- Comment on Oregonian driving 6 months ago:
We have speed limits for a reason, why does everyone insist on ignoring them? Serious question, as I live in a mountainous area and cars are constantly crashing because people insist on speeding. The roads are winding and narrow with lots of traffic and wildlife, so you never really know what’s around the bend.
- Comment on Is Backblaze a reliable provider? 7 months ago:
For my use, it actually cost less to use B2 than the home backup product. The bulk of my data is Linux isos so I’m not really worried about losing it.
- Comment on Is Backblaze a reliable provider? 7 months ago:
I do use ZFS and I just backup the files with restic. To restore a file in a zfs snapshot I would have to download the entire thing to a spare HDD, even if I only need to recover a few files. Restic has snapshots too and is designed to be used with cloud providers like B2.
- Comment on Is Backblaze a reliable provider? 7 months ago:
I’ve used backblaze b2 for almost 8 years now and it just works. I’ve never had any data lost by them in that time.
I just recently switched over to as it a bit cheaper at only $4/TB as compared to B2 at $6/TB. Both are S3 compatible and work with just about every backup software out there. I have used Borg, Kopia and now Restic to do backups of important data. All 3 tools deduplicate all your data and reduces the amount of storage used. They also do encryption client side and are open source. They also have a built-in verification mechanism that checks the data is intact.
- Comment on Let's chat about these SEVEN nuclear power plants the LNP want to build ... 7 months ago:
I think Australia should be investing heavily in nuclear. The cost doesn’t make sense for the private sector to bear, but the govt can afford it as long as it doesn’t take away from renewable investment like the libs are proposing here. Future debt is easier to solve than carbon emissions.
We need large scale base load power generation to fill in the gap that electrification of everything will bring. Electrical demand will increase as we replace fossil fuel for heating, cars and transport, etc…
- Comment on How many of you actually use the headphone jack on your phone? 1 year ago:
I went that route with an unlocked ASUS zenfone and it turns out that phone is impossible to replace the screen on because replacement parts are not available where I live. I had to buy a new phone without a headphone jack. Check for parts availability before buying something from a smaller brand.
- Comment on The ultimate life hack the government doesn't want you to know 1 year ago:
You do know where that cash back is coming from, right? Everything you buy has credit card fees baked into the price. The business pays anywhere from 1-5% on every transaction to accept your payment, and a small percent of that is returned to you as “cash back” rewards. Its why I’ve switched back to using cash and any coins I get as change go into a jar. That earns much more than %10 “cash back”, and some shops even make the customers pay the CC fee here in aus so I get a small “discount” too.
- Comment on Nothing says "I'm an accountant" like a big ass ute. 1 year ago:
Austrian? I think you mean Australian there mate! Trucks are much heavier, UTEs are what you Yankees call “trucks”. It’s a UTE because it’s a utility vehicle and used by tradies and farmers and the like.