- Comment on NYC’s government chatbot is lying about city laws and regulations 11 months ago:
People already have there was an airline with the exact same kind of scandal and they lost the court case pretty soundly.
- Comment on NYC’s government chatbot is lying about city laws and regulations 11 months ago:
It does when the lawsuits start rolling in and they lose customers.
- Comment on NYC’s government chatbot is lying about city laws and regulations 11 months ago:
It’s lying by proxy because the ones who know better are letting it answer, and thus lie, for them.
- Comment on NYC’s government chatbot is lying about city laws and regulations 11 months ago:
Why do official companies or governments or anything with authority keep using ai chatbots? They’ve already got a bad track record it’s inexplicable that anyone would think that theirs is somehow exempt.
- Comment on Hunger 11 months ago:
In sync you can choose to have either!
- Comment on Now that ChatGPT is being trained using Reddit posts 11 months ago:
“I also choose this guy’s wife”
- Comment on Unnamed island 1 year ago:
- Comment on Boffins find AI models tend to escalate conflicts to all-out nuclear war 1 year ago:
Why the fuck would they even be thinking of letting AI make these decisions?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
What, why tf wouldn’t the cashier have to open the drawer? Why wouldn’t they have to record the sale? They’d still have to account for the loss of inventory. Even if they did the 99 cent thing all a cashier would have to do is keep a pocket full of pennies to be able to do the exact same thing. None of that makes sense as an explanation.
- Comment on Ray tracing made possible on 42-year-old ZX Spectrum: 'reasonably fast, if you consider 17 hours per frame to be reasonably fast' 1 year ago:
You may need to consult a doctor.
- Comment on X appears to be juicing MrBeast’s views to woo the YouTuber to the platform, pushing video upload into users’ feeds as an unlabeled ad 1 year ago:
I mean Musk wasn’t as loud about his bigotry at that point, not in the way he is now at least, and Mr Beast has been openly supportive of trans people. It’s entirely possible he’s changed his mind about Musk in 3 years. I’m not a Mr Beast fan by any means, I don’t watch his content or anything and tbh I found his reaction to the Jacksepticeye thing to be annoying which hasn’t endeared him to me, so I don’t have any skin in the game on his end of things, but there were a lot of people who didn’t hate Elon after the cave diving thing who do hate him now so I wouldn’t really treat that post as gospel personally.
- Comment on X appears to be juicing MrBeast’s views to woo the YouTuber to the platform, pushing video upload into users’ feeds as an unlabeled ad 1 year ago:
Isn’t one of Mr. Beast’s friends trans? He has a vested interest in not associating with Elon.
- Comment on Teen deepfake victim pushes for federal law targeting AI-generated explicit content 1 year ago:
I read your comment just fine, and the way you spoke about the teen in question was incredibly patronizing.
- Comment on Apple Watches with blood oxygen tech are banned again 1 year ago:
I feel like this kinda tech should be more widely available if it’s for health reasons, to avoid a monopoly on something vital.
- Comment on Teen deepfake victim pushes for federal law targeting AI-generated explicit content 1 year ago:
It’s being pushed by someone who was a victim of deep fake porn, so I think they understand the issues at hand just fine, you don’t have to agree with them, but don’t be a patronizing asshole about it.
- Comment on Teen deepfake victim pushes for federal law targeting AI-generated explicit content 1 year ago:
Ah yes, the poor and disadvantaged who can afford a computer and an ai program and who make ai csam.
- Comment on Teen deepfake victim pushes for federal law targeting AI-generated explicit content 1 year ago:
How? How will this only effect people who follow laws? If you aren’t making fake ai porn of real underage girls how would this affect you, a law abiding citizen?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Reminder that stone toss is a nazi.
- Comment on A literal child taking orders in a fast food restaurant in the US 1 year ago:
I started working at McDonald’s at age 13. Was the worst job I ever had and that remains true to this day even in my 30s.
- Comment on Games that force you to make hard choices 1 year ago:
Detroit: Become Human generally has big overarching choices that are more obviously good vs bad, or rather pacifist vs violent and deviant vs machine, but a lot of the smaller in-between choices can make a big difference regarding who lives and who dies, and a lot of them aren’t obvious, especially in Kara’s story line. One in particular that I remember can seem like an obvious “doing the right thing” choice but it actually is a choice that can get several characters killed as a result if you do what seems like the “good person” thing. Getting to the end with everyone still alive can be surprisingly difficult without a guide, and there are a lot of different endings and branching paths depending on a lot of different choices. One character has I think somewhere around 26 separate chances of dying in the story at different points in the game. There’s an achievement for getting all of them lol.
Heavy rain is similar to DBH but less obvious about having particular good or bad routes iirc. Like it does do the “pacifist vs violent” or “deviant vs machine” style choices, but there are a lot of different choices that can affect the ending and who survives to the end.
Dragon Age Origins is an oldie but a goodies with a ton of endings and decisions that aren’t strictly good or bad. The following DA games are good too but the first one fits what you’re looking for the most.
Those are ones I can think of off the top of my head.
- Comment on Star Citizen Introducing a $48,000 Ship Bundle, but Only for Players Who Have Already Spent $10,000 1 year ago:
Bro just because something is expensive that doesn’t mean it can’t be predatory. The game has been “in development” for more than a decade and yet is charging thousands of dollars for equipment, if you can’t see the issue with how they’re operating then you are either blind or delusional.
- Comment on Star Citizen Introducing a $48,000 Ship Bundle, but Only for Players Who Have Already Spent $10,000 1 year ago:
Free to play games with even a sliver of integrity only charge money for stuff like cosmetics, not for important shit or equipment, and I have never ever seen a free to play game charge over 1k for anything ever, let alone fucking 48k, so spare me the “pretending this is unusual” crap. I sure other games that pull this shit exist, but don’t act like it isn’t ridiculous or fucked up or like it’s somehow completely normal. It’s predatory leeching is what it is.
- Comment on Star Citizen Introducing a $48,000 Ship Bundle, but Only for Players Who Have Already Spent $10,000 1 year ago:
This game could be the second coming of Jesus, Robin Williams, and Mr. Rogers all in one and it wouldn’t the shit the devs have pulled. This isn’t a case where its reputation will be fixed with an amazing final product. The moment you charge thousands of dollars for fictional video game ships in an unfinished video game that has been in development for more than a decade is the moment you cross a moral event horizon as developers and can never recover your reputation as anything other than leeches. This game will never have a good reputation, it could jerk you off to the tune of the Imperial March and it would still be worth less than a glamorous prostitute. At least a prostitute would charge more appropriately for their services.
- Comment on Star Citizen Introducing a $48,000 Ship Bundle, but Only for Players Who Have Already Spent $10,000 1 year ago:
No ship should cost any real world money to buy. If the stuff you can buy in a game with real world money can give you an advantage over other players or unlock parts of the game faster than players who don’t pay real money for it, then it’s meaningless to say the game itself is “only 45$”. The ships make up a huge chunk of the game and you can pay 48k to obtain them all immediately, or rather, not you because statistically speaking you’re probably poor, so you don’t get the same game as them for 45 dollars, not unless you want to spend a fucking loooooooooooooong time grinding in-game (based on what I’ve seen the time needed to grind for even one high class ship is ridiculous). Meanwhile richer players get to fly in circles around you in their better more expensive ships from the start. You get access to less of the game than them.
- Comment on Star Citizen Introducing a $48,000 Ship Bundle, but Only for Players Who Have Already Spent $10,000 1 year ago:
The fact that you can buy any ship in the game with real world money at all is the problem.
These people are paying to remove that part of the game which blows my mind
Yeah for people who actually enjoy putting the work in it doesn’t make much sense, but for some people who play video games it’s not about the getting it’s about the having. The problem is that in this case they can use real world money to have better stuff without having to work for it, giving them an advantage over other players who are poor or don’t want to pay for their ships. If this was 48k for just ship skins and it didn’t affect gameplay at all then it’d be pretty stupid still, but I would at least concede that the average person doesn’t have any disadvantages if they only pay the 45$ for the main game and don’t need to pay thousands of dollars to reasonably compete with players who have bigger wallets and less impulse control. But that doesn’t seem to be the case here since different ships have different stats and abilities afaik. This essentially means that rich people (or gambling addicts which are their own can of worms) can unlock more of the game and perform better faster than people who only pay for the base game.
- Comment on Star Citizen Introducing a $48,000 Ship Bundle, but Only for Players Who Have Already Spent $10,000 1 year ago:
Apparently it costs up to 48k to get certain ships, so that means absolutely fucking nothing.
- Comment on Star Citizen Introducing a $48,000 Ship Bundle, but Only for Players Who Have Already Spent $10,000 1 year ago:
This isn’t real money is it? Please tell me it isn’t. I don’t play this game but that would just be fucking sad.
- Comment on KFC be like... 1 year ago:
I don’t know if you’ve ever seen a chicken before but they are definitely not this small. This also isn’t a reasonable portion size bro that’s a penny.
- Comment on It's like a game where you can't make mistakes 1 year ago:
Gee I don’t know, for fun maybe?
- Comment on Shit story 1 year ago:
I wouldn’t call them doppelgangers. The only features they have in common is the red hair and being white.