- Comment on How to make an EV tire that won’t pollute the environment 8 months ago:
This is false. They aren’t really that much heavier, 1k lb or so. It’s not the weight that tears up tires it’s the instant and 100% torque when you hit the accelerator. If you go easy on the launches your tires will last longer.
- Comment on Nearly $109 million in deposits held for fintech Yotta’s customers vanished in Synapse collapse, bank says 8 months ago:
Everyone should have a main account with a local credit union and then secondary accounts with whatever “fintech” banks you want. I keep multiple accounts and everything flows through a local account first and then gets moved elsewhere. Currently I’m using revolut as my secondary to help budgeting.
- Comment on "No Mow May" won't fix our biodiversity problems 9 months ago:
You can do both. You can keep the yard under control and still have butterflies, bees, birds, etc. I don’t fertilizer, bug spray, etc and not only is my yard a bitch and a half to mow if I let it go or can’t get to it, the wildlife that is making the yard home is awesome.
- Comment on "No Mow May" won't fix our biodiversity problems 9 months ago:
I have a huge yard and do my best to keep it under control, I still have a ton of birds, butterflies, fireflies, etc in my yard all the time. I even saw a groundhog or similar the other day.
- Comment on Compression-mounted laptop RAM is fast, efficient, and upgradeable 9 months ago:
I’ve never had to solder laptop ram. I always buy ones that let me get in there without a complete disassembly.
- Comment on Prime Video subs will soon see ads for Amazon products when they hit pause 9 months ago:
Yo, ho, ho and a bottle of rum
- Comment on How do passkeys work across devices? 9 months ago:
Good to know
- Comment on Are you ultra woke on purpose? 9 months ago:
Only when I overdue it with it caffeine and other stimulants.
- Comment on Is Tesla Feeling the BYD? A Chinese Giant Shakes Up the EV Electric Car Landscape 9 months ago:
Luxury isn’t about price point. That’s my point.
Saying that tesla is luxury is like saying that McDonald’s is fine dining.
- Comment on Is Tesla Feeling the BYD? A Chinese Giant Shakes Up the EV Electric Car Landscape 9 months ago:
One thing.
Tesla has never been known for luxury at all. I’d bet my ioniq phev was more luxurious and my 5 most definitely is.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
I think that’s the point and the inspiration for the name.
- Comment on Transferring ALL data from old phone to new phone 10 months ago:
Android has gotten really good at transfering all data via a normal move to a new phone. What I would do is plug your phone into a pc and backup everything you can see via file browser, that way if it somehow doesn’t make it to the new phone you still have it. Plus you will still have the current phone to get things from if/when you need it.
- Comment on Construction Begins on High-Speed Rail Line Between SoCal and Las Vegas 10 months ago:
They used to have a decently priced unlimited ticket that you could use to see the country during summer break. Get on/off the train whenever/wherever you want.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
I’m going to call bullshit on that premise.
- Comment on Why are SMS messages so expensive? 10 months ago:
If you want to get technical, my town (really a village) has zero free wifi networks. It’s the larger city to my south that has all of the restaurants, hotels, retail, etc with free wifi.
- Comment on Why are SMS messages so expensive? 10 months ago:
Sounds like you need to move away from the actual sticks.
I call where I am country’ish because while I have only a handful of neighbors, we have gigabit down from spectrum, damn near gig over 5g, etc.
- Comment on Why are SMS messages so expensive? 10 months ago:
That’s hilarious. I currently live where I can see like 3 of my neighbors.
- Comment on Why are SMS messages so expensive? 10 months ago:
Where did I say anything about a contract? I spend $1800/year for 4 lines, 3 personal and 1 work line. In the USA at least, prepaid beats postpaid/contract every day of the year. Every time I price moving all 4 lines over to postpaid to get easier access to esims, a little leeway on payment, etc, I always end up staying with prepaid.
- Comment on Why are SMS messages so expensive? 10 months ago:
OP didn’t clarify personal versus business. I’m aware of how much businesses get ripped off, I’ve looked into using the short codes for promoting my own business and shit is not cheap.
- Comment on Why are SMS messages so expensive? 10 months ago:
None of that is actually true as a contrast.
There are tons of free wifi networks from hotels to restaurants, etc.
None of what you are saying makes any sense.
- Comment on Why are SMS messages so expensive? 10 months ago:
Where are you that you’re paying anything extra for sms? They used to be expensive because they could charge that much, now that are included in even the cheapest prepaid plans. If you are paying per message, that’s a you problem and you need to find another wireless provider.
- Comment on If Start menu ads in Windows 11 aren't bad enough, something worse might be on the horizon 10 months ago:
Those exist. Use dns based adblockers. You can pick from a variety of services already out there or run your own with pihole.
- Comment on Netflix Doc ‘What Jennifer Did’ Uses AI Images to Create False Historical Record 10 months ago:
They are different because they are clearly not real images or video. The fact that we can generate images of whatever we want that are near if not impossible to discern as fake by the naked eye, means that they shouldn’t be in there at all.
- Comment on Face masks made ‘little to no difference’ in preventing spread of COVID: study 10 months ago:
Just block and move on.
- Comment on Renewables: Is Solar the Best Solution? 10 months ago:
This right here. Solar, wind, nuclear, whatever else we come up with, etc are all pieces of a larger puzzle. Solar in particular works extremely well both on the small scale on homes and businesses as well as larger installations where crops can be grown under them basically doubling the use of the land.
As solar panels keep coming down in price, the more people who can put up even a small installation at home, the more stress we relieve from the larger grid. We are planning on putting up as many as we can afford because we have the space to do so, my grand idea is to have enough generation during the day that the neighbors on either side of me can have as much juice as they can use, they just have to cover getting the power lines connecting the panels to their house.
- Comment on China has flooded the market with so many solar panels that people are using them as garden fencing 10 months ago:
They aren’t as efficient as a single panel but when you can buy more panels for less and still generate the same or more power, that is a definition of efficiency.
- Comment on Dogs understand when you talk to them - study 11 months ago:
Possibly. She was definitely smarter than most people I’ve ever known.
- Comment on Dogs understand when you talk to them - study 11 months ago:
It was actually hilarious and interesting one time. I called her jackass or shithead or something and she looked up at me and you could see her thinking and then her tail started putting a hole in the floor. It’s like she needed a moment to decide how she felt about it.
- Comment on Dogs understand when you talk to them - study 11 months ago:
Those of us who have dogs as pets/family members have known this for a long time. Some dogs/breeds are smarter than others but most dogs can differentiate tone as well what words are being spoken. My last dog didn’t care what I called her if I said it in an upbeat tone, I tested this all of the time by calling her a shitheads and more and she would thunk the floor with her tail.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Real estate isn’t that simple. Way too many layers of work and bureaucracy between wanting to build something and making it happen even when you have the cash to make it so. Many of these layers are essential, others like nimby idiots are not. We need more housing for people and it would take a huge increase in available housing to have any negligible effect on any one individuals house/property value.
As for restaurants. It’s also not that simple. Most restaurants fail in the first year or two. You have to figure out what type of food is in demand and then maybe be willing and able to shift to something else if the market gets oversaturated.