- Comment on Winter 2025 Anime Season Kickoff and General Discussion Thread [2025, Week 01] 1 month ago:
I found that YT channel takes to be exactly opposite to what I liked. It was like they hate everything I like about anime and I hate everything that they praised :-D
- Comment on S-Rank Monster no "Behemoth" dakedo, Neko to Machigawarete Elf Musume no Pet toshite Kurashitemasu episode 2 discussion 1 month ago:
The author made only 2 volumes of this series light novels and moved on to other light novel titles.
I’m all for the fanservice for scientific reasons. And I don’t think there is any end result, just more fanservice. So I really wonder how far will the episodes stretch or if the storyarc will resolve.
- Comment on Triggered 4 months ago:
Truly, dinosaurs with guns ! Glocks to stave off the extinction of the species ! What a wonderful idea, I would have never thought of that, somehow I must have heard about it somewhere before, surely !
- Comment on Assassin's Creed Shadows delayed to February 14, 2025, abandoning season pass strategy, Steam launch day 1, and more 4 months ago:
I told the truth and people downvote the truth. It is sad.
- Comment on Study hack 4 months ago:
If you use Google Meet or Zoom or some kind of Desktop recording software, you can record yourself talking between blank or paused video while taking the online course and have the transcript + your own voiced notes with the recording as review material + courseware.
If you take the trouble of revisiting , revising, re-note-taking you might end up with better understanding and even self-generated workbook + answers too ( including your mistakes and what is a false trail or false path and the correct approach ) .
- Comment on Let me at 'em!! 4 months ago:
Won’t this cause nicks and dulling as sudden heating and impact lead to both knives becoming extremely useless ?
Also replacing one of the knives with a sharpening rod, I can sort of suspend disbelief enough to believe it “possible”.
- Comment on Triggered 4 months ago:
Why Dodos never get a fair shake I’ll never know.
- Comment on Assassin's Creed Shadows delayed to February 14, 2025, abandoning season pass strategy, Steam launch day 1, and more 4 months ago:
In xenophobic Japan, a foreigner especially an African is allowed to massacre Japanese people with zero consequences. The same problem will exist if a westerner enters Japan and massacres Japanese citizenry with zero consequence.
It was a very anti-Japanese ( replace Japanese with Jewish or any other ethnic or cultural or minority group ) game centered in Japan. ( Butsu buddha statue is expressly forbidden in Japan from pictorial / digital / non-real-life representations but Ubisoft decided to make a digital 3d model and place it in AC:S) with blatant disrespect and cultural-dissonance.
If it was Yagyu Juubei and Naoe or some similar Japanese main-characters there would be almost no backlash.
- Comment on Student dorm does not allow wifi routers 5 months ago:
So, since this is related to your course and a required part of assignments, get things in writing,
Let the Dorm and ISP know that you need an exception due to coursework.
It might be in your best interest to temporarily invest in your own internet,I think 5G might have low enough latency to manage the connection.
If all this is for one semester until you move back ? Just get a cheap mini-PC install pfSense or any other firewall/router software to isolate all your devices and Wifi router from the rest of the network. I believe some people have mentioned MAC-spoofing and TTL-reset as ways to bypass detection. And if anyone asks, you can show your written communications and your course requirements.
Always be on the safe side when it comes to dealing with academics and private orgs.
- Comment on Student dorm does not allow wifi routers 5 months ago:
University is your life choice. If your life hobbies are impacting your choice to attend your chosen university, you still are a responsible adult.
Have hobbies, but don’t deny your responsibilities for making your own choices in your own life.
- Comment on Student dorm does not allow wifi routers 5 months ago:
It sucks if the University you chose forced such rules on students and included dorm as part of the tuition expenses. I cant imagine people taking on student debt with such high tuition+boarding. I guess anyone accepting at that local University is forced into this situation.
- Comment on Student dorm does not allow wifi routers 5 months ago:
“schools” ? This is university. Quite surprising to hear that Universities would have a policy “freshmen MUST live on campus”. Must be some kind of extreme private boarding “school”. I feel bad for you if you went to such a Uni.
- Comment on Student dorm does not allow wifi routers 5 months ago:
Yes but dorms are optional. No one attending Uni is forced to live in the dorms. Uni is not a boarding school at least to my knowledge.
- Comment on Student dorm does not allow wifi routers 5 months ago:
Mighty unpopular opinion here.
OP you are there at the Uni to learn to grow and pass the course+exams. If you need to do extracurricular activities, please setup time at home, travel home to do those things.
If home is faraway and you still want to do it, find a reliable off-campus-non-dorm location and do your stuff from there.
Your main objective is to get through Uni without falling behind and managing your time and effort wisely. If you fail Uni because you focused too much on non-essential activities, be a responsible adult and accept the results of your adult decisions.
- Comment on Student dorm does not allow wifi routers 5 months ago:
Since the price mentions British Pound Sterling as currency I dont think Verizon would be there. But T-Mobile is probably there in the UK.
- Comment on Student dorm does not allow wifi routers 5 months ago:
A lot of Unis have IT on a shoestring budget.Especially the CompSci dept have the most idiotic IT “professionals” working there.
Usually it is the Sciences dept like Mech-E or Tech-E or Elec-E who run massive Compute nodes for Rendering Physics or Fluid dynamics or something something research …
Unfortunately, the Unis that have massive student dorms on-campus tend not to isolate their networks properly and allow students to directly connect to all depts Networks without any barriers. The isolation happens between LAN and Internet which is where most of the controls and filtering happens.
It would be nice if each dept had their own VPN servers and proper network isolation at the LAN instead of the crazy monkey wiring everything to everything else on-campus.
- Comment on Swiss Researchers May Have Solved Hydrogen Storage 5 months ago:
I think on YT thunderf00t was attempting to use a mix of Sodium and potassium metals for combustion producing water and some “white clouds”.
Instead of Iron or rust, you could separate Sodium out of Salt-water and start depositing and collecting sodium metal to store under oil or some non-reactive container. Then you could use that sodium metal for later reactions.
From fission I believe the lowest stable element you get after fission ends up being mostly Iron. I suspect Fusion is also very similar after He-H-He fusion reactions I think the most stable element you can reach is also Iron.
Iron is mostly not energy-dense mostly stable element that rusts Fe-II or Fe-III or Fe-V … I think those are the non-organic iron compounds with Oxygen / hydroxide ?
So it is probably a very stupid and bad idea to use Iron as the primary energy storage since it will not have the density or the capacity to use long-term.
That is also why Li-Fe-Po batteries exist… Lithium - Phosphate ? works better with the Iron as some kind of stabilizing agent maybe ?
But this does sound a lot like a scam and not really there yet.
- Comment on Elasticsearch is open source, again 5 months ago:
How about instead of elastic customers moved to Redis or Postgres ?
Does the pricing/licensing suddenly change ? Hmm ?
- Comment on Why does the USA have so few legal protections for ordinary people, and how can we change that? 5 months ago:
But Minecrafting Reagan would not be possible so it has to be Ponging him. Or Q*berting him ?
- Comment on Excretion-related thermodynamics 5 months ago:
Farting does expel some amount of body heat.
Im sure long-distance runners might relieve themselves without stopping, as it cools them down while also a release and embarrassment which might spur their brain into flight response.
I doubt if the heat loss is significant but when actively working out or doing intense work the mind might get tricked into thinking that it benefitted.
Anecdotally when running a fever it does feel better emptying out. So not sure if physiological or psychological effect.
- Comment on If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"? 5 months ago:
Agreed. The systemic exclusion of POC from benefits and advantages was rolled back just as POCs were becoming independent. It affected BOTH communities , POCs AND economically dis-advantaged equally.
So you had a substantial population with severe economic and political disadvantages being relentessly targetted by those in power.
Hence, the current top-1% control 80% upwards of everything.
- Comment on Looks like it was a ... boobie trap 5 months ago:
He was only the Messenger! Stop trying to shoot him!
- Comment on Looks like it was a ... boobie trap 5 months ago:
Ghey! Ghey and Very Ghey! :-D
- Comment on Looks like it was a ... boobie trap 5 months ago:
Classic Not-at-all Modernistic Renaissance Women~!
- Comment on If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"? 5 months ago:
Harder R if you want the SlaveR to whip the SlaveE :'D
Also just kidding. I really really dont understand a lot of the sensitivity and sentiment against words. Words are NOT Violence as long as you agree to be civil and not militant.
- Comment on If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"? 5 months ago:
Pastor and his muppets :'D Spoonerism got me on this one. :'D
- Comment on If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"? 5 months ago:
Usually quorum is maintained by using odd numbering so that when one node fails the next sequential node assumes the role allowing quorum-election breaking any ties.
- Comment on If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"? 5 months ago:
And red-lining districts, and bull-dozing new black towns for highways. etc etc etc
There are so many instances of going around laws just to disadvantage black/coloured people.
Pulling the ladder up after themselves and telling others to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
Many things were wrong, but language is where people draw the line, like … c’mon. Using slurs I can understand it is uncouth offensive. But master/slave in technical terms ??? NO ONE means the original meanings unless they are also crazy!
- Comment on If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"? 5 months ago:
A master-drivetrain and a slaved-drivetrain … its not about slavery. I dont understand why people have to be so sensitive. We know human slavery is bad. So we dont do it. Same for a lot of instances of Animal slavery which is acceptable for a lot of people, we dont call it that, it is called “farming” or “husbandry”.
btw Im just kidding, I wanna trigger a vegan into a response :-D
- Comment on If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"? 5 months ago:
Yes PATA IDE was the full old term. Now we have SATA ( SCSI ? or IDE? i dont remember ) .
PATA = Parallel - ATA SATA = Serial - ATA