- Comment on New Promotional Photos of SNW Cast 3 days ago:
Yes, we already know what’s supposed to happen with him, I was thinking about Una, La’an, and Ortegas! Of course, all that is contingent on them showing the transition rather than ending a bit before that.
- Comment on New Promotional Photos of SNW Cast 3 days ago:
Yeah… I’m not looking forward to the show ending! It’s the first Trek I’ve watched as it was airing, so I’ve been enjoying it. Anyway, I’m hoping they let them go off on other adventures rather than killing them off.
- Comment on New Promotional Photos of SNW Cast 3 days ago:
It definitely could be, but I guess we’ll see. Hopefully in the spring sometime!
- Comment on New Promotional Photos of SNW Cast 3 days ago:
Well it looks like Batel is still in the cast photos!
- Comment on What is the best looking retro console or PC? 1 week ago:
I’ve seen people doing that, I should look into doing it sometime. I mostly use the Steam Deck for handheld emulation, but it can’t hurt to have more options!
- Comment on What is the best looking retro console or PC? 1 week ago:
Yeah, it gives it a really nice look!
- Comment on What is the best looking retro console or PC? 1 week ago:
Yeah, I should have specified I was just talking about the switches!
I was never a big fan of the “Vader” style 2600, but it seems a lot of people like the aesthetic. I was always partial to the six switch look, I just wish they would have made a Sears Video Arcade sixer with the Atari branding! I like the silver by the switches better than the black on the official ones.
- Comment on What is the best looking retro console or PC? 1 week ago:
I’ve still got mine, and it still works great! I sold my PSP to get a used one about a month from launch, and I’ve kept it ever since. It’s a great console, if only there were more games for it.
- Comment on What is the best looking retro console or PC? 1 week ago:
Nope, there were two different versions! The 6 switch is the original. (And in my opinion the better looking one!) The 4 switch came later, and still has 6 switches, they just moved the difficulty switches to the back. I believe it saved them some money and made production a little easier because everything was on one circuit board with that setup.
- Comment on What is the best looking retro console or PC? 1 week ago:
I’ve got to go with the 2600 as well. Mostly because of the wood grain!
- Comment on Getting a Steam Deck to emulate retro games? 2 weeks ago:
It works great, at least for everything I’ve tried. Newest consoles I’ve emulated are GameCube, Dreamcast, PSP. I would recommend EmuDeck as a launcher for your games, I set it up on my and my spouse’s Decks and it’s been working really well.
In my opinion the Deck is one of the nicest options for handheld emulation right now. If you play PC games as well it’s an easy recommend.
However, if you’re only doing older console games you can get one of those emulation handhelds for a fraction of the cost. I don’t want to say you should go that route, I just want to make sure you’re aware of all the options!
- Comment on Master Replicas Reveals New Line of Star Trek Action Figures 3 weeks ago:
I may need to get that Spock action figure! 🖖
In the promotional material it looks pretty good for the price range. Definitely better than the recent Playmates run. Do the prototypes usually look a lot better? I’m sure a little extra care is taken with them than the mass production run.
- Comment on Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition Coming to PS5 for the First Time | Retro Gaming News 24/7 4 weeks ago:
They’ve given up trying to make a better one and are doing a Skyrim now! 😂
Seriously though, I’m glad to see Playstation users getting the chance to play what I think is the best game in the series. I wouldn’t be upset if they just continued upgrading AOE2 with DLC for another 25 years!
- Comment on Anything tempting you? 1 month ago:
Yep, I’m probably not going to wait very long before buying it. I got the first one not long after release and I’ve been looking forward to the sequel ever since! Some of the advanced reviewers are even saying it plays reasonably well on the Steam Deck!
By the way, the 100% is sometimes frustrating but a great feeling when you get there! It was the first (and only) game I ever took the time to do that with.
- Comment on Weekly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing this week? 1 month ago:
It’s definitely not a game for everyone, but it’s really great for the people that like it. I’ve been trying to stay spoiler free as much as I can, but the gameplay videos I’ve seen look to be just as good or a little better than the first. I’m waiting to see what people say about after it releases though!
- Comment on Weekly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing this week? 1 month ago:
Hopefully they’ll come up with something good! I guess I’m just looking at the sheer scale of the game world (200k square miles, 2.5 times the size of Daggerfall!) and wondering how it’ll turn out. It seems they have some impressive procedural generation technology up their sleeves. As you mentioned, the early access version will be “only” 50k square miles, so it should be a easier goal to hit! I’m definitely looking forward to watching as things progress.
Oh definitely, most game worlds are really compressed. The idea of a huge game world is very tempting to them, but they don’t want to commit. For those cases I think aiming for a small realistically scaled world would be a better option. I’ve spent several hundred hours on Kingdom Come: Deliverance’s 6 square mile map because it’s such a real feeling world. I’m sure I would enjoy it even more if they could keep the same quality level over a much bigger map though!
- Comment on Weekly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing this week? 1 month ago:
I tend to dip in and out here and there, it’s pretty fun when I’m in the mood for it. There’s definitely a load of singleplayer content! I wish there was less filler, but that’s what comes with the type of game.
- Comment on Weekly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing this week? 1 month ago:
Wheel + pedals when I’m using my main rig, and controller when I’m playing on my Steam Deck or one of my laptops.
- Comment on Weekly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing this week? 1 month ago:
Yeah, that’s probably best. I think it has the possibility to be good, although I think the scope might be a bit too big! We’ll see.
That’s very similar to my thoughts on the series too. My favorite is Morrowind, but I’ve played a bit of all of them from Daggerfall up to ESO. I enjoy the feeling that the game is doing it’s own thing when I’m not looking! There aren’t many big games that do that anymore.
- Comment on Weekly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing this week? 1 month ago:
I’m hoping that The Wayward Realms is decent as well, I did end up backing it. (Sorry patient gamers!) I don’t have high hopes for The Elder Scrolls 6 if/when it comes out, so hopefully they can take up the mantle of the earlier games.
- Comment on Weekly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing this week? 1 month ago:
I’ve been playing some American and Euro Truck Simulator recently, and I played a little bit of Elder Scrolls Online. I really hope that when ESO inevitably ends there is a way to play it offline. I basically play it as a single player game, and it would be sad to lose all of those quests!
- Comment on Bring Home Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 5 and Complete Series on March 25 1 month ago:
Blu-Ray and DVD players are readily available at most online electronics retailers.
- Comment on got one of the last ones for christmas 2 months ago:
Really? That’s disappointing. I have the original Enterprise and the Defiant in the size you have as well as the Spock figurine. They were really nice products overall.
- Comment on Years later, I finally completed Kingdom Come Deliverance 3 months ago:
I really like the game for a lot of the reasons you mention! I don’t like most fantasy games, so it was really nice to finally find a immersive sword based RPG that I could really enjoy. I’ve dumped so many hours into it since it came out, and I managed to finally 100% the achievements recently! I’m really looking forward to the sequel.
- Comment on Years later, I finally completed Kingdom Come Deliverance 3 months ago:
If you’re on PC it’s fairly easy to install a unlimited save mod, that might be a nice QOL option for you.
If you’re using a console, Savior Schnapps can be fairly easy to brew with a bit of practice. Still not a perfect option for what you’re talking about, but saving every hour or so can be a big timesaver.
- Comment on Patient gamers, which games have you discovered/played this week? 3 months ago:
Another convert! Once the game mechanics clicked with me it’s been the most immersed I ever remember being in a game.
- Comment on In part because it reminds me of TOS:”The Cage”, I’m hooked on *The Prisoner* 5 months ago:
I’ve never heard of this show, but from what you’ve said and the quick research I’ve done it sounds like something I would be interested in. Thanks for the mention of it!
- Comment on GE-Proton 9-12 released with fixes for Star Citizen, Bully: Scholarship and more 5 months ago:
I haven’t played it since this release, but I would maybe ask in the Star Citizen LUG Matrix or Discord if you haven’t already. They’ve helped with some questions I’ve had.
- Comment on Server Update September 2024 5 months ago:
Congratulations on the marriage! It was quite a change for me, but a good one for sure.
- Comment on Interesting to see how dead the MMO genre has become. Are there still players around? 6 months ago:
I had been talking with someone else on here about trying EVE in that playstyle a while back! I never tried it, but it always sounded interesting. Logistics sounds like it could be an interesting thing to try in Foxhole, I may need to give it a go.