- Comment on We love our new Democratic Nominee, Don't We Folks? 7 months ago:
Touchy, aren’t you
- Comment on We love our new Democratic Nominee, Don't We Folks? 7 months ago:
because she was the only Democrat more conservative than Biden
Biden is a middle of the road Democrat. I could probably come up with 200 or so living Democrats with experience as a state governor or a federal representative more conservative than him. Any member of the Blue Dog Caucus, for instance.
Harris is also middle of the road
- Comment on Meta to pull posts targeting 'Zionists' for harm 7 months ago:
Zionist is generally a dog whistle
- Comment on Meta to pull posts targeting 'Zionists' for harm 7 months ago:
The word substitution is as blunt and obvious as a baseball bat to a Nazi’s face
- Comment on Meta to pull posts targeting 'Zionists' for harm 7 months ago:
Absolutely correct.
- Comment on Meta to pull posts targeting 'Zionists' for harm 7 months ago:
Yes, it is
- Comment on Meta to pull posts targeting 'Zionists' for harm 7 months ago:
I mean yeah Zionist is generally used as a stand in for Jew
- Comment on Counselor Deanna Troi, personal log, stardate 44805.3. My mother is on board. 1 year ago:
Sexual harassment is funny when it’s of Picard, I guess
- Comment on Shocking 1 year ago:
PornHub for beagles
- Comment on Jumanji: The Final Frontier 1 year ago:
Yep, Q is definitely up to his BS again
- Comment on MVP of the war 1 year ago:
“we beat the Borg by making self replicating shuttles loaded with portable holographic projectors projecting 1930s gangsters with Thompson submachine guns and boarding every Borg cube with zerg rushes”
- Comment on MVP of the war 1 year ago:
Why not make self replicating warships? Eh? EH???
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Isn’t that just the Defiant class
- Comment on World’s first crewed liquid hydrogen plane takes off 1 year ago:
These planes don’t contain an oxidized mixture of H2. Why are you being an asshole?
- Comment on World’s first crewed liquid hydrogen plane takes off 1 year ago:
Yes, when you combine a flammable substance and an oxidant, you can get an explosive. But hydrogen is flammable. It isn’t an explosive. Explosives have their own oxidants.
- Comment on World’s first crewed liquid hydrogen plane takes off 1 year ago:
Hydrogen isn’t explosive, it’s flammable. Just like jet fuel.
- Comment on [WIRED] Every Studio Ghibli Film, Ranked From Worst to Best 1 year ago:
Yeah. Grave of the Fireflies was the most brutal movie I’ve ever watched. It’s a masterpiece, but it is so hard to deal with.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Lwaxana sexually harassing Picard has always made me uncomfortable.
- Comment on I have a Gen 4 I7 and 32 gb ram with a 1 TB ssd HDD, and a 1 gb gaming video card. Micro$haft says my computer isn't ready for Windows 11. How is that possible? 1 year ago:
Bro your CPU is almost a decade old. I get that you’re annoyed but c’mon
- Comment on Hexbear federation megathread 1 year ago:
Sometimes people who fight for a noble cause, like liberation from the Soviet Empire, are not perfect people and sometimes even endorse evil in other areas. Doesn’t make the cause any less noble.
- Comment on Hexbear federation megathread 1 year ago:
Because communism inevitably leads to authoritarianism.
- Comment on Hexbear federation megathread 1 year ago:
And those pacts were mistakes. But when the Soviet and German Empires invaded Poland jointly, the Western European liberal democracies went to war. While the Soviets only did so after two years of happily dividing the people and treasure and land of Poland with their Nazi friends and allies, and supplying them in their efforts to complete the rape of Europe.
- Comment on Hexbear federation megathread 1 year ago:
Liberals dismantled those colonial empires. Liberals liberated Czechoslovakia from the yoke of the Soviet Empire and helped ensure Austrian neutrality and freedom. Liberals are not saints, but don’t pretend to be. Liberals just focus on making things better, one step at a time.
- Comment on Hexbear federation megathread 1 year ago:
And now we have whataboutism! See, reader, the difference between a liberal and an authoritarian is that the liberal admits to and tries to learn from the failures of liberal democracy, such as the deplorable concentration camps used by Roosevelt to wrongfully imprison Japanese Americans during WW2. While a communist will deny or minimize or deflect from the gulags, the secret police, the rape of Poland, the genocide of Ukraine, the pogroms against Jews, the deaths of the forced relocations and resettlements of people, the suppression of native cultures in favor of imperial Russian and Soviet culture and official history, and a thousand other atrocities large and small.
- Comment on Hexbear federation megathread 1 year ago:
And we proceed to the “no true Scotsman” segment of the discussion, when the communist denies the bloody, authoritarian, imperial history of communism across the world.
- Comment on Hexbear federation megathread 1 year ago:
Idk man if you partition Poland with a country and sign a non aggression pact with them, they’re military allies. Idgaf what mental gymnastics you use. Authoritarians collaborate until it becomes time for them to fight with each other over the rubble and fields of slaughter that they have divided amongst themselves. It is the way of history.
- Comment on Hexbear federation megathread 1 year ago:
And they consistently brigade any post commenting on a political topic with their abuse
- Comment on Hexbear federation megathread 1 year ago:
Oooooh now he’s mad because he can’t argue with the fact that Stalin was Hitler’s military ally and economic partner until Operation Overlord
Ask the Poles how they feel about the fucking Marxists
- Comment on Hexbear federation megathread 1 year ago:
Communists and fascists are two sides of the same coin. The only difference is the flavor of the government that the secret police will work for and run the concentration camps for, which people they will suppress and kill, and whose property they will confiscate for the benefit of the Party.
- Comment on Hexbear federation megathread 1 year ago:
And that’s why we need to defederate from Hexbear, because communist authoritarians and right wing fascists are perfectly happy to cooperate until their best buddies they invaded Poland with betray them. Then, it’s up to the liberals attacked and abused by both sides to fix the fucking mess.