- Comment on The Fallout TV show gave the Fallout games a huge player bump, as everyone remembers they like Fallout 10 months ago:
I’ve been really considering giving FO76 a try. I’ve been stockpiling resources from GamePass rewards, and the lore seems pretty cool. I like the idea of playing a fallout game that’s set so soon after the bombs drop.
- Comment on Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection used modder's work without credit 11 months ago:
Only good game they did was Episode 1: Pod Racer.
- Comment on Business Insider would like Gen Z to know that anxiety is healthy and their problem is that they need more of it. 1 year ago:
Add her to the list of people we eat
- Comment on YSK: Your local library's resources. Many offer free e-books and audio books via apps like Hoopla and Libby, resume writing classes, movies, games...and a quiet place to relax of course 1 year ago:
That would have been so helpful. Instead we burned through both of our mobile data so she could do meetings in the early morning, and would head the the library after to get everything else done (including anything we needed to look up because our data was over haha).
- Comment on YSK: Your local library's resources. Many offer free e-books and audio books via apps like Hoopla and Libby, resume writing classes, movies, games...and a quiet place to relax of course 1 year ago:
When we moved to a new town, we went to the library every day to work online until our internet got hooked up. The main branch in town has a switch that you can play upstairs, and a bunch of 3d printers. They even have the latest video games that you can rent; I wanted to give it a try but I’ve got too many in the backlog already lol.
- Comment on YSK: Indeed and other job sites are saturated with scams 1 year ago:
What kind of companies are you applying to? I’m pretty sure if I tried this with most of the places I’ve bee in applying to in the tech field, they would just laugh it off and say they don’t have that information.
- Comment on Goodbye MatPat, thanks for everything 1 year ago:
I never played FNAF, but those were the only Game Theorist videos I really liked.
- Comment on This Spyro the Dragon tweet has fans thinking a new instalment is coming 1 year ago:
I love how every article mentioning a game/IP owned by Activision has to say that ‘now that Microsoft owns BAK, the game may be an Xbox exclusive. Ragebait journalism at it best.
- Comment on Relative size comparison of social media platforms (December 2023) 1 year ago:
But I thought that was the excuse we were using for why Reddit still has lots of users?
Not attacking you, just pointing out the ludicrousness of everyone saying that all of Reddits accounts are bots when Lemmy is full of them as well.
- Comment on Paintings by Gaza children removed after pro Israeli lawyer group. 1 year ago:
Okay bro whatever have fun with whatever the hell you think you are doing 😄
- Comment on Paintings by Gaza children removed after pro Israeli lawyer group. 1 year ago:
It’s very common to get caught up in litigation for something that at the end of the day would get thrown out.
- Comment on Paintings by Gaza children removed after pro Israeli lawyer group. 1 year ago:
I would imagine they were also scared of the potential for fines or anything else, since it was a lawyer that insisted the pictures would be removed. If I am a hospital admin, I don’t care how spineless it makes me look but I am going to save the money for the hospital to use instead of even potentially having to spend it on court fees/fines.
- Comment on Paintings by Gaza children removed after pro Israeli lawyer group. 1 year ago:
I wouldn’t say they are working hard to look like the bad guys when so many people view them as the hood guys.
- Comment on Paintings by Gaza children removed after pro Israeli lawyer group. 1 year ago:
This is the shit that makes people hate Israel.
- Comment on Xbox plans for using AI to create scripts, dialogue trees, quest lines 1 year ago:
I finished everything in the base game for Just Cause 4 last year, and it was literally taking me more time to drive from one activity to the next than to do the activity. But of course there has to be 80 of them
- Comment on "Goofy walks Pluto" equivalent to "a man walks his monkey", but in universe where dog evolve into sapien before mokey 1 year ago:
Goofy is actually a cow
- Comment on Don't forget to tip your gas station 1 year ago:
That’s not the discussion going on? We are talking about who the people are that champion for tipping.
- Comment on Don't forget to tip your gas station 1 year ago:
Okay? The point is that there are people who like the system, and those are the people I outlined. That’s the point of my comment as a reply to the comment above. No one here has said it’s not predatory.
- Comment on Don't forget to tip your gas station 1 year ago:
I know they are supposed to, but most places don’t. Some business will even give out your debit/credit tips in cash so you don’t have to claim them.
- Comment on Don't forget to tip your gas station 1 year ago:
You obviously haven’t been talking to servers that make $200 a night in cash tips they don’t pay taxes on. My fiancé works in marketing for a large winery, and some of the kids they would bring in to work the restaurant would be making tons of money from it. Those are the people who love it
- Comment on Insomniac on Spider-Man 2's release 1 year ago:
You da real MVP, thanks
- Comment on Majority of gamers play with subtitles 1 year ago:
I’ve played with subtitles on ever since Left 4 Dead, where you would get audio cues that would be too quiet to hear sometimes.
- Comment on Insomniac on Spider-Man 2's release 1 year ago:
Context for us non PlayStation gamers?
- Comment on Maybe AI won't be taking all of our jobs after all? 1 year ago:
Are any of these translated ingredients?
- Comment on What's your favorite game through the ears of Original Soundtrack? 1 year ago:
Stardew Valley. I find myself humming the songs through the day all the time, they are so relaxing and whimsical.
- Comment on Truth 1 year ago:
You could say the exact same thing about Israel. This isn’t a gotcha when Israel has been killing civilians for decades in their apartheid.
- Comment on … da fuck? 1 year ago:
How long have you been sitting on this? Wikipedia edits show the name was changed last July.
- Comment on Rockchip-based Home Assistant Green can now be pre-ordered 1 year ago:
These headlines are getting more and more confusing
- Comment on Moopsy Approved! 1 year ago:
This reminded me of the chocolate flavoured chicken bone broth protein powder I bought because it was on clearance 🤮🤮
- Comment on What games can you recommend that didn't get the appreciation that they deserved? 1 year ago:
Brute Force for the original Xbox. 4 player squad based gameplay, with different squads full of characters with unique abilities. It was a ‘platinum hit’ but I’m pretty sure anything that sold more than 500 copies was