- Submitted 2 weeks ago to conservative@lemmy.world | 3 comments
- Comment on Attempt to motivate people to take the stairs 3 weeks ago:
Something I never really got from the summaries on the research is how much training increase they looked at. And what type. I bet going fron 0 to 30 minutes a day would look different than the span 0-120.
Do you BTW have a link to the paper?
- Comment on Attempt to motivate people to take the stairs 3 weeks ago:
Last i saw on this is that there isn’t a 1:1 relation between increased calorie burn by increased exercise and total calorie burn. There are some but also the body diverts energy from one task to another. Still the best way to loose weight, maintaining a calorie deficit, is to eat less. Way easier said than done.
- Comment on Can Americans afford beans though? 4 weeks ago:
Beans are small eggs. Beans are cheap. Therefore eggs are cheap. Eternal lord-god emperor trump fixed the egg cost. Praise be.
- Comment on Back to Glory 5 weeks ago:
She is unrelenting and unwavering in her fight (slaughter) of demonkind. When others hears them out she begins laying out a plan to destroy them. And what is it she calls them? “Monsters who mimic human speech”
- Comment on what exercises work for you to avoid back pain? 1 month ago:
My go to is dynamic exercises that forced you to stabilise the core. Kettle bell swings (including one handed variants), halos, around-the-world, atlas swings etc. Thus combined with mobility drills from the hip (where many back muscles start) and up takes for me care of any after work pain.
- Comment on what exercises work for you to avoid back pain? 1 month ago:
Not diminishing the effects of stronger back muscles but the stretch and decompression of the spine in the hang part does it’s part. I love that bit, just hanging there getting stretched from arms to arse.
- Submitted 3 months ago to patientgamers@sh.itjust.works | 80 comments
- Comment on if you quit a job you didn't like or was toxic, didn't the financial hit scare you? 4 months ago:
Always be looking for a new job, you never know when a new boss arrives and makes it horrible.
- Comment on Aluminum 6 months ago:
And now I’m back to looking at steel (and titanium) adventure hardtails…
- Comment on Adult pool goers - what do people even do at the pool? 7 months ago:
If you can afford to save then I highly recommend you to save up for classes. Not just for the exercise aspect but (primary) as a safety measure.
Floating around on ones back is seriously underrated. You just drift around a bit, relax and disconnect for a bit.
- Comment on What are you playing this week? February 19 2024 Edition 1 year ago:
Divinity original sin 2. Starting to get to grips with the system and things are starting to go my way. Escaped from the fort and is now exploring the marshes.
That game got a serious lesrning and difficulty curve early on. Then at one point it was like a switch flipped and the party came together. Enough gear to last long enough to start chain cc-ing the mobs and enough cc skills to keep them that way.
- Comment on Here's what's happening to ad blockers in Google Chrome 1 year ago:
Here? Almost. Arch-based at least. Do I btw use arch?
- Comment on trees 1 year ago:
Trees in a way are just big sticks stuck in the ground. And we all know sticks are great.
- Comment on World of Warcraft's new Warbands system is going to force me to resub - PCGamer 1 year ago:
May I recommend Guild Wars 2 or Elder Scrolls Online. Neither have really increased the numbers so gear from years ago are still up to date. May not be meta but still up to date. GW2 for example has the Berserker stat combination and it has been the go-to for direct damage builds since launch. 10+ year old gear still does its job!
- Comment on Leaks confirm low takeup for Windows 11 1 year ago:
My only interactions with Windows are on company equipment and I eagerly await Win11. By the gods I need tabs in the file explorer. I know there are Win10 solutions but the system is locked down because it is company equipment. And I ain’t got time nor energy for chats with IT/HR.
- Comment on Spanish teens received deepfake AI nudes of themselves: But is it a crime? 1 year ago:
This will hopefully go the same way as upskirting, becoming illegal explicitly or bundled under some other law. But I have few hopes it will happen fast.
- Comment on Screen time linked with developmental delays, study finds 1 year ago:
That sentence directed towards the article and it choosing to focus on one part of the study. Sure I have not read the study so the link between “struggling” parents and development can be much weaker than screen time and development. It can be that the article presents the study without favoring any results. Or it could be highlighting those results that drives more clicks. I feel the second option is the more likely one.
- Comment on Screen time linked with developmental delays, study finds 1 year ago:
There are other factors they have observed as well. Let me quote the article.
There are other factors that can affect a child’s development, such as genetics, adverse experiences such as neglect or abuse, and socioeconomic factors, Nagata said.
In the latest research, mothers of children with high levels of screen time were more likely to be younger, have never given birth before, have a lower household income, have a lower education level and have postpartum depression.
But bad screens are a much sexier cause.
- Comment on Searching for a grindy game for on the Steam deck 1 year ago:
The only issue I have with GD and a controller is difficulty targeting specific foes and precuse use of movement abilities. Nothing gamebreaking, just annoying.