- Comment on Coming to Xbox Game Pass: Diablo IV, The Quarry, Ark: Survival Ascended, and More 11 months ago:
I know this is a weird observation, but the covers on those games are all red and I can’t help but wonder if there was an unofficial industry-wide standard of color psychology when these were released
- Comment on THE FINALS | Season 2 | March 14 11 months ago:
Throughout the jam-packed season of this free-to-play game, contestants can experience new weapons for each class, the hacked new map SYS$HORIZON, the all-new 5v5 game mode Power Shift, a new skill-based League System, rewarded weekly career progression, private matches — for now in a feature-limited beta version — and the new Hacker Playstyle, which adds several ways for contestants to alter the arena to their favor. THE FINALS’ new Hacker Playstyle lets players step into the shoes of CNS, with a set of new gadgets and a new specialization that can be mixed and matched with players’ existing toolset. Remove walls, defy gravity, tunnel across the arena, and transform items — become the glitch in the system, the ultimate cyber tactician, and bring a new dimension to the game.
The Dematerializer for Mediums: a specialization that temporarily erases physical surfaces, like walls, ceilings, or goo — allowing contestants to see, shoot, and pass through them. Create new passageways and close them back up again —turn every obstacle into an open door.
The Anti-Gravity Cube for Heavys: a deployable cube that manipulates gravity in its immediate area, lifting contestants and objects upwards! Is it a traversal tool? Or a defensive gadget? It’s up to each contestant!
The Gateway for Lights: a pair of limited-range deployable portals! When both are thrown and activated, contestants and objects can move between the two locations. Anyone can use a portal, but players can’t see or shoot through them! Perfect for a quick getaway, when things get hairy.
The Data Reshaper for Mediums: a gadget that changes enemy fortifications (or any random objects for that matter) into something else entirely — like turning an enemy mine into a chair. Or an enemy turret into a table. Great for breaking through enemy defenses!
All builds are getting new weapons, with the Lights getting the 93R burst-fire machine pistol, Medium getting the new FAMAS burst assault rifle, and Heavys able to wield the new KS-23 slug shotgun.
With access to assets and source files, CNS has introduced its own Arena, SYS$HORIZON. This glitchy, neon-filled cityscape exists in the loading realm of the game show and features a mix of vertical and horizontal gameplay. Voxel bridges create pathways between buildings, and pieces of floating, glitched geometry allow contestants to parkour through the arena. Partially loaded and out-of-place, SYS$HORIZON is a sight to behold, especially at night.
Moreover, THE FINALS Season 2 comes with Power Shift — an all-new, casual, 5v5 game mode where two teams compete to escort a platform through the arena. If interrupted by an enemy team, the platform grinds to a halt — or will switch direction entirely. Watch out, the platform will tear through anything in its path and can be rocked by physics. Players can switch their contestants between respawns, allowing them to balance their teams on the fly and hone their skills to perfection. In Season 2, contestants can compete in a revamped League System that improves the ranked play experience, with league rewards that up the stakes. A new Career Circuit system offers weekly rewards from Seasonal Sponsors, allowing contestants to move from Rookie to Master by completing contracts throughout the season.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Can’t argue with that. I think I need to remove myself from this community
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
What even is the joke that you’re enjoying? “haha unsolicited dick pics are funny if it turns out to actually not be a dick under further examination”?
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
This joke kinda reveals that OP is circumsized and probably thinks all other people with pensises are circumsized, too.
I wish nonconsentual genital mutilation wasn’t such a normalized thing in American society.
- Comment on Last Epoch Official Technical Trailer 1 year ago:
- Story
The story is currently unfinished, so I can’t comment on its entirety, but I’m enjoying the themes and choices they’ve made so far. It’s based on fantasy-inspired time travel and visiting the same areas in different eras of time, similar to Crono Trigger. You meet some characters at multiple points in their life, sometimes changing from friend to foe or vice versa. Finally, the endgame mechanic involves exploring alternate timelines where key events in the history of the world had a different outcome (for example, one timeline explores what would have happened if the gods had failed in their quest to exterminate the dragons).
- Music
The music is immersive and calm when it needs to be, and engaging and dramatic when it needs to be. Ultimately, I felt like it wasn’t anything to write home about when I turned it off in favor of my own playlists a few years ago, but the composer has had nothing but time to refine their craft and I wouldn’t be surprised if they update the soundtrack for 1.0.
- Environment/World Building/Mobs
I feel like they knocked it out of the park on this one. Enemies in the Ancient Era are primal and wild, the Divine Era is regal and civilized but barbaric underneath, the Immortal Era is appropriately gory and dreary but filled with loving people who still have hope, and the Ruined Era is consumed by darkness and it really shows in the enemy design. The giant reptiles you fight in one era may get resurrected to fight against you in the next; wild scorpions will have glittering gems appear in their carapaces as you near a treasure trove, cultists will grow more mutated as their exposure to their deity grows, and more. Side quests have you time-traveling from era to era to complete objectives in creative ways, and there are even ways to skip parts of the campaign by exploring and completing dungeons, for when you’re leveling alts.
- NPCs:
Most town NPCs rarely elevate themselves beyond exposition dumps, although there are some memorable moments; but the characters that travel with you or fight against you are great and charismatic. I like one of the characters enough that I’m legitimately upset that they die, and I hope we’re able to save them at some point in the future (or should I say, some point in the past?). Sadly, the main vendor that you use in the endgame is kinda dull and flat and is definitely no Deckard Cain, but that’s honestly the kind of feedback that the devs would appreciate and find a way to apply to the game.
- Loot:
Uniques and Set Items have descriptions that build out the world or tell you more about the person who originally used them, kinda like dark souls. Normal/magic/rare/exalted items don’t have descriptions and are based on a prefix/suffix system, and unique items can potentially drop with 1-4 Legendary Potential, a stat that allows it to inherit a number of affixes from an exalted item equal to its Legendary Potential. They are also implementing two different approaches to loot by adding mutually exclusive Item Factions to the in-game world-- the Circle of Fortune will increase item drops and add mini-quests to further increase drop rates for specific items similar to Prophecies and Atlas Memories from PoE; while the Merchants Guild will let players trade increasingly powerful items with each other, either in person or through a bazaar (although there will be limited options to trade items with friends regardless of which faction you choose to join, if you spend time together in game)
- Comment on Last Epoch Official Technical Trailer 1 year ago:
Last Epoch is a phenomenal game and was worth every penny years ago–I’m incredible excited for the 1.0 release. It’s got just the right amount of build complexity–if making a Path of Exile build from scratch takes a PhD, then doing it in Last Epoch would be like community college (although there’s definitely differences in complexity from class to class).
The developers (Eleventh Hour Games) offer regional pricing, so non-Americans aren’t priced out of the game, and although servers for online play will be available based on a cost vs demand basis, it is possible to play the game 100% offline.
If anyone has any questions about the game, let me know!
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
If all you’re going to do is repeat ideologies while ignoring material conditions, then that’s your call, but I’m done spending my time with you if that’s your choice.
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
I understand what you’re saying, and what you’re saying is only concerned with individuals, not systems.
What I’m saying is that regardless of how many individual people turn that job down, the job listing at that wage will still exist. Eventually, someone who is down on their luck will become desperate enough to take it because they don’t have any other options left.
They could be homeless people trying to afford the deposit on an apartment, or single dads trying to pay for field trips for their kids, or ex-cons locked out of conventional employment trying desperately to earn an honest living, or college students trying to buy one used textbook, or even uneducated twenty-somethings trying to build work history so they can stop working for tips.
All of those desperate people, the people who have no choice but to tolerate the wage that you have too much self-respect to accept–they deserve nice things too. Their boss is a greedy, insufferable bastard who is willing to pay them the minimum that he is legally required to. By refusing to tip, you are climbing in to the same boat with him, no matter what ideology you shout as you clamber over the gunwales.
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
this is where local and regional policy can come in to help coordinate transitioning to a more helpful model of compensating employees.
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago: typed up the perfect response to this in another thread, let me copypasta their comment for you:
you are proposing that if we all stop tipping, companies will be motivated to pay their workers; you are correct, this is what would happen if we all stopped tipping at the same time.
this process is known as collective action. it is incredibly important to remember that collective action only works when it actually happens. in other words, your individual action of not tipping your waiter is ONLY beneficial to your waiter if you can make sure one else tips either.
do you have this power? (i think you don’t; if you do i beg of you to exercise it lol.)
now consider who actually holds the power here. at any point, your restaurant’s owner could institute a no-tip policy, thereby ensuring that no one has to tip, ever. several restaurants already have done this, and it works. now, you might (correctly) note that this may gives an unfair advantage to other competing restaurants who do not implement no-tip policy. this is where local and regional policy can come in to help coordinate transitioning to a more helpful model of compensating employees.
so there’s kind of this imbalance, where yeah technically it’s possible for us as eaters of food to “fix” the tipping problem, but its way way easier for the people in charge (whether that’s government or owners) to fix it, because they have the power of coordination on their side.
tldr, tip your waiters and advocate for anti-tipping policies if you want to maximize long term benefits for everyone.
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
Whether you respect them or not, those jobs still must exist until they are automated away. Casual dining and fine dining restaurants can’t operate without servers–if that was possible, The Invisible Hand Of The Free Market would have eliminated that position centuries ago.
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
Socialist theory is great, but material conditions don’t care about our ideologies :) I use Marxism and socialism to help myself understand why I feel so alienated and to help fight those feelings, but I still understand that every worker in America lives as an exploited laborer under capitalism. I’m not wealthy or politically powerful or willing to use violence to enforce my views, so my praxis must be aimed at helping the little people until we have enough of a leftist coalition to take on the bigger issues.
Essentially, I’m not big enough to change the world for the better all on my own, but I can change the parts of it that I can reach out and touch with my hands, so why shouldn’t I?
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
Please don’t put words in my mouth. When did I ever say 50%? Someone else botched their math and got to that number, and I even took the time to explain why their math was wrong. I have only told others to “tip generously”, to always include a tip in their budget while dining out, and in your specific case to tip more than 15%. Even in the offhand example I gave that you think is so insane and stupid, it only comes out to a 33% tip. The people who do the lion’s share of the actual labor deserve the lion’s share of the profits, and there’s nothing insane or stupid about that.
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
Sounds like that server deserves a generous tip, I hope you take good care of them :)
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
I guess I don’t understand you because I don’t understand how your point is relevant. I didn’t “forget” tax because tax isn’t relevant to the original image. It only brings up a 25% tip, and “tipping up” to a total sum is never discussed.
On the other hand, my proposed solution involves “tipping up” to a sum, which means tax must be considered if you’re going to take the time to calculate the exact tip percentage.
And also, “an excuse”? I’m sorry to ask so bluntly, but that word choice makes me wonder: do you view this conversation as a competition?
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
It’s not a ridiculous amount to tip, but explaining why it’s reasonable requires you to understand what commodity fetishism is. Are you already familiar with the term? If not, would you be willing to read a description of what it is if I typed one up for you?
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
Maybe it used to be decades ago when we first formed our opinions about this stuff, but times have changed since then. Rent has done nothing but go up, while the federal minimum wage has been $7.25/hour since 2009 and the federal tipped minimum wage has been $2.13/hour since 1991. That 15% you gave in 2010 was used for cigarettes and drinks after work, maybe coffee the next morning, maybe putting a little bit into savings or paying for college. Today, that 15% is used for rent. Rent and gas. Rent and gas and maybe childcare. Tipping more than 15% is our way to actually tell someone that they deserve more than just the necessities–and I don’t mean telling them with words or with comments on Lemmy, I mean telling them with action.
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
I think you’re looking for the difference between fine dining and nouvelle cuisine / haute cuisine. Think of it like the difference between a nice steakhouse and one of those Instagram dinners where they serve your dessert in hollow chocolate balls
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
A $50 meal has sales tax, as well. Tipping up to $70 means the server gets $15-16-- which is a 33% tip.
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
I make $1 above minimum wage in Los Angeles, so I’m wealthy in a global sense but poor in a local sense. I just live a frugal life with few expenses or vices beyond gaming and smoking, and that’s what enables me to tip generously and give to mutual aid groups. I probably eat out less often than the average American, and I don’t own a car, but I’m OK with losing those things. I am able and willing to make those sacrifices, so I do so. If you’re not able or not willing to make those sacrifices, that’s your choice, but don’t take the consequences of your choice out on the people who are on the bottom rung of society. That’s just gross.
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
Right!? If you’re lucky enough to be financially secure right now, tipping can even be seen as a form of mutual aid!
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
Yep! The people directly serving us deserve to get paid more, and while we can’t raise their wage, we can at least make sure they’re getting paid well while they serve us.
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
I aim for 25-30% tip when I get standard service and when there aren’t any comped apps/drinks/desserts. If the server is amazing or if they’re giving us free stuff, I give more. 50% is very rare for me to hit, but I did leave 50% at a family dinner a few weeks ago.
Why did you ask about 50% specifically?
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
Serving a $200 meal requires a lot of knowledge and physical skill that the server down at Chili’s probably doesn’t have. The kind of restaurant that sells a $200 meal also has a larger support staff that must be given a percentage of the server’s tip
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
Tipping service workers is one of the very few times in our life when we can say “The people directly serving me deserve to get paid more, and while I can’t raise their wage, I can at least make sure they’re getting paid well while they serve me” and the fact that people are upset about that and actively refuse to tip is just crazy to me.
Like, there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, but tipping generously is one of the times when we can come pretty close! Maybe instead of having a $70 meal on the brink of a recession, have a $50 meal and tip up to the $70 that’s in your budget?
- Comment on Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide 1 year ago:
Just because a minority is depicted in a work of art does not mean that depiction was made in good faith. Americans are familiar with that concept because of our dark history of minstrel shows and blackface performances.
When the trans woman character’s name is Sirona Ryan, it calls into question whether she is meant to be a character or a caricature.
- Comment on How do you refer to the lgbtq+ "community" least excludingly? 1 year ago:
Absolutely, and thanks for pointing this out! I don’t have anything to add, I just wanted to let folks know that you’re 100% correct.
- Comment on How do you refer to the lgbtq+ "community" least excludingly? 1 year ago:
It seems like in this situation, it’s reasonable to just use the word “trans”. I really appreciate how much thought you’re putting in to inclusiveness, but it seems like it isn’t the queer community at large who your older coworkers are struggling to accept, but specifically trans people.
I don’t know all the details, but I would recommend two things:
First, you need to help trans people feel safe while they’re in your place of work. They are the people who are at the center of this conversation, not you and not your older coworkers. Get a small Progress Flag and put it somewhere in your workspace where it is visible to the public and also clearly associated with you. Your goal here is to put up a little flag that says “if you’re in the queer community, come to me and I will make you comfortable”. These statements of inclusiveness are aimed to the public, not your coworkers–your coworkers already know that you’re an ally because they know who you are and what kind of actions you do, but the general public doesn’t have that luxury so this is where your efforts for inclusiveness should be focused.
Second, if you do want to buy clothes or accessories to show your older coworkers that you support trans identities and try to change their minds about doing the same, make sure you support trans artists when you do so :) don’t “get them made”, buy them from a trans artist who has already made them. Not only will you be financially supporting the people you want to support, but you’ll also be elevating the voice of an actual trans person–which I think is what you wanted to do when you made this post.
That being said, hostile phrasing like “I’ll identify as a problem” may not be the best way to change someone’s mind. I don’t know a lot about your coworkers, but you might be the only person to ever speak to them with empathy about empathy for trans people. You’ve got an opportunity here to prove wrong the stereotypes about “screaming SJWs”, stereotypes that are so baked in to our society that they have even managed to enter the discussion we’re having here. In a world like the one that we live in, kindness and patience are radical and powerful tools.