- Comment on Starlink dishes found on Russian military drones after being shot down 5 months ago:
They probably can do that, but a lot of the connections Ukraine are using will have been donated by third parties, rather than directly purchased by the Ukrainians. How do they tell the difference between those, and someone claiming to be doing that then shipping the dishes to Russia?
- Comment on Starlink kit found amid wreckage of Russian drone 5 months ago:
It is guaranteed, actually. US law imposes requirements on telecoms providers to support wire taps
- Comment on Dark Matter Black Holes Could Fly through the Solar System Once a Decade 5 months ago:
You don’t need a force to prevent collapse if there’s no drag force to slow things down. It would actually be almost impossible for a cloud of dark matter to collapse since any individual particle has momentum and no way to slow down, so they’ll all be in some sort of mutual orbit
- Comment on Dark Matter Black Holes Could Fly through the Solar System Once a Decade 5 months ago:
You’re mistaken. Dark matter, whatever it is, isn’t affected by anything except gravity. It interacts with gravity just like “normal” matter.
The evidence is also significantly better than you’re describing
- Comment on Elon Musk destroys astronomy 5 months ago:
People down voting you for bringing up Kessler syndrome were correct to do so. It’s a complete non-issue for starlink-sized objects at that altitude.
Light pollution is a more reasonable objection, and the effects on the upper atmosphere of all those satellites burning up would be as well, but not Kessler syndrome
- Comment on Is linux actually gaming ready or is it just not for me? 5 months ago:
It’s unlikely to cause anything to outright fail, but it will certainly be creating bottlenecks and inefficiencies
- Comment on NASA selects SpaceX to build deorbit vehicle for International Space Station 8 months ago:
There’s no need to leave earth, just lift it into a medium earth orbit. There are literally thousands of kilometres in between low earth orbit (where there are lots of communications, spy, navigation and weather satellites) and geosynchronous (where there are lots of communications satellites), and outside of those two there’s virtually nothing there
- Comment on Neuralink's first in-human brain implant has experienced a problem, company says 9 months ago:
In principle they could have pulled out slightly, if there’s jostling and tiny movements in skull then you’d expect them to work loose over time if they’re not securely anchored
- Comment on How did we get humans on the moon in 1969 and are still struggling to get the Starship rocket to launch properly? 10 months ago:
The Artemis 1 launch was also staggeringly expensive, and yet to be repeated.
In the time it’s taken to develop that rocket, SpaceX has gone from it’s very first real flight (by which I mean actually achieving something, rather than a pure test flight) to launching far more every year than the entire rest of the world combined. Note that by that definition, Artemis hasn’t had a single “real” flight yet.
- Comment on Next on the hydraulic press channel! 10 months ago:
Just one padlock is enough, but you can use up to 6.
You need all the locks removed before it’ll open, so you don’t need to count on someone to carefully count everyone back in. You just make sure that each person uses their own lock
- Comment on Tesla charging stations become ‘car graveyards’ as batteries die in subzero temperatures, abandoned cars left in the lot after cars wouldn’t charge 1 year ago:
The story I heard was that charging is taking far longer than usual because of cold batteries, and people are having to change much more frequently for the same reason, and between the two the demand for chargers has shot up
- Comment on Why docker 1 year ago:
I find it makes my life easier, personally, because I can set up and tear down environments I’m playing with easily.
As for your user & permissions concern, are you aware that docker these days can be configured to map “root” in the container to a different user? Personally I prefer to use podman though, which doesn’t have that problem to begin with
- Comment on Docker vs Podman, which one to choose for a beginner and why ? 1 year ago:
Podman supports docker compose just fine. You have to run it as a service, so that it can expose a socket like docker does, but it supports doing exactly that
- Comment on Docker vs Podman, which one to choose for a beginner and why ? 1 year ago:
Because a container is only as isolated from the host as you want it to be.
Suppose you run a container and mount the entire filesystem into it. If that container is running as root, it can then read and write anything it likes (including password databases and /etc/sudo)
- Comment on What is the Israel thing going on? 1 year ago:
The only thing I’d add is “not particularity nice to the Muslims living there” is putting it mildly.
Because there’s always tension, Israel takes its security very seriously. Unlike most countries, who put a token effort into security most of the time, Israel really is an armed fortress. That makes it very easy for someone with an itchy trigger finger to shoot someone who didnt deserve shooting. Even with the best will in the world, it would happen from time to time.
That, of course, makes the Palestinians very angry. An angry population poses more of a threat, and is more likely to do something genuinely aggressive. The Israeli security is thus tightened further, and their soldiers get even itchier trigger fingers and around and around we go.
It doesn’t take long before everyone involved has a personal grudge for one reason or another, and things can get really vicious.