- Comment on BrewDog abandons its pledge to be 'carbon negative' in latest crisis 7 months ago:
Tried them only once, not a fan might be the worst beer I’ve tasted. To be fair though it was only one of a few options of theirs and I might have picked the worst one maybe.
- Comment on The amount of sugar consumed by children from soft drinks in the UK halved within a year of the sugar tax being introduced, a study has found. 7 months ago:
Are you actually saying some people don’t get that horrible aftertaste because It’s very obvious to me and there’s no way to mistake it.
I was close to vomiting when I noticed it in “supposedly Normal” Pepsi recently that leaves coca cola as the sole one I think think hasn’t done it yet. When that’s gone I guess I’m stuck with water.
- Comment on The amount of sugar consumed by children from soft drinks in the UK halved within a year of the sugar tax being introduced, a study has found. 7 months ago:
Also almost 100 percent of soft drinks went from nice to absolutely disgusting at least in my opinion.
- Comment on What YouTube channels discuss Atari video games? 7 months ago:
Yeah I’m bad at judging age of females I think and always err on the side of caution. That’s a possibility.
- Comment on Double Dragon 3D revival announced for PS5, Xbox Series, PS4, Xbox One, and PC 7 months ago:
Because it was pretty much the very first two player arcade game and it was very good for it’s time.
- Comment on What YouTube channels discuss Atari video games? 7 months ago:
Yeah I’m also wondering how she possibly got such a short name, she’s maybe 16/17 at my guess has an insane set up and the amount of retro stuff she had is insane.
I’m thinking maybe a millionaires kid or something but she does seem so into retro stuff my brain just can’t compute it.
- Comment on Sony is killing off recordable Blu-ray, bidding farewell to disc burning | TechSpot 7 months ago:
PSP us probably the best thing Sony ever made even considering the Walkman when they were a a+ Company. Psp has some super gems the sad fact is the Vita could have easy been even bigger if Sony themselves didn’t jump through hoops sabotaging the thing.
- Comment on Sony is killing off recordable Blu-ray, bidding farewell to disc burning | TechSpot 7 months ago:
Yeah their phones do generally still do things like microsds etc which is very nice I also like the psp but I’ve bought so many Sony products that develop weird faults straight after the warranty and the fact they alway push propriety cards etc.
Its a weird company where divisions seem to actively sabotage each other I just don’t trust them at all.
- Comment on Sony is killing off recordable Blu-ray, bidding farewell to disc burning | TechSpot 7 months ago:
I find it kinda funny Sony tried so hard to own the standard so many times thought they eventually got it but then the Internet made it irrelavent almost instantly.
I don’t like Sony.
- Comment on What YouTube channels discuss Atari video games? 7 months ago:
There’s a newish YouTuber called Kari I’m kinda fascinated by as she seems really young and is somehow into old retro games and computers.
She hasn’t many videos but a lot of her content seems to be around the old et game.
I think I’m mainly just curious how she’s managed to get all the stuff she has and how the heck did she get into it.
- Comment on YouTube's war against third party apps is just as ridiculous as its war on adblockers 10 months ago:
Could be I just can’t get over the timing of echolen suddenly being called over and Google appearing almost instantly
That said I still use Google just don’t trust it really I’ve always felt it was an intelligence company in truth and probably the echelons replacement.
- Comment on YouTube's war against third party apps is just as ridiculous as its war on adblockers 10 months ago:
Google’s a dumb ass company and I strongly suspect them to be Americas replacement to the echolen program mainly due to the timing.
Seems profits getting a bit more relevant than intelligence to them these days.
Yeah I’d rather go without YouTube than deal with the ads at this point they went ridiculous with it a long time ago.
- Comment on Is Android increasingly inconsistent? 10 months ago:
That drives me mad I manually went through every single app turning this off, it still does it anyway.
- Comment on MKBHD - Do Bad Reviews Kill Companies? 10 months ago:
I hope they do I bought a nothing phone 1 after reading promises of how they wouldn’t move to another phone until they had everything right etc.
Not only did they not keep it but after launching the 2 almost right after this claim they actively sabotaged the 1 the camera got worse the battery got way worse and thing is now super unstable and I really believe it’s on purpose as custom roms make the phone great.
The company is dead to me but I am kinda enjoying seeing the phone 2 users now complain because they are starting to get the same treatment now.
- Comment on Roku explores taking over HDMI feeds with ads 11 months ago:
Yeah now I’m never buying a roku I think when amazon eventually manages to wreck my cube (which they really seem to be trying to) I’ll have to try something like a raspberry pi or maybe a small ryzen card.
I’m really not sure but The one thing I’ve decided is to take put of another company’s hands.
- Comment on Samsung does an Apple with its first Snapdragon X Elite laptop, suggesting the new Arm-based Windows machines aren't going to be a cheap alternative to x86 11 months ago:
I won’t write them off before I’ve owned one, I imagine they could be good for things like battery life but I’m not sure if they’d be an improvement over other chips like ryzen apus.
Will be curious to see the advantage and disadvantages.
- Comment on Roku disables TVs and streaming devices until users consent to new terms 11 months ago:
Yeah I’m leaning that direction but I’m also quite attracted to whatever the newest raspberry pi can do.
Mini PC might be easier but yeah I think either way a sbc will be my choice whether it’s a Ryzen sbc or something else like a raspberry pi I’m honestly not sure.
Can state for a fact it won’t be any amazon or roku device but that’s about all.
- Comment on House panel unanimously approves bill that could ban TikTok 11 months ago:
Could see it effecting Ios devices but even then people will just use a browser. Not really going to effect pc and Android users will likely just sideload.
So not really sure this would have any effect as it stands.
- Comment on Roku disables TVs and streaming devices until users consent to new terms 11 months ago:
Between this and Amazon’s recent nonsense with Firetv I think next time I’ll just buy a generic Android box or something, maybe even a mini PC.
- Comment on Previously paid Nintendo DS emulator app on Android goes free (DraStic DS) 11 months ago:
Bought this a couple of months ago myself that said its probably a good thing it’s being open sourced I just have bad timing and bad luck in general when I buy things of the play store.
Just as an example I bought GTA Vice City and a few weeks later my phone updated to 14 and it hasn’t loaded or even seen an update since. So yeah avoid that one.
- Comment on Google Chrome Warning Issued For All Windows Users 1 year ago:
I think this will ultimately backfire on them I gave the bing app a chance on my phone and I got so tired of the try edge interruptions I unninstalled everything Microsoft.
The search was actually decent but the constant nagging was very annoying.
- Comment on CCP demand pianist stop filming in public because they were in the background (Britain) 1 year ago:
Infuriating to watch I think I feel more angry at the police woman trying to restrict his rights than the Chinese crowd.
That said if a guy randomly started shouting at me in Public I’m pretty sure I’d make the situation a lot worse.
- Comment on will f-droid last for 40+ years like gnu?? 1 year ago:
Sorry I only know this from things I’ve read myself so it’s at best third hand info, but yeah from what I understand F-Droid is pretty much under constant threat of just vanishing.
I use quite a lot of F-Droid apps myself so obviously I don’t want it to and wish it had an alternative.
- Comment on will f-droid last for 40+ years like gnu?? 1 year ago:
No, F-droid.org is already on its last legs, although I do hope it survives but from what I know one single guy now controls the entire report and had made threats to shit it down more than once.
I hop som body forks the entire thing and hopefully does it with an attempt of it surviving as Google has gotten wild in their restrictions and something like F-Droid is sorely needed.
- Comment on question: in the UK we get alot of boycott calls. But should there be a set period for a boycott? I submit a range of offences should have a period of time. 1) food poisoning: 6 months 1 year ago:
I personally only Boycott companies I feel have wronged me currently that’s Sony and Virgin Media.
Neither will ever get a penny from me again. Sony deleted my account with bought Vita/psp games they sent an email saying some UK law made them have to unless I logged in on time the account was already gone when they sent it. (also bullshit no other company has deleted any of my accounts especially with items I’d payed for).
Virgin made me go to an ombudsman because they refused to cancel my contract after raising prices and telling me I could leave if I didn’t accept it.
They kept me on hold, transferred me around for hours at a time to Indian call centres I couldn’t even understand then eventually would either hang up or outright lie about cancelling. This went on for 2 months.
So yeah those two are boycotted for life and they are lucky I’m not in a position currently to sue them.
- Comment on Apple Makes It Harder for Police to Access Your Push Notifications 1 year ago:
Shouldn’t it be impossible for them to even be able to hand over your notifications in the first damn place.
There’s no reason I can think off that they should even have this info.
- Comment on Silly question for those comming from a iPhone. Do you miss imessage or was it not that big of a deal? 1 year ago:
I use signal I’ve actually put it onto other family members and such phones without their permission they haven’t even noticed so far.
Imessage I wouldn’t use even if I had an iPhone I actually did use to back in the iTunes days but when a single update took about 3 hours I switched.
- Comment on Mobile phones: Firms face £3bn legal claim for overcharging - BBC News 1 year ago:
Should really be the big isps being investigated it took me nearly 2 months and an ombudsman to actually cancel virgin when they were legally bound too after raising prices.
Then I went to sky and they immediately started double charging me.
Wish I was joking.
- Comment on Protonmail will blocked by new filter 1 year ago:
Leave Proton alone ffs, without them I would have my Internet seriously limited by default by UK isps and the moronic Government that just wants everything to be it’s own propaganda.
- Comment on BBC presenter apologises after giving middle finger at start of live broadcast 1 year ago:
Most entertaining moment since the old Top Gear.