Opinions are my own. Profile picture description: Black on white pictogram with a D20 showing 20 for a head and a game controller for a body and arms, holding a white cane.
- Comment on "The Vale: Shadow of the Crown" and the value of immersion 5 months ago:
Who’s blind now!? Hehehe.
I personally don’t, because I still play mainstream games and have been lucky with accessibility improvements to a lot of the ones I’m interested in. The Last of Us parts I and II are incredibly accessible, for example.
Then again… I think A Hero’s Call is relatively well regarded, as something that’s also on Steam.
You could check out to get a broader selection, but be mindful that a lot of the discussions get quite unsavory. I don’t frequent it.
- Comment on "The Vale: Shadow of the Crown" and the value of immersion 5 months ago:
Think of it as an indie album that went mainstream. The people in the scene weren’t exactly mesmerized, but it’s still a big deal.
- Comment on "The Vale: Shadow of the Crown" and the value of immersion 5 months ago:
It’s awesome that you enjoyed it that much!
The gameplay mechanics and basic concepts are very well established in the audiogame space, so this game was by no means revolutionary within the blind community.
What’s really cool about it is that it’s approachable for sighted players, such as yourself, and the voice acting is pretty good indeed.
I also really like that the main character is a strong disabled female lead. A lot of things just happen to her, but she still *does * a lot.
- Comment on What have you played this week? 7 months ago:
I’m playing Dishonored these days. It was highly recommended after I said I was loving Prey.
Is it OK if I’m not loving it? Hahaha.
The no kill limitation was really shoe-horned in there, so I think I’ll only really have fun on the second playthrough. Shame.
Prey limits you quite a bit for the good ending, but it’s still complex, broad and fun.
- Comment on It's almost the week-end, what are you guys going to play? Also, could we have a monthly thread for July? 8 months ago:
After loving Prey, I’m now playing Dishonored. So far so good, I like how quickly I was able to get zooming and target highlighting in lore appropriate ways!
- Comment on Did some work recently 1 year ago:
Programming is just plumbing with words
- Comment on Playing Prey (2017) - BioShock vibes for days! 1 year ago:
I think I heard about Mooncrash on a YouTube video about replayability. It was pretty positive. I don’t know if I have it, but I’ll check once I finish the game.
- Comment on Playing Prey (2017) - BioShock vibes for days! 1 year ago:
I think I also own Dishonored. I’ll check it, hopefully within the decade!
- Comment on Playing Prey (2017) - BioShock vibes for days! 1 year ago:
Yeah, flexibility and room for creativity are great.
- Comment on Playing Prey (2017) - BioShock vibes for days! 1 year ago:
And I really like coffee… hehehe.
The sad thing is I’ve already had the ending spoiled, but even that was so long ago I’m not sure I remember much of it. I’m sure I’ll still enjoy it.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 13 comments
- Comment on Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 1 year ago:
The bad news is chapter 4 development is only planned to start in March 2021 which [checks calendar] is in the past. Still fun though!
- Comment on Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 1 year ago:
I’m looking forward to finally getting into Code 7. It’s mostly a sci-fi text adventure.
- Comment on Walking Desk Is More Annoying Than A Standing Desk 1 year ago:
There are also under-desk treadmills that you can use with an existing standing desk. You need to be able to raise it a bit higher though.
- Comment on User with this age already exists 1 year ago:
When you pick the wrong column for your primary key.
- Comment on Linux Best Practices 1 year ago:
That episode made me rethink my ability to deal with stress. [shudders]