- Comment on What is the best looking retro console or PC? 18 hours ago:
If we’re also talking old computers then it’s hard to beat the Cray-1 Image
- Comment on Rabbit R1 AI box revealed to just be an Android app 9 months ago:
I’ve looked it up and it’s even uglier and I can kinda understand why they did it this way Basically, for their “integrations” they aren’t using any official APIs. Instead they just use the websites and automate them via the Playwright framework. So for each user they have a VM running with a Chrome browser to access the services. So now they have the problem that they need to get their users session cookies into the browser. And the easiest solution for that is having the users access their VM via VNC and just log into the automated browser.
This is such a hacky solution that I’m actually in awe of it’s shittiness. That’s something you throw together in an all-nighter during a Hackathon, not a production ready solution - Comment on The unstoppable rise of batteries is leading to a domino effect that puts half of global fossil fuel demand at risk 1 year ago:
- Comment on What's your favorite note-taking application? 1 year ago:
Yeah, I’m still stuck on Google Keep, since it’s the only one that’s integrated with the (even worse) Google home
- Comment on Immich is awesome 1 year ago:
And for the love of god don’t go for latest, just stick to the release tags
- Comment on Working on an emulated-OS docker container 1 year ago:
Might want to rethink the name Redox OS already exists and is a pretty active project to create a modern OS in Rust
- Comment on Formnext Fair Frankfurt 1 year ago:
Thank you for the tip, just registered for one!
- Comment on Formnext Fair Frankfurt 1 year ago:
I would absolutely love to go there, but I sadly can’t afford a ticket right now
- Comment on Weird stringing on certain parts with Dragon HF hotend 1 year ago:
Yeah, I expected oozing and stringing with PETG, but not with PLA. For now I’ve switched back to the regular plated copper nozzle and don’t have anymore problems. The maximum flow rate went down from 40mm²/s to 25mm²/s but I can still print a benchy in half an hour, so it’s still plenty fast
- Comment on Weird stringing on certain parts with Dragon HF hotend 1 year ago:
Yeah, this is plain PLA though and it prints fine on other printers. Maybe 200°C is too high of a temp
- Comment on Weird stringing on certain parts with Dragon HF hotend 1 year ago:
I haven’t used Z-hop yet, due to some bad experiences with older printers, but I might have to give that a try
- Comment on Weird stringing on certain parts with Dragon HF hotend 1 year ago:
Already ran through all the flow rate, pressure advance, retraction towers and maximum flow rate calibrations in Orca Slicer
- Comment on Weird stringing on certain parts with Dragon HF hotend 1 year ago:
Yeah, I should probably try it with a lower temperature, also got some PLA Meta filament in the post that might help
- Submitted 1 year ago to 3dprinting@lemmy.world | 14 comments