- Comment on Linus Tech Tips uploaded a video showing how to block ads on Youtube. Which was removed by Youtube for community guidelines violations. 5 months ago:
There was an initial reaction from Linus on his forums where he massively doubled down on his stance that he had not done anything wrong with the review model LTT had auctioned off without permission (I can’t remember the name of the company). He had even accused GN of not following “journalistic standards” by not giving LTT a chance to put their side forward.
This was met with another video from GN, and overall criticism over the dismissive attitude Linus was displaying. That’s when they came out with a YT video, admitting their numerous faults, and Linus himself admitted that the way he responded on the forum was not acceptable.
Pretty much doubled down initially, till they realised that they’re in actual deep waters.
- Comment on Wendy's 6 months ago:
Pretty much all land borders are lines drawn on map 😅
- Comment on Deadlock (Valve's Unannounced Title) Passes 12k Peak Players in Closed Alpha 6 months ago:
If anyone has spare invites, bless thy mate.
- Comment on That oscillated quickly. 7 months ago:
Tell me you have no idea about other movie industries, without telling me about it.
- Comment on Headlines 7 months ago:
What makes you think they’re still doing it? IDF/Netanyahu saying it without any credible evidence?
Also, what kind of logic justifies attacking a hospital which definitely has victims of Israel’s own relentless attack, on the off chance that the hospital might have terrorists?
- Comment on PSA: Nova Launcher has been owned by analytics company Branch since 2022 10 months ago:
How did you manage that? A friend of mine uses the launcher and was unable to find an option for it.
- Comment on Why do Americans measure everything in cups? 10 months ago:
You could put the jar of peanut butter on the scale and measure what amount you’re taking out?
- Comment on Discord began blocking servers with information prohibited in the Russian Federation 11 months ago:
Hence you shouldn’t use discord
- Comment on Who would win? 1 year ago:
Sorry if my message didn’t convey this.
I didn’t ask for sympathy for anyone on this. It’s more towards the process is absolutely fucking broken. It was obvious that something like that can happen to any person with more than 2 brain cells. And yet, the decisions we were made to put a person in a situation where he was bound to fail.
- Comment on Who would win? 1 year ago:
Some context regarding this meme. The police officer is a war veteran, who probably has massive PTSD and reacted accordingly.
Now why the hell would the police service hire a guy who is clearly unfit for service is a major American moment.
- Comment on Google Search Really Has Gotten Worse, Researchers Find 1 year ago:
Anecdotal evidence, but I swapped out Google for DDG about 5-6 years back and haven’t missed it. I do use Google sometimes but it’s once in 4-5 months when DDG fails me, which is acceptable to me.
- Comment on Dear server admins, please defederate threads.net. Dear users, ask your server admin to defederate threads.net. 1 year ago:
Thanks for making wild assumptions about what I use.
And also, incorrect usage of the strawman fallacy.
I hope you have a nice day :)
- Comment on Dear server admins, please defederate threads.net. Dear users, ask your server admin to defederate threads.net. 1 year ago:
Look at the history of XMPP, to give you a precursor of what to expect. There’s no naivety here. Those who don’t history are doomed to repeat it.
- Comment on Relative size comparison of social media platforms (December 2023) 1 year ago:
LinkedIn is pretty useful fwiw
- Comment on Lemmy users when I mention I pay for Youtube Premium 1 year ago:
While the monopoly that YT has as a video platform is definitely an issue, the cost of maintaining the content has definitely risen now. 480p vs 4k videos have a ton of difference in bandwidth, no matter how much Internet speeds have evolved over the years.
I used Google Play Music (RIP) and moved into YT Music for my music streaming needs. The cost of YT premium was marginally higher so I switched for it.
The major issue with YT Premium is that they still collect the data from YT to show targeted ads, but I use also use uBlock, so that doesn’t really bother me as much.
Point is, video hosting services are expensive. The quantity (not quality) of content on YT is way higher than any othet streaming service, and maintaining that for free is pretty close to impossible. The only possible alternative would be a government backed video platform and that’s definitely worse.
- Comment on Apple considered switching to DuckDuckGo from Google for Safari - Bloomberg News 1 year ago:
It’s not privacy but exclusivity of data collection to apple