- Comment on Antybooties 10 months ago:
They didn’t made it back to their nest.
- Comment on Recognize the mother of Wifi 10 months ago:
I can 100% agree with that. Sadly She often gets forgotten.
- Comment on Researchers unlock fiber optic connection 1.2 million times faster than broadband 10 months ago:
It will only be used for corporations, but at some point we will also get it for our homes, but not yet. Also Theres still a lot of research to do before this will be used anywhere.
- Submitted 10 months ago to | 89 comments
- Comment on Judge rules YouTube, Facebook and Reddit must face lawsuits claiming they helped radicalize a mass shooter | CNN Business 11 months ago:
“But freedom of speech”
If that speech causes harm like convincing a teenager walking into a grocery store and gunning people down is a good idea, you don’t deserve to have that speech.
In Germany we have a very good rule for this(its not written down, but that’s something you can usually count onto). Your freedom ends, where it violates the freedom of others. Examples for this: Everyone has the right to live a healthy life and everyone has the right to walk wherever you want. If I now take my right to walk wherever to want to cause a car accident with people getting hurt(and it was only my fault). My freedom violated the right that the person who has been hurt to life a healthy life. That’s not freedom.
- Comment on Judge rules YouTube, Facebook and Reddit must face lawsuits claiming they helped radicalize a mass shooter | CNN Business 11 months ago:
That’s true, but a lotnof things are illegal eeverywhere. Sexual Harassment or death treads will get you a lawsuit in probably every single country of the world.
- Comment on Embracer says it's looking out for shareholders after cutting almost 1,400 jobs 1 year ago:
Then let’s hope this doesn’t happen
-Your Intestines
- Comment on Roll for initiative 1 year ago:
It’s wizard time motherfuckers. Fireball
- Comment on Does Harry Potter only know fifth grade math? 1 year ago:
Yeah. I a 1v1 the gun wins.
- Comment on Does Harry Potter only know fifth grade math? 1 year ago:
What they lack is knowledge about volume and surface calculation. That is some stuff you definitely need in life. That wizards don’t need analysis or Calculus is kinda obvious.
- Comment on Guess which game? 1 year ago:
I think it’s a very cool game, especially if you play it with friends. Of course, you have to like this type of gameplay where you always have the exact same objective.
However, if you only play solo queue survivor I have to agree with you. Your mates will always fail you and give up on the first hook.
- Comment on Guess which game? 1 year ago:
It’s fun in the beginning, but starts to get very repetitive very fast.
- Comment on Guess which game? 1 year ago:
Nobody gonna play Star field fo 12k hours.
- Comment on local hunger games construction almost complete 1 year ago:
They will investigate and increase the presence of police activity, but that doesn’t mean they will protect the whole construction side.
- Comment on local hunger games construction almost complete 1 year ago:
Damn. I didn’t knew that so I did some quick research and found out, that mixing in 1% of sugar can completely stop the forming of concrete.
- Comment on I'll get some water while you finish reading 1 year ago:
I doesn’t fully understand it too, but it sounds like a pain in the ass to play against that.
- Comment on Reddit now blocks signed out VPN connections. 1 year ago:
I think we can overpass in quality some day but not in rough numbers(at least for now, reddit has to fuck up a lot to go down like twitter).
- Comment on aLiEnS!!1 1 year ago:
Im also pretty sure that I saw/read an article where they explained that workers were missing at the construction site to brew beer.
- Comment on Break my phone if she ain't 1 year ago:
From the deep state.
- Comment on Ultrasound can push vaccines into the body without needles 1 year ago:
The YouTuber Allen Pan did that.
- Comment on Stop spoiling your kids 1 year ago:
I guess we have a weirdest post of the day winner.
- Comment on Future You 1 year ago:
This reminds me of the “Durchfall Mann” Cartoon. Watch at your own risk:
- Comment on Wretched souls 1 year ago:
Potato salad is our national dish for the Christmas.
- Comment on Average Lemmy Active Users by Month 1 year ago:
Cows can poop up to 15 times a day, which equals to 29.5kg of poop every day.
- Comment on Average Lemmy Active Users by Month 1 year ago:
I have never heard that name in my entire life.
- Comment on Average Lemmy Active Users by Month 1 year ago:
I also came from reddit during the drama.
- Comment on Only $79.99 1 year ago:
And the inventor got a fucking price for this(he still has it)
- Comment on Unrelated question: does anyone want to check out a compound in the woods with me? 1 year ago:
What the actual fuck?
- Comment on When Horses replace electric is the circle complete? 1 year ago:
He fucking ate his own Guinness world record award.
- Comment on AHHAHSHAHAGAGA 1 year ago:
Wise words.
Also: I love that Lemmy finally brings a lot of good quality shit posts into my feed. This was the one thing that I thought was better on reddit.