- Comment on Tool for instantiating a C++ template at runtime? 1 year ago:
It sounds like what you are looking for is a form of an object request broker. Provide the name of a class as a string (or, if the set of desired objects is more constrained, an integer or enum or something similar) and then build an instance based on that key. Generally, all these objects typically inherit from some base class like Object so that the broker can return an Object* and the client can dynamic cast it down to the actual thing. I’ve used a pattern like this in the past that worked pretty well using macro magic to enable classes eligible to be instantiated through the broker (register the key and the class name with the broker). This was pre-C++03, so doubtless there are cleaner and more modern ways to implement such a thing these days.
- Comment on Call me an idiot, but I would die laughing even if something like this happened to me 1 year ago:
My curling peeps will know what I’m talking about.
- Comment on Apple to stop selling its latest smartwatches after losing patent case to rival that says 'even the world’s most powerful company must abide by the law' 1 year ago:
I wonder if they’re a publicly traded company. Given the choice between this company trying to compete in the marketplace against Apple versus a guaranteed revenue stream from licensing and royalty fees (and likely a lucrative one at that), I’m pretty sure I know which the shareholders would pick. If this company ends up doing the former and going under, I can just smell the shareholder lawsuit that would ensur.
- Comment on ChatGPT, how do I use OCR in Word? 1 year ago:
The text in the image represents how accurate it tends to be whenever I try to OCR a document.
- Comment on I rent a vps to run fediverse instances. Here's what I've found 1 year ago:
I am also interested in the answer to this and which service the author is using.
- Comment on Is there an alternative to "motherfucker" that people would actually use? 1 year ago:
This is good too.
- Comment on Is there an alternative to "motherfucker" that people would actually use? 1 year ago:
I thought OP was looking for minced oaths that could be used in its place, and this is the first thing that came to mind for me. I use this one all the time because I try not to drop the big one around my five- and three-year-olds.
- Comment on Over 65 years ago this month, researchers ran the first FORTRAN program 1 year ago:
And the program finally completed today! 🎉
- Comment on It took me 16 years to figure out why I hated a Journey song. What song did yiu hate untim yiu figured out why? 1 year ago:
I’m not super familiar with a lot of 3EB’s work, but I do like “How’s It Gonna Be”, and you’re absolutely right, they lean on that third pretty hard as a melodic element. The third tends to be sung a lot against the ii in that particular song (so yielding a ii9). but when they do use the IV, I notice the melody will often do the same, and it serves as kind of a tension breaker given how much emphasis is given to the third against the other chords leading up to the IV. The bass is also great in this song, not just using the root of the chord, but different degrees and transitions between them for interest. That said, I can’t speak to the rest of their catalogue.