- Comment on Billionaire Larry Ellison says a vast AI-fueled surveillance system can ensure 'citizens will be on their best behavior' 2 months ago:
We need another Luigi for this asshole.
- Comment on Why do the majority of women still take their partner's last name? 3 months ago:
For me, it was because my husbands last name was simpler than my maiden name.
- Comment on Is there a way to exclude topics from what I see on Lemmy? 3 months ago:
I found it under Filters and Blocks.
- Comment on As a non-techie, where/how can I find out if software is safe? 5 months ago:
Try virustotal.com. You can scan files and URLs.
- Comment on Fast-food chains battle for low-income diners with summer value meals 7 months ago:
Note that McD’s no longer shows their pricing on their website. You have to add the item to the cart and log into a delivery service to see. Asinine.
- Comment on WIBTA if I'm not contributing to my brother's master thesis? 1 year ago:
NTA. I’m petty and if this were me, I’d let the university know your brother isn’t doing his own thesis. There’s this thing called academic integrity.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Try allrecipes.com. Recipes with little to no fluff.
- Comment on AITA for refusing to change part of my wedding? 1 year ago:
Easy fix: translate that part of the ceremony, print it, and hand it out to the OP’s family.
- Comment on AITA for telling my younger son he needs to learn how to cook and go in public if he wants to move out? 1 year ago:
You’re a parent. Why haven’t you taught him these skills already?
- Comment on WIBTA for not going to sit with my ex husband as he died? 1 year ago:
He wasn’t alone. He had his children who apparently tried to pressure the woman he cheated on into giving him peace he didn’t deserve. NTA
- Comment on AITA for refusing to go to a family event because I know I’d be pressured to eat food that goes against my dietary restrictions? 1 year ago:
Disclosure: I know I’m talking to a bot.
While I commend your dedication to your weight loss journey (I have my own), you stated "I told him that 3 days would ruin a whole weeks worth of progress that I need to be making.”
Now, if eating delicious southern food would completely derail your weight loss and put you on the path to failure, you would not be an ass. Or if the reason for the “get together” was Thanksgiving or something similar, you would not be an ass.
The fact that you’re bowing out of your grandmother’s birthday (her 94!) for what you describe as set back and not a failure, yeah soft YTA.
- Comment on AITA for getting my grandparents to stop my dad giving his second daughter the same name as me? 1 year ago:
Agreed. There are so many of this type of posts.
- Comment on AITA for leaving my partner after he accused me of theft? 1 year ago:
You dodged a bullet.
- Comment on AITA for not wanting my husband to sleep on the couch? 1 year ago:
Only for staying with a selfish asshole.
- Comment on AITA for telling my husband to not bring his daughters home or i’ll leave with my kids every time they’re over? 1 year ago:
Can you explain why you’re with this man? Doesn’t seem to bring anything good to this relationship.
- Comment on WIBTA If I told my wife she can't go to her friends bachelorette party 1 year ago:
Without reading the post, yes you WBTAH.
- Comment on AITA for telling my husband that he and his family need to plan ahead for large family visits? 1 year ago:
Not your parents. Just don’t answer the door when they shore up uninvited. Ho’s parents. HE can make the arrangements.
- Comment on AITA for telling my girlfriend to get the fuck out of my house 1 year ago:
Your coworker is an idiot.
- Comment on WIBTA for kicking out my emotionally and intellectually disabled sister who has nowhere to go 1 year ago:
Kick her out now and cut her off completely. There’s nothing wrong with her, she’s just a mooch.
- Comment on AITA for not wanting to offer my friend food when she stays over 1 year ago:
Hey Friend, what did you bring us for dinner?
- Comment on AITA for "letting" my nephew get bit by ants 1 year ago:
NTA. Your nephew just learned about consequences without any real harm.
- Comment on AITA for 'verbally abusing' my elderly mother at the restaurant table over her infuriating eating habit? 1 year ago:
Personally I wouldn’t have said a word. I’d just have stabbed (not hard) her hand with my fork. And do it every time.
- Comment on AITA for refusing to cook separate meal for my niece ? 1 year ago:
A 19 year old that won’t cook for themselves, but expects someone else to? NTA, but your niece very much is.
- Comment on AITA for no longer letting my husband come with me to any dr. appointment after what he did? 1 year ago:
Ugh, you have bad taste in men. He’s an AH and I’m sorry you’re carrying his bad genes to the next generation.
- Comment on AITA for having a "fake" wedding for everyone to bring children to. 1 year ago:
Ok, I know commenting here is pointless and I know that most wedding stuff is useless bullshit, but for the first time ever I agree with the bride. What a simple, elegant way to handle this situation.
- Comment on AITA for telling my husband to just shut up for once? 1 year ago:
Sounds like neither of you should be having a child.
- Comment on AITA for not supporting the mother of my child during her pregnancy? 1 year ago:
She might be pregnant, but that doesn’t mean you’re the father.
- Comment on AITA for eating food off my guy friends’ plates ? 1 year ago:
YTA. And rude AF.
- Comment on AITA for demanding my husband quit his job? 1 year ago:
Get a nanny.
- Comment on WIBTA if I ordered my wedding cake to only be big enough for my fiancé and I? 1 year ago:
TF? It’s cake. Who cares?