spotify just changed TOS, giving them unprecedented rights to create "derivative works" from audiobooks 1 year ago:
This will be an unpopular opinion here.
I’m not against AI but the rules have to be in laws and regulations. First, AI can’t use copyrighted material without paying for it. It can’t either use material without asking individually.
The second point is that AI can’t created copyrighted material. Whatever an AI created, it’s free of copyright and everyone can use it.
Third, an AI can’t be a blackbox. It has to be comprehensive how it works and what the AI is doing. A solution would be to have source available code.
Fourth, AI can’t violate laws, create and push misinformation, and material used for misinforming.
And, of course, anything created using AI has to be indentified as such.
The money is in what the AI can do, the quality of the result, and the quality of the code. All the other things isn’t valuable.
- Comment on Backdoors that let cops decrypt messages violate human rights, EU court says 1 year ago:
In this case, the title is misleading. It’s not the ECJ, it’s the ECHR. The ECHR isn’t part of the EU even if the EU and the EU members recognize it.
The ECHR rules according to the ECHR and not the EU regulations. The court can overturn EU regulation when violating the Human Rights.
- Comment on AI companies are violating a basic social contract of the web and and ignoring robots.txt 1 year ago:
Alternative title: Capitalism doesn’t care about morals and contracts. It wants to make more money.
- Comment on Young adults set an earlier bedtime as they navigate economic fatigue, wellness trends, and a loneliness epidemic 1 year ago:
Loneliness epidemic aka. they don’t conform to the previous social norms.
- Comment on OpenAI wants to raise 5-7 trillion dollars. Yes, Trillion 1 year ago:
I’m not pretending AI isn’t useful. There is plenty of field where AI helps. But, AI has been the next scam after blockchain, crypto, NFT…
It’s the end of our civilization with falling capitalism. But, capitalism will try to find new ways to make short term profits. We moved from fordism to post-fordism with the enslavement of the cognitive abilities. We entered the next era with all these scams. And entshitification is a symptom of this.
- Comment on How did China get so good at chips and AI? Congressional investigation blames American venture capitalists 1 year ago:
But regulations are bad and the free market is good! /s
- Comment on TikTok Is Destroying Itself From the Inside Out 1 year ago:
More good news! Please!
- Comment on Dear server admins, please defederate Dear users, ask your server admin to defederate 1 year ago:
It’s a similar situation as with the unions. We can all manage to have a pay rise by ourselves. Or, we unionize and ask together for the pay rise.
Defederating the instance is like unionizing. We all go forward instead of individually to have weight. This weight is in form of killing asap the federating attempt, as users will have nothing to see in the Fediverse. If you let each user manage the situation, can do whatever they want. There is no individual responsibility in this case. We have to play collectively.
We need to play collectively because the Fediverse isn’t one monolithic network, unlike Meta. It’s a federated network. It’s each instance and Meta. This is why unionizing is important. It’s the Fediverse and Meta. This is the magic of activity pub. You can let others use the protocol but say no to the interaction with them.
The second aspect is that Meta is relying on “cognitive capitalism”. Meta will use free cognitive time from the Fediverse to capitalize. This has huge implication on mental health and all kind of minorities relying on the Fediverse for various reasons. We can say all together no to this, what isn’t possible individually. I recommend the book “The Soul at Work From Alienation to Autonomy” by Franco “Bifo” Berardi. It’s a good book to understand the issue with Meta and others.
- Comment on Dear server admins, please defederate Dear users, ask your server admin to defederate 1 year ago:
You’re playing the classic “it’s the individual responsability” game. It’s how you deregulate everything and the consumer losses every right.
We have to acknowledge that we have systemic or/and societal issues. This is a systemic issues so a common thing.
- Comment on Firefox for Android now supports over 450 add-ons 1 year ago:
- Comment on Firefox for Android now supports over 450 add-ons 1 year ago:
Where do it lack of add-on? I’m on 120.1.0 and have the 496 add-ons.
- Comment on How to Kill a Decentralised Network (such as the Fediverse) 1 year ago:
Absolutely no problem!
By chance, the instances (for or protecting minorities) I’m on are all defederated of threads.
- Comment on How to Kill a Decentralised Network (such as the Fediverse) 1 year ago:
For mastodon if it can help:
Open your favorite text editor and write
Save it as csv
On your profile on Mastodon, click “edit profile” and scroll to “import/export”.
Choose “import”, it will open a menu.
In this menu be sure to click on “Following list” and choose “Domain blocking list”.
Browse and select your CSV
Click upload
- Comment on Threads is officially starting to test ActivityPub integration 1 year ago:
Longer user know about it. It’s good to post it time to time (as a reminder or not) so people know about it.
- Comment on Threads is officially starting to test ActivityPub integration 1 year ago:
Infinity grow is a mirage. We need to understand that. It’s fine if a social media as a limit.
What’s important is how you manage to keep it in life. Even here, you have a limit. It’s conservative to think that it will last for ever as you will encontre the same issue as with infinite grow.
The fact is that thing appear, have a lifespan and die. Social media aren’t immune to it.
- Comment on She broke it so she could baguette properly.... 1 year ago:
- Comment on Apple And Google Are Sending Your Push Notifications to The Government 1 year ago:
Apple, privacy, my data, etc.
- Comment on The new Mammoth app is a much simpler take on Mastodon | The Verge 1 year ago:
You’re pretending what not the same as facts. I can pretend a lot. It’s how I built general statement fitting the majority.
In fact, it doesn’t work like this. Whatever you use, the quality shrink with the quantity. You will have an equilibrium at some point but even with algorithms targeting quality, it will shrink.
The algorithms will continually serve something, low are high quality doesn’t matter. If I use an algorithm priorizing high quality content on a poop emoji platform, it will give me poop emoji. What’s matter the most is what is posted. And, you can’t control the quality of the post.
It’s how mainstream algorithm based social medias actually work. You have farms of content adapting themselves at each algorithm change.
So, it’s why the quality depends of how difficult it’s to use the social media.
- Comment on Grandfathered YouTube Premium users will see price increase in January 1 year ago:
- Comment on The new Mammoth app is a much simpler take on Mastodon | The Verge 1 year ago:
Algorithms doesn’t change much. Back in the days when we used mostly forums, and chats, and… all without algorithms, we had the same trend with quality and quantity. The quality went lower with the number of people using them. The small niche forum maintained the quality and for some are still up. The biggest quickly shrink.
The same applied to the first social media and the newer.
- Comment on The new Mammoth app is a much simpler take on Mastodon | The Verge 1 year ago:
Social media is like capitalism. If your way is the infinite grow, you end with entshitification for both. You need to have a limit where you balance quality and quantity.
It’s why the steep learning curve isn’t as bad as people like to say. It’s the limit to keep the quality high enough. If you have a lot of new player making it easy to join, you change the equilibrium and entshitification begins.
But, fediverse is in some case protected. If the new player has its how instance, the others can defederate. It’s what is already happening.
I’m part of a minority and I use Mastodon on a dedicated instance. We defederate of some very specific instances to keep our safe space and keep entshitification away.
- Comment on The new Mammoth app is a much simpler take on Mastodon | The Verge 1 year ago:
I agree. It looks me time to know how mastodon works. But, it’s how it maintain the quality. You can’t have quality and quantity in a social media.
- Comment on Sony Steals Customers' Purchased Content - Piracy is COMPLETELY JUSTIFIED! 1 year ago:
No credit card receipt? It might help.
- Comment on YouTube just made it harder to avoid ads with a tiny skip button 1 year ago:
They can base the recommendations on your subscriptions.
- Comment on Firefox is giving Android users a sneak peek at its open extensions 1 year ago:
When posting this, it’s 416 extensions. The number changes frequently. It was less than 400 at the beginning of the week.
- Comment on Open extensions on Firefox for Android will be available from December 14 1 year ago:
It’s here on Nightly. :)