- Comment on Efficient Seed Extraction 4 months ago:
I’m pretty sure I’ve heard reliable reports of stoma gonorrhoea.
- Comment on Efficient Seed Extraction 4 months ago:
Ever seen someone pick fruit out of an enteric fistula?
- Comment on Using The Wind And Magnets To Make Heat 8 months ago:
Yep. It’s very cool, but takes a little getting used to at first!
- Comment on Using The Wind And Magnets To Make Heat 8 months ago:
Nah, I’ve used my parents’ induction hob and it’s ridiculously fast to boil liquids. A half pint of milk was boiling over in 20s. Gas stoves can’t compete.
- Comment on Slightly less than two drinks = positive effect on programming ability. Who's joining? 9 months ago:
Legal doesn’t mean safe; it just means the lawmakers are too corrupt, stupid, cowardly, or weak to tighten the limit.
- Comment on Slightly less than two drinks = positive effect on programming ability. Who's joining? 9 months ago:
You sound like a donorcycle rider. One who is casual about potentially traumatising and/or injuring others.
- Comment on xkcd #2908: Moon Armor Index 11 months ago:
Sounds like someone who didn’t learn healthy coping mechanisms.
- Comment on xkcd #2907: Schwa 11 months ago:
This is like when my friend from CA discovered merry, marry, Mary except it’s everything.
- Comment on Kids Are Watching Brain Melting AI-Generated Videos on YouTube Without Parents Realizing 11 months ago:
Fuck, just see anything that the IDF ghouls are pumping out at the moment.
- Comment on Kids Are Watching Brain Melting AI-Generated Videos on YouTube Without Parents Realizing 11 months ago:
I think I’ve heard “deeply” being used that way for a good few years now. Might have been making its way round for a while!
- Comment on Bonfire Launches Open Science Network for Academics and Researchers 11 months ago:
With the recent publicity of LLM generated papers, would there be any strength of this platform to reject garbage science?
- Comment on The Feds Are Coming for “Extremist” Gamers 11 months ago:
That’s a shit joke. Racial essentialism just ain’t funny, and the context is kinda irrelevant.
- Comment on How Quora Died 1 year ago:
Cute, but already taken by the OS.
- Comment on Ecosia plants 200 million trees 1 year ago:
I think local initiatives around the world would mean initiatives around the world which are specifically local, rather than large, multinational planting organisations.
- Comment on Neuralink’s human trials volunteers ‘should have serious concerns,’ say medical experts 1 year ago:
If something is dangerous in animal testing, it shouldn’t reach humans. The FDA is toothless (due to underfunding and regulatory capture).
- Comment on NAC makes you insensitive to alcohol 1 year ago:
It is known to protect the liver in specific circumstances, I.e. paracetamol overdoses, but there is not the same body of clinical evidence to support the same hypothesis in relation to alcohol. Even in paracetamol overdoses there is a time limit in its efficacy.
NAC is not a panacea when it comes to drug-induced liver injury.
- Comment on Another 62 ‘Girls Do Porn’ Victims Sue Pornhub for $600 Million 1 year ago:
Indeed. You can know that your own life is dependant on the exploitation of others whilst working to make that less so.
I have to. The alternative is death.
- Comment on Another 62 ‘Girls Do Porn’ Victims Sue Pornhub for $600 Million 1 year ago:
There is no ethical consumption under capitalism
- Comment on Epic Games to update Unreal Engine pricing for devs not making games 1 year ago:
There have been a few changes, but it is mostly the same I think.
Out of interest, what wasn’t as good?
- Comment on Epic Games to update Unreal Engine pricing for devs not making games 1 year ago:
Darktable is an excellent replacement
- Comment on Epic Games Cutting 870 Jobs, 16 Percent Of Its Workforce, also selling Bandcamp 1 year ago:
- Comment on Epic Games Cutting 870 Jobs, 16 Percent Of Its Workforce, also selling Bandcamp 1 year ago:
The Bandcamp sale is hopefully good news. Songtradr looks like they’re just in the music business and don’t (front their Wikipedia page) have any obviously dodgy investors.
- Comment on Why is cooking a food item method called different things by what the item is, or what is the criteria? 1 year ago:
I guess you replace the oil with the extra stirring to stop it sticking
- Comment on ‘Capitalism is dead. Now we have something much worse’: Yanis Varoufakis on extremism, Starmer, and the tyranny of big tech 1 year ago:
The article really doesn’t engage much with what YV actually wrote; she says that she disagrees with him sometimes or that other people disagree, but with very little substance.
Like others have already commented, she’s also excessively obsessed with describing his house and wife. I can’t believe The Observer paid for her to fly out there to write such drivel.
- Comment on Neuralink’s human trials volunteers ‘should have serious concerns,’ say medical experts 1 year ago:
FDA approval ain’t evidence that something is safe. See the recent approvals for anti-Alzheimers meds that have a terrible side-effect to benefit ratio.
- Comment on Google quietly raised ad prices to boost search revenue, says executive 1 year ago:
I can say it softly if you prefer
- Comment on How do I tame my frustration toward my aging parents? 1 year ago:
B12 deficiency causes iron deficiency