- Comment on Issues with failures 3 months ago:
Personally, Hatchbox ABS has been one of my least favorite (read: pickiest) filaments. I’ve switched to consistently using a glue stick and warping has largely ceased but has I not used it for my RatRig VCore3’s parts I would no longer be buying it lol. Definitely had more than my fair share of failures with it if all conditions aren’t ideal
- Comment on PhotoPrism vs Apple Photos currently? 5 months ago:
This is a pretty accurate summary from my experience. The only thing I’d add is that (from what I’ve read at least) some form of ‘smart’ album functionality is high on the priority list and shouldn’t be too much further down the line. It may be a more advanced customizable logic type of solution (again from what I’ve read) but the functionality of putting person(s) ‘x’ into album(s) ‘y’ should be achievable.
- Comment on Linkwarden - An open-source collaborative bookmark manager to collect, organize and preserve webpages | August 2024 Update - Added More Translations, Code Refactoring and Optimization and more... 🚀 6 months ago:
Nope it is not…if I’m completely honest my archivebox instance feels like it could tip over and die if I go tweaking much stuff at any given time lol, but as long as it’s running and I don’t touch it it seems to run well.
My workflow might be sort of stupid lol but 98% of what I bookmark is more just for professional documentation or tutorials or personal research or handy links or etc. that I’ve come across. In other words, rarely locked behind login, and rarely critical. Half the time it’s helpful when sites go offline, but honestly half the time it just functions as if I ever Google search an issue I know I’ve seen before but can’t remember how to fix, then if I see a page I land on bookmarked already then I know it was a good help to me in the past…that sort of thing. Nothing crazy and I’m sure there are better processes out there, but it’s just a basic and simple process that works for me.
- Comment on Linkwarden - An open-source collaborative bookmark manager to collect, organize and preserve webpages | August 2024 Update - Added More Translations, Code Refactoring and Optimization and more... 🚀 6 months ago:
Sure, maybe that’s the intended purpose/workflow. I feel like back when I tried it there was something about the general workflow that I didn’t like, but honestly it could have just been something as simple as me and an “old habits die hard” sort of thing, lol.
- Comment on Linkwarden - An open-source collaborative bookmark manager to collect, organize and preserve webpages | August 2024 Update - Added More Translations, Code Refactoring and Optimization and more... 🚀 6 months ago:
Archivebox gets my vote, only because despite how much I’d love to switch to Linkwarden there seems to be no viable way to schedule importing of something like bookmarks. With Archivebox, I can relatively easily set it up such that every night any new bookmarks I’ve added automagically get archived. This is works perfectly for my use case. I put a LW GitHub issue/request in for something similar a long while back but didn’t get any responses so I’m guessing that’s just not a priority…which is totally fine, it definitely seems to be great software if it fits your use case :)
- Comment on Is it practically impossible for a newcomer selfhost without using centralised services, and get DDOSed or hacked? 8 months ago:
May not add security in and of itself, but it certainly adds the ability to have a little extra security. Put your reverse proxy in a DMZ, with a firewall and only certain ports exposed to your origins. Install a single wildcard cert and easily cover any subdomains you set up. There’s nginx configuration files out there that will block URL’s based on regex pattern matches for suspicious strings. All of this (probably a lot more I’m missing) adds some level of layered security.
- Submitted 10 months ago to 3dprinting@lemmy.world | 0 comments
- Comment on Proton Pass breaks prowlarr on firefox since today 11 months ago:
This is the way lol
- Comment on Simple, checkmark based, multi-user tasks app suggestions? 11 months ago:
Excellent, I’ll check this out thank you!
- Submitted 11 months ago to selfhosted@lemmy.world | 8 comments
- Comment on Linkwarden - An open-source collaborative bookmark manager to collect, organize and preserve webpages | March 2024 Update - Support for Sub-Collections, Bulk Actions, API Keys and more... 🚀 11 months ago:
You can do an HTML import at present…the thing I’m most curious about is the automated re-import as manually uploading every day or few days isn’t high on my list of desires hahaha :)
- Comment on Linkwarden - An open-source collaborative bookmark manager to collect, organize and preserve webpages | March 2024 Update - Support for Sub-Collections, Bulk Actions, API Keys and more... 🚀 11 months ago:
Hey there! Love what you’re doing with this project - it’s super cool! I did want to ask a question though as I raised a GitHub issue a while back but received no response - is there any chance that the ability to automatically import .HTML bookmark backup files might be added in the future?
My use case is that every night I have my Chrome bookmarks automatically exported to a folder on my NAS - and currently I use ArchiveBox to read that file and archive any newly added sites. While this works, ArchiveBox has at times been rather finicky for me at least over the years, and so I’d love a little cleaner and more functional alternative. I’m not sure if others would find value in this being an option, but just a thought!
- Comment on CNC Kitchen’s website 1 year ago:
Idk what your connection looks like, but I have to agree that site feels insanely fast. Everything other than the store page click-to-full-load for me was probably ~1/3 of a second. Even the store page for me only took a second or so.
- Comment on Second hand disks? 1 year ago:
Make sure there is a warranty/decent return policy and test obviously as others have said…but I’ve bought more 3 and 4TB HGST drives than I care to admit and have very rarely had any issues. At the price you can find even larger TB sizes for I personally consider it worth the gamble for certain use cases.
- Comment on Favourite VPS for multiple boxes? 1 year ago:
I’ve only used one VPS so far, but I can second that Vultr has been pretty good to me thus far.
- Comment on 3D printer nightmare fuel: Bambu X1C and P1P started printing while owners were asleep 1 year ago:
Ooooph. Owning both a modded to the nines Ender 3 v2 and a vCore 3.1, there’s a part of me that wants to add the simplicyt and MMU functionality of the X1C to the mix at some point…but this is uhhhhhhh scary. No thank you lol!!
- Comment on A funneling system i made to keep my automatic dog feeders topped off. 1 year ago:
This is awesome!! Nice work!
- Comment on Started putting QR Codes on my filament so I know how old it is and what brand / color 1 year ago:
This 1000% lmao
- Comment on What are the best customizable routers nowadays? 1 year ago:
This is the way. Love OPNsense!