- Comment on acceptable screws 9 months ago:
You know, I made the comment and seconds later I noticed my blunder. But I refused to edit or delete it because I’m standing on bidness.
- Comment on acceptable screws 9 months ago:
Holy hell the entirety of Lemmy just exposed themselves as retarded jobless people.
Six lobe, or torx, is fucking awesome when screwing in serious screws. It’s the reason why it replaced all philips and most hex heads.
Slotted screws are the fucking worst. You guys have never worked a blue collar job in your lives 🤣😂😭
- Comment on xkcd #2905: Supergroup 10 months ago:
I’m with you big dog. That shit whack.
- Comment on This door slams with zero slowing down. Is there anything I can do to improve it short of taking it apart, like lubrication, tightening bolts, etc? 1 year ago:
This is the way. Assuming the hydraulic fluid isn’t shot, slowing the close and latch should do the trick.
Also, that big ass nut on the side controls the force of the door I believe.
- Comment on Are We Ready For This Site's Endless Feed of AI-Generated Porn? 1 year ago:
But it highlights the reality - while AI generated content may be considered fairly obvious for now, it won’t be forever. Real CSAM could be mixed in at some point, or, hell, the characters generating it could be feeding it real CSAM to have it recreate it in a manner that makes it harder to detect.
Very true and I would like to look into it further. Being able to disguise real content with an AI label could make things harder for people that detect and report these types of issues.
So what does this mean for hosting providers? We continuously receive reports for a client and each time we have to review it and what, use our best judgement to decide if it’s AI generated? We add the client to a list and ignore CSAM reports for them? We have to tell the government that it’s not “real CSAM” and expect it to end there?
I don’t understand the logic behind this. If it’s your job to analyze and deduce whether certain content is or is not acceptable, why shouldn’t you make assessments on a case by case basis? Even if you remove CSAM from the equation you still have to continuously sift through content and report any and all illegal activities - regardless of its frequency.
No legitimate hosting provider is going to knowingly host CSAM, AI generated or not. We aren’t going to invest legal resources into defending that, nor are we going to jeopardize the mental well-being of our staff by increasing the frequency of those reports.
And it’s the right of any website or hosting provider to not show any content they deem unsuitable for it’s viewers. But this is a non sequitur - illegal activities will never stop and it’s the duty of people like you to help and combat the distribution of such materials. I appreciate all the work people like you do and it’s a job I couldn’t handle. CP exists and will continue to exist. It’s just an ugly truth. I’m just asking a very uncomfortable question that will hopefully result in a very positive answer: can AI generated CP reduce the harm done to children?
Here’s a very interesting article of the potential positive effects of AI generated CP
Btw I appreciate your input in all of this. It means a lot coming from someone actually involved with this sort of thing.
- Comment on Are We Ready For This Site's Endless Feed of AI-Generated Porn? 1 year ago:
Can I ask why AI generated media is considered CSAM if there are no victims? I don’t like furry porn but it’s not beastiality. I don’t like loli shit but it’s not CP (well technically it is but it’s not real kids is my point). How is it any different?
Is it gross? Obviously, but I’m biased as I don’t like kiddie shit but no one is getting hurt and if it helps reduce sexual abuse cases against kids, why wouldn’t you be in favor of it?
I don’t understand how this is unreasonable. If AI generated CP increased the stats of kids being harmed then I’d be vehemently opposed. I know it’s a touchy subject but you can’t just write it off if it works for the greater good, no?
- Comment on Are We Ready For This Site's Endless Feed of AI-Generated Porn? 1 year ago:
Funny how just bringing up a solution that, although uncomfortable, reduces the cases of sexual abuse against kids without any victims gets you branded as a pedo.
I just want kids to stop getting abused lol
- Comment on Are We Ready For This Site's Endless Feed of AI-Generated Porn? 1 year ago:
Did you make that for me?
I’m actually flattered! 😂
- Comment on Are We Ready For This Site's Endless Feed of AI-Generated Porn? 1 year ago:
No one is butthurt. I have no interest in CP (thank fucking god) but if it means people get their rocks off at home without hitting any kids then I’m all for it.
What’s interesting is you have a strong disdain for fake porn but no real argument against it other than “heeeyuck kiddy porn bad aaahheeeyuuck”. 😂
- Comment on Are We Ready For This Site's Endless Feed of AI-Generated Porn? 1 year ago:
Why’s that? There are no children being hurt.
- Comment on Are We Ready For This Site's Endless Feed of AI-Generated Porn? 1 year ago:
Super hot and spicy take incoming: AI will be able to make very realistic child porn and we might actually see huge drop in sexual child abuse.
I hate to even type that sentence, btw.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I don’t watch Star Trek so for a second I thought those aliens were historical figures.